Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here are a few words of wisdom from a set of new dishes that I bought for my new hubby and I.......

Dream...within your heart....hold a secret spot where dreams may go....
Laugh...the happiest moments are those spent with friends and family...share's good for the soul!
Share...nothing can help so much as a kindly deed...doing something for someone will sweeten your day....
Love...have a heart that never hardens...a temper that never flares...a touch that only soothes...laugh truly...forgive quickly...
Family...the circle of life starts and ends with family...a family's love is the greatest love...and the greatest gift!
Celebrate...celebrate the happiness given by friends...make everyday a thankful for ALL there is to celebrate...the more you give thanks and appreciate life...the more there is in life to celebrate!!!

May you find the blessing of thanksgiving this entire month!!!