Friday, November 12, 2021


Indescribable is something that is too extraordinary to be described! Can you imagine that? What in your life is indescribable? Is it the love of your life? Your child? A gift that you received that you were not expecting?

Or, consider this:  What in all creation cannot be described?  The beauty of a sunrise or sunset?  The ocean?  The view from the top of a mountain?  The rolling hills of Ireland? The Grand Canyon?  The Red Rock Canyons?

Think about something so magnificent, so majestic, so glorious that you cannot find the words to tell someone else how that object or experience has impacted your life.

For me, it was underneath the stars at a Young Life Camp where I accepted Jesus into my heart at age 16 in 1972.  The stars were shining so brilliantly and the feeling of awe and reverence was so thick I felt I could cut it with a knife!  I felt the presence of God in such a way that I would call it indescribable. And, the gift that Jesus gave me that night was the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me.  Me! Little ol’ Pam…..And, He gave me that gift for the rest of my life.  Yes, the same power that rose Jesus from the dead as Jeremy Camp’s song “Same Power” says, was now inside of me! WOW!

At that moment, I did not realize all that would come about in my life. So many times, when I was discouraged or feeling down in the dumps not knowing exactly what to do with my life, I would ponder what path I should take? For instance, after college.  Yes, I had a Music Education degree and wanted to teach music to elementary students, but I could not find a job. It took months!  And, it was 2 weeks before school started that fall semester, that I finally got offered a job in Cincinnati! Whew! Was that a “God-incidence?”  I believe so!

Then, after waiting 15 years to have a child, my son Matthew was born. Now that was indescribable. Just the pure joy I felt in knowing I would have a child after years of waiting was indescribable. We named him “Matthew” which means “Gift of God.”  Yes, he is truly my gift from God. Everyday, I thank the Lord for this gift! His smile makes me melt every time I see him – he is so handsome, smart, funny and considerate!

What other gift is indescribable?  Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! In 2 Corinthians 9:15, the Bible says: “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

That is the ultimate “Indescribable” gift…….we can never repay this debt that was paid on our  behalf. Never. And, it is truly the gift that I am most thankful for every day!

Saturday, July 31, 2021


Do you ever feel like your life is life a canyon – a deep ravine that a river flows through?  Sometimes the canyon is a valley, sometimes it’s a gorge, sometimes it is a chasm, sometimes it is a steep cliff where the walls have been eroded away by running water. Sometimes, it’s a place where a trickle of water that drips ever so slowly….and wears you down.

What if we looked at the deep ravine differently?  What if we saw God’s amazing love as the river flowing through the ravine?  What if we saw His mercy fill the gorge so full that His grace abounds?

Walls being eroded away by running water can be a good thing in our lives.  It can be good because it means we are leaving behind the yucky stuff.  All of us have it.  Stuff we wish we could say never happened in our life or choices that we made that we wish we could change.  Let that yucky stuff erode away in God’s love……….let the river run through it and wash away the dirt and grim by the blood of Jesus!  He can cleanse each one of us from anything that has kept us from living abundantly!  He wants us to be filled to the brim with JOY!  Yes, FILLED!  To the BRIM!

Picture hiking through a canyon.  As you begin your descent, stop and look at the magnificent view from the top of the canyon.  What do you see?  An open expanse that spans the horizon?  Then, look below…..there is a deep valley waiting for you to walk towards it and explore what is around you as you descend.

As you start to walk, you may notice there may be a worn path to follow or there may be rocks and brush that you encounter.  Which would you choose?  Smooth or rough? Straight down or winding your way back and forth to avoid the steep parts?  The outcome is often the result of our choices in life along the path.

Look at the river flowing………what is being washed away?  What is being made new by the washing?  Is it like a babbling brook gently moving through your life or, is it a torrential current that seems to be flushing out the yucky parts?  Gentle or torrential, we all need to clear the way to new paths.  New ways of perceiving why God may be allowing something in our lives that is unwanted. 

Is the flow of the current flushing out old wounds?  If so, remember that you are a new creation in Christ! 

If the flow is softly taking you to a new place of understanding or awareness, be glad!  God’s hand is upon you.

As you make your way down, take time to look back where you came from and notice how far you have come along the way and how beautiful the scenery has been. 

Think about that:  Look up and notice how far you have come!  Breathe…….allow yourself the refreshment that comes with reflection.  Feel a new joy welling up in your heart! 

Opening our minds to all the ways God works in our lives in a very good thing.  It allows us to move on, to forgive and be forgiven.  Or, perhaps this walk through the canyon is allowing you to realize how very blessed you have been. 

Let the river flow!

John 7:38

"He who believe in Me, as the Scriptures has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Present or Presence?

 Have you ever had a present within a person's presence?  I have.  Just this past 10 days.

A friend of mine that I have known almost 40 years came to visit me in KC.  We had not seen each other since 2004 - 17 years ago! I was originally going to have knee surgery on July 8, and due to unexpected circumstances, the surgery is postponed to a later date this year or early next year.  But, despite the surgery date change, my friend, Candace decided to come to KC anyway.  What a gift for me!!!

We have not seen each other since 2004 when I went to Florida to see her after resigning from an excrutiating job where I was working 16-18-21 hour days.  Going to visit Candace back then was a much needed break and a complete place to rest after such long hours for two straight years!  I was so grateful to be done with that job - Whew!  And, Candace was the perfect hostess!!!

This time, it was my turn to host!  We gallavanted around KC, Parkville, and Weston, MO!  We had a blast going to the Plaza, Westport, the Nelson Atkins Art Museum, The Kauffman Gardens, The Church of the Resurrection, Black Dog coffee, KC Rivermarket, Planters Seed store, and the OP Farmer's Market (even though it was rained out!). We covered a lot of ground!

Plus, Candace and my new dog Tula got along famously!!!  It was so much fun to see the two of them together...boy!  Did they hit it off!!!  Tula kept looking at me all week, saying with her eyes:  "Can we keep her, Mom?  Can we???" (Ha! Ha!)

So, when a person hasn't seen a friend in such a long time, how often do they see and recognize the gift that was just given?  By God's grace, I have been blessed to see, receive and recognize the many, many gifts the Lord gave me this week through Candace....think about that!  

What present does a friend give you?  Here are just a few of the gifts I have been given this week:

Her time... her willingness to come visit despite the changes to your schedule.....her love...her ears to listen and share each of  our stories...her heart to offer compassion for what has been going on in our lives over the past 17 years...her companionship and company....her laughter....her smile.....her hugs.....and these are only to name a few!  

Candace is also a very good cook, so I was blessed to have several meals which she cooked from scratch ready to eat when I got home from work - Delicious!!!  Plus, she treated me to several meals out at places like Black Dog Coffee and the Mediterranean Restaurant ft the Rivermarket!!!

In giving me the gift of her time and energy, she gave me the gift of her presence as well.  Each day, I was able to unwrap a new gift.  First, we untied the ribbon on a elegantly decorated package with all the moments we shared "catching up."  Then, we carefully unwrapped the wrapping paper by sharing fun adventures and extraordinary "Holy Ground" moments when we visited the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood and Holy Trinity Historic Church in Weston.  We got to experience seeing the Documentary on the making of a 100 yard stained glass window of our Blessed Lord, Jesus, with His arms open and inviting us to come and give all our heavy laden burdens at His feet!!!  And, finally, we shared the actual gift inside of the package - Candace and her presence!!!  

We laughed, prayed, talked, played with the dog, took Tula for walks, shared meals and adventures to unique places like Pryde's in Westport, tasted wine together at Ladoga Ridge Winery in Smithville, and did a Whiskey tasting at the Celtic Ranch in Weston - what fun!!!

She was (and is) a gift.  Her presence calmed me down after a long day at work, lightened my load by cooking and cleaning while I was a work, and lifted my spirits to look at life through a new lens and a new perspective!  WOW!!!  

Candace truly brought me a gift that was priceless:  Friendship.  Love, Time. Attention.  Physical presents like a beautiful  new bracelet from the Nelson Art Museum, bread from Black Dog coffee, but most of all, I received the gift of a lifetime:  Her presence was my present!!! 

I am so very grateful for this time that we had together and hope it won't be another 17 years before we see each other again!  

Thank you, Candace!  And, thank you, Lord for such an incredible gift this week!!!  You amaze me, Lord!!!

Friday, June 4, 2021

The Struggle

Struggle. To be strenuously engaged in a problem or task.  To exert energy or pressure against a force or mass.  Are you strenuously up against something so daunting that you feel it is a massive struggle?  Do you wrestle with an issue over and over again until you want to just give up and throw down the fight?  I have been there.  And, I’ll bet you have too.

Many of us come up against issues finding the right career, the perfect job, or meaningful work.  Some are fighting finances constantly.  Just when you think you are starting to get ahead, another major expense crops up and eats up your savings. A large number of people battle with health issues – chronic pain, fatigue, heart concerns, COPD/asthma/lung issues, cancer surgeries followed by chemo and/or radiation, major diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.  Then, there are relationship struggles:  Poor or no communication with the ones we love.  Misunderstandings happen again and again.  Grudges are held for years and years.

It’s painful to be in the struggle.  It is gut wrenching at times.  Horrific situations plague our bodies, our finances, our relationships, our community, and our country.  How do we possibly get past the struggle?  How do we surrender the pain?  Well, there is a place we can go.  His name is Jesus.

So many times, we ask again and again: “Why, Lord, why?”  But, I believe there is a better question.  “How do You, Lord want me to view this situation?”  and “What do You want me to do next?”  So much of our growth as a person comes through struggle.  Adversity teaches us lessons we would never learn if we did not have to struggle.  Is it fun to go through troublesome times?  Absolutely not.  But, that is where our perseverance is honed.  Purified.  Strengthened.  Made complete.

The scriptures say in John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in Me (Jesus) you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation (trouble, trials, distress and frustration);  but be of good cheer (take heart, take courage, be confident, certain, be undaunted), for I have overcome the world.” (AMP)

He has conquered every fear, every anxiety, every disease, every chain, every ounce of hopelessness, every despair, and every enemy has been conquered and is dissolved by His love, His faithfulness, His healing, and His forgiveness.  Every struggle laid in His arms is given a new light.  If only we will surrender.  Lay down the struggle.

Look up.  Help is on the way.

Check out this awesome song/video on Youtube called: “Turn Your Eyes” and sung by Natalie Grant.  It will knock your socks off!!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021



Home is a place where one resides. A house.  An apartment.  A studio. A place where a family lives in a dwelling.  A habitat. A customary environment.  A place of origin.  A homestead.  A place where your heart dwells.

Where is home for you?  Is it a place where you can always go and know you are welcomed?  It is a place where comfort resides?  Love?  Joy?  Some of us were lucky enough to have such a place of warm and wholeness. 

Others, however, did not or does not have that experience.  And, if not, is it a place that you are still searching for?  I hope so.  Read on……..there is a surprise waiting for you!

Home for me is in Ohio where I grew up and will always have very fond memories of living on Acton Rd. where I spent most of my childhood.  Playing “Kick the Can” games each summer night in our neighborhood and having a blast with friends will always live on in my memory.  Catching fireflies, running, laughing……….home!

Canton, Ohio has fond memories too………it is where our brother was born.  And, mom made us dress up in our Sunday clothes and sit on a certain chair in our living room to hold him when he got home from the hospital.   What an amazing memory that is for me!  The awe, the wonder and the joy of a new baby brother!!!  He was so loved and still is!!!  And, the memory of rolling down a grassy noll in the front of that house which when I was 3 years old I thought was a mountain!  When I was older and visited our family home, the hill was about 1 foot high!  Ha! My perspective was certainly different when I was 3 years old!

Then, we moved to Akron, Ohio where many memories reside in my heart!  My baby brother learning to “fly” by falling out of a neighbor’s tree saying: “Look, I can fly!” And, boom!  Down he fell to the ground where I thought he was dead!  Running across the street to get my mom declaring: “He’s dead, he’s dead!” was a very scary moment for a 6 year old!  Luckily, Scott had just knocked the wind out of himself and to this day, is still an excellent pilot!!!  And, Akron is where we got to go to NCR

Columbus, Ohio was where I went to Grade school, Jr High School, High School and College at Ohio State University. I remember walking to school in 3rd grade and by the time I got home, my mom knew exactly what had happened to me along the way!  Interesting how other mothers informed my mom of my adventures!  Ha!  And, I remember riding the bus or my bicycle to and from classes, working at the Overbrook Pharmacy all during high school and college, and teaching swimming lessons at Olympic Pool, etc, etc.  Home.

Home is also here in KC where I raised my son.  I have lived in the house I raised him in for now 21 years.  It is a place of refuge and comfort.  It has been our anchor.  And, a place of joy!  I hope one day, my son will buy this house and raise his family here. 

Home.  It is definitely where the heart is.  No matter how old I get, my home will always be in these places and with the family God blessed me with.

And finally, there is a Heavenly home that is described in John 14:1-3 where Jesus says:

“Do not let your hearts be afraid.  You believe in Me, believe also in God.  In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes).  If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.  And when I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.”

Doesn’t that sound amazing? The Lord has promised to take those who believe in Him and His forgiving grace to be with Him AFTER this life!  We will always have a home in Him.  But, in the meantime, He still dwells within believers through His Holy Spirit.  That is truly amazing……He makes His home in our hearts……if we believe….if we trust….if we ask for His forgiveness to cleanse from all our mistakes, all our flaws, and all of our past.  He comes to dwell in us.

Home. Have you made your home in His love?  It’s a place of refuge, of comfort, of welcome, of rest, of refreshment.  Every day.  This is the surprise each of us can have, if we choose.

Home.  What memories are triggered for you?  I hope you have many fond memories of family, of faith, of love and of JOY!  And, I hope you will choose to have your home in Christ and ask Him into your heart!!!

Home.  Always.  Forever.

Thursday, April 29, 2021



Bridges are structures that span and provide passage over a waterway or other obstacle.  It can also be a transitional passage connecting two subjects.  And, third, a bridge can be a metaphorical bridge, for example a way of connecting two people who have differences of opinions or coming to terms with something in your life that has a huge gap for you to cross.

My family comes from a small town in Ohio called Russellville which has a covered bridge for my grandfather’s family called the George Miller Covered Bridge.  It gave us passage across a large creek to get to Grace and George’s farm.  Then, once you drive through the covered bridge you come to another impassible larger creek where a fascinating “rope” bridge spans the air above the creek to get to the house. We would go there as kids and have to cross this bridge for a visit when the creek was too high and washed out the road to get to the house!  And, a generation before me, my grandfather would carry his son, Jack on his back to get over to the house.  This “rope” bridge which was not only high in the air above the ground, but “swings” back and forth as you walk! Can you imagine an adult carrying an adult size person across such a bridge?  You see, Jack had spina bifida and could not walk from the time he was 9 months on.  My grandfather was a very strong and determined man.  He carried Jack every time.

Can you imagine how many bridges my grandparents must have crossed in Jack’s life of 24 years from 1925-1949?  Wheel chairs had not been invented yet, nor could they afford one back then. They bridged many gaps in their life for Jack, but I believe this rope bridge was the most fun!

I loved crossing that bridge once I finally got the courage to start walking across it.  And, when I see a picture of that rope bridge, I realize the Lord was preparing me to cross a different type of bridge after my divorce.  It was a bridge to healing, light, wholeness and love and acceptance.

So, what bridges have you had to cross in your life?  Have they been physical in nature or metaphorical?  Or both?  Picture in your mind where a bridge might be needed in your life now?  Is it a broken relationship?  Or, a bridge to a new job or career?  Or, a new idea that needs to be expressed in your life?   Or, new way of thinking about an old issue?  

Whatever the gap, build a bridge.  Find a way. Start today.  Mend the fence. Walk across to wholeness. Allow yourself to find the healing that is needed.  Offer a helping hand to someone who needs to walk across a bridge to a new life!  Encourage them.  And, go yourself.  GO!  Bridges were meant to be crossed.  They provide a way.  Start the trek.


Sunday, April 25, 2021



Distributed loosely….disseminated….dispersed….sprinkled…..strewn…..sown….thrown.

When was the last time you scattered grass seed in your yard?  Some of us have a “spreader” to help us disperse the seed evenly, others use a small hand held device that does the same and yet others literally use their bare hands to scatter the seed.

How about your heart? Your life?  Does it feel “scattered?” Are there scattered pieces that you would like to gather?  Or perhaps, that you would like to sprinkle down to the next generation? 

Think about that for a moment.  What would you like to scatter to others?  Do you have interpersonal skills or analytical skills to share and teach those around you?  Do you have the gift of hospitality that you could scatter to others on a regular basis?

Could you sprinkle some happiness to those in your sphere of influence? What about joy? What could you share that would bring you pure joy or give another that type of joy?  A smile? A hug?  A card or letter?  A phone call to someone you have not talked to in a long time?  Pure joy doesn’t cost a lot of money.  It is an intrinsic emotion that is given in an instant like when my son was born.  That was pure joy.  He is pure joy!  And, his life has “scattered” joy into my life ever since he was born!

Will you disseminate love to your family and friends?  How can you disseminate love to all you meet? 

How about sowing seeds of faith to the next generation?  The Bible says in Matthew 17:20: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”

IF you have faith.  Even a small amount of faith like the size of a mustard seed.  Have you ever seen a mustard seed?  I have a pin that was given to me years ago in BeFriender Training that has a mustard seed encased inside a plastic bubble.  It is SO small.  Faith that small can allow you to move a mountain?  Yes, absolutely it can.

I have witnessed many mountains being moved in my lifetime.  And, I believe it is because I have had faith that gives me courage, love and a sense of peace that passes all understanding as well as a deep abiding joy.  This seed of joy is like a buoyancy that never goes away.  It gathers all the scattered pieces of my life and heart and brings them to a mountain of God. He brings all these scattered seeds together and this relationship brings my life pure joy.

Is my life scattered?  You bet!  Yet, it is a life strewn across almost 65 years and one that I will never regret those scattered parts of my heart.  I would never throw away those scattered parts even when I am broken at times.  I have been lost at other times, yet I am held in the hands of a loving God who takes my scattered, broken life and mends every fracture in my heart and gathers evert seed into something good.

Scattered.  Gathered.  Whole.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


A co-worker of mine has a huge English Mastiff that he calls Colossus!  What a marvelous name for a dog!  Colossus is anything of enormous size or importance.  And, this dog IS enormous!!!  And, he is beautiful!!!

What in your life is enormous?  Do you have a colossal heart? Do you have a colossal garden? Colossal house? Colossal family?  (Ha! Ha!)

And, think about this: what is gigantic in your life?  Are you large and in charge at work?  Or, at home?  Has your business or career taken off in an enormous way? If so, could you mentor someone at work and share your success to aid another person?

Is your budget colossal?  Then, share it!

Or, are your debts colossal and you wish you could move that gigantic, monumental mountain?  My heart goes out to you as you wade through the enormity of that task to pay things off!

Whichever you have:  a lot or a little, there is always a way to share with someone in need.  And, your gesture could make a colossal impact on someone’s life who may feel less than, unworthy or insignificant.

If you have blessings in your life, would you consider sharing those blessings in a new way?  Would you be willing to make a giant effect on someone else’s life?  If so, how could you do that?  Here are a few ideas:

Encourage a friend whose parent is ailing.

Send a humorous card to someone who just had surgery and is worried about recovery. 

Donate to your favorite charity today all those clothes you will never get into again.

Shovel the driveway of that grouchy neighbor.

Call someone you need to make amends with and talk. 

Offer forgiveness and receive it.

Take an inventory.  What can you part with that could help someone else?

Sort out your garage and donate items to City Union Mission or Center for Grace.

Volunteer to work in a soup kitchen once a month.

Rescue a dog or a cat!

Fix a meal and take it to that single mom and her family.

Take your ninety year old friend to lunch and enjoy their company!

Colossal, huge, enormous, mammoth, mountainous………apply the concept in a new way to impact your home, your work, your neighborhood and/or your community! 

And, if you are the one who needs a colossal miracle in your life, ASK a friend to help, to pray, to be by your side as you consider all the options.  You are NOT alone! 

Then, go BE that miracle to someone else!!!

Whatever it is in your life that seems enormous and too difficult to move, just know that all things are possible with God!

Put your thinking cap on:  What can you do to make a colossal difference in someone else’s life today? 

Think:  Colossus!!  Colossal!!!

One act could be HUGE in someone’s life.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Every Single Seed

I Corinthians 3:6

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”

A seed is a source or beginning. A seed is a fertilized plant ovule containing an embryo capable of developing into a new plant.  Seeds collectively grow into flowers, trees, bushes, plants, grain, fruit and vegetables.  A seedling is a young newly developing plant.

If seeds are planted in the ground, what happens?  Do they die?  Are they buried never to be seen again?  No!  As we know, seeds turn into growing, living plants, trees, bushes, etc. that cover the earth in a variety of ways! 

Seeds turn into grain that feeds us.

Seeds turn into beautiful trees that may produce fruit of many flavors. 

Seeds turn into plants with vegetables that sustain us.

Seeds turn into trees that shade us.

Seeds grow in a variety of environments and atmospheres.

Seeds grow in a petry dish.

Seeds grow in a green house.

Seeds grow in the dirt.

Seeds grow into medicine that can heal us.

Isn’t it amazing that God gave us seeds of so many varieties that we have a plethora of growing, living, breathtaking parts of creation all around us every day?  Think about that!  

When was the last time you thanked God for a seed that grew into a luscious tomato that you enjoyed this past summer?  Or when was the last time you paused to be grateful for that shade tree in your backyard? We have so many reasons to give thanks!!!

And, think about the seed dying first.  We dig a hole, lay the seed deep in the earth, water it, fertilize it,  and up comes a tulip, a rose bush, a dogwood tree or a garden!  The seed has to die first, then life comes forth!

A seedling is a young, newly developing plant.  What new “seeds” have been buried in the dirt in your life?  What new plant had to push its way through a whole lot of dirt and soil to show you new growth?  What new growth has come out of that seed planted in your life?  What new “blossoms” have bloomed on your journey called life?  

Think about the awesome process of a seed growing into a plant or tree. It does not just happen overnight!

Yet, did you realize that every single seed has been given to us?  Every single seed has been planted for a reason.  Every single seed will grow and become an amazing part of creation and/or our heart.  If we let it. 

Another analogy is that we have a “seed” or gift that we can be thankful for every day: The gift of life through God’s Son, Jesus!  He was brought to earth (planted in a way) to teach us a million different things like love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, but most of all forgiveness!  

Then, He died.  He was buried.  (Just like a seed.) And, the BEST part is that He rose from the dead and gives us NEW life every day!

What seeds are you cultivating???  Will you allow your heart to grow in the fruits of the Spirit?  Check out Galatians 5:22-23 and choose one “seed” you will grow or cultivate this year!  I choose JOY!  Imagine that!

Monday, February 1, 2021



Matthew 18:21

“Then, Peter came up to Him and said, Lord, how many times may my brother sin against me and I forgive him and let it go?  As many as seven times?”


Avoidance……not a subject many people talk about, but many of us do on a daily basis!

What do you avoid?  Evade? Dodge? Put off?  I am not talking about procrastination – putting something off until later.  I am talking about avoiding a major issue, controversy and/or topic that needs to be addressed.

Our country is facing many topics that need to be addressed!!!  This is not a political argument I am trying to start.  This is reality.  So how do we start?  How do we address things that are very, very uncomfortable and heartbreaking?

I believe the definition of Acceptance which I learned from Al-Anon is one key factor.  I learned that acceptance is simple acknowledgement.  Without blame, without shame, without guilt and without regret.  It does NOT mean condoning bad behavior such as physical or verbal abuse. 

Rather, acceptance is simply acknowledging that something we really wanted to happen did not.  Or vice versa!  For example:  Divorce.  On the day I got married in 1980, was I planning on getting divorced 20 years later?  Absolutely not!  I was committing to a lifetime of love, or so I thought.  I did NOT want to get divorced, yet it happened and I must accept that it is so.  It still hurts, it still stings, and it still breaks my heart.  But it is reality in my world and my son’s.  We have learned to simply acknowledge that our life is different than what we expected.

So what are you trying to escape from?  Which hard conversation are you avoiding with your spouse, sibling, family member, friend, boss, and/or co-worker about an issue that has been plaguing your relationship for a long time?  How long will you keep away from and/or shun that person, or they shun you?  How long will you keep away from someone who loves you dearly, but you adamantly disagree with?  How long are you willing to be unyielding towards others?  How long to you want to be “right?” (IF you are!)

I have heard of family members who do not talk for 9-10 years over an argument they had.  Some have gone 20-25 years over a divide in philosophy or ideals.  Is it really worth losing a family member or friend because you are not willing to yield and try to understand the opposite side? Why retreat for that long?

If possible, consider the definition of acceptance becoming part of who you are and how you respond.  Simple acknowledgement.  Without blame.  Without shame.  Without guilt.  Without regret.  Then, go and make amends with that person.  Forgiveness is amazing!  



John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”


Have you ever had a panic attack?  It is a sudden overwhelming feeling of fear.  It can be very frightening and scary!  Something may startle you or send a signal of alarm through your whole body – it can even cause a stampede of emotions!

So how do we deal with them?  Can we prevent them?  It is not an easy subject, but they can be tamed.  Learning to cope with these types of panic attacks, is handled slowly - not overnight.  And, with the help from a counselor they can be overcome.  Practicing healthy reactions and possibly sharing these feelings in a journal can begin a journey of recovery from panic attacks.  Or, sharing these panic experiences with a trusted friend may help you get to a point of dealing with them and having them subside over time.

Remember, panic is an alarm system within you that tells you that something is not quite right.  Your instincts may be spot on!  Or, they might be future fears looming too largely in our view.  Check your reality.  Is the fear real?  If so, do what you need to do to be safe.  Or, is the fear more of a speculation of what might occur?  If it is speculation, allow yourself to come back to the present moment and realize you are safe.  Tell yourself that you are okay and that there is nothing to fear.

The next time a panic attack pops up out of the blue, take a few deep, deep breaths.  Slow your pace.  If you’re dizzy, sit down.  If tunnel vision occurs, sit quietly until it goes away.  If you experience chest pain, then definitely call a doctor ASAP. If you get nauseated, try a cracker.  Hot/Cold flashes can occur as well.  Allow them to pass.  Sweating can be a real issue at times, but again, this too shall pass.  If you get tingling, burning or a prickling in your toes or fingers, let it subside.  If these simple remedies do not work, please seek a professional! 

Many times, a panic attack will make a person want to flee the unwelcome feelings of panic.  Sometimes, a person wants to fight back and face the feeling head on.  “Fight or flight” reactions are normal in this situation.  If your perception is altered by what is or is not real, then call your counselor and talk it over.  Again, as soon as you are able to talk to a counselor and work through the issues at hand, the better it will be for you.

I am not a counselor, nor profess to be one who can cure panic attacks.  These are just a few ideas that may help you learn to cope over time.  What I do know is that we have a healer that is available 24/7.  That healer is God.  He is right by your side every minute of every day.  He is closer than your breath.  One of my favorite ways to overcome feelings like these panic thoughts and feelings is to trust in God’s CALM presence which surrounds me.


CALM = Comforting, Almighty, Loving, Majestic.  This is an acronym I created at a time in my life, when panic attacks and fear had a strong hold on my heart.  I learned over time that God’s calm presence can overcome any fear, any attack, and any frightening  or overwhelming feeling.  And, I also had an incredible counselor who is still a friend of mine today.  Thank you, Beth!!!

Don’t delay!  Allow yourself the time and space needed to overcome these feelings of panic.  Call a counselor and let them help you work through all those fears.  And, allow yourself to be comforted by a Majestic God whose loving arms wants to enfold you.


Song: Peace by Bethel Music and We the Kingdom

Monday, January 18, 2021

Lifting up our eyes to Heaven...

Psalm 121: 1-2 says:  " I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth." (KJV)

A more modern version of this verse is from The Message which says: "I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from the mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made Heaven and Earth and the mountains."

This is one of my favorite Psalms!  We read it at my grandfather's funeral, my mom's memorial service and my mom's birthday is December 21st, so I always associate this Psalm with her birthday and my grandfather.  I have many notes by this Psalm in my Bible.  If it weren't for their strong faith, I am not sure my faith would have grown so strong in my early years.  They both were living examples of Christ's love and forgiveness!

Since then, I have been able to be a part of several wonderful churches where the people encouraged me to grow in my faith every day.  I read several devotions each day, pray and have been doing ongoing Bible Studies for years through Crossroads Christian Church in Shawnee.  These studies has enlarged my faith, enhanced my knowledge and encouraged me to do and be more of what Christ wants me to be.  

Also, I have been able to be a part of a Women's prayer group since 2012 and these prayer warriors are awesome!!!  We used to meet every Thursday at our church and pray for the women's ministry there.  These ladies have become my Prayer Warriors!  They not only pray for the women and concerns of our church, ,but they help me on a day to day basis by being there for me anytime I have a prayer request!  And, I pray for them and their prayer concerns, too!  It is amazing to have such a strong network of believers who strive to become more Christ-like every day.  Amazing Grace how sweet the sound!!!

I am blessed to have very strong Sisters-in-Christ right within my family as well!  My sisters Cathi and Debbie are strong towers for me.  We pray together, laugh together and send each other encouragement all the time!  I honestly do not know what I would do without either of them!!! God has surely blessed me with their love and prayers and strength!!!

And, I have many wonderful Sisters-in-Christ with other friends outside of my church - they are amazing as well.  One such friend always seems to have the right words for me when I am in despair or in need of consolation.  Ponder these beautiful words Julie penned for me a couple of years ago in a prayer for me:  "Seek and absorb truth from God's Word and be saturated by His love."  Isn't that beautiful?  Be saturated by His love!!!  Saturated!!!  Every day........Those words are engraved on my heart.  Those words have helped me through so many moments when I have a mountain in front of me. 

Life is hard!  We need these wonderful prayer warriors surrounding us to keep us going!  We need strong prayers.  We need strong friends. And, we need the words of faith to allow us to overcome the tribulations in this life!  And, we need to know that we have the Strongest God there is available!!!  He never lets us go and He never leaves us!!!   

So, what mountains are you facing today?  What clouds seems to linger?  What gray or dark mood seems to not go away?  Whatever it is, you can face it with the strength from the Psalm above and the God who inspired the words!!!

Isaiah 43:1-3 says: "Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine!  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.  When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you and when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze for I am the Lord Your God, the Holy One of Israel."  

Let those words sink in...linger on that passage...ponder the meaning of those words.  They are not to be taken lightly! We have a God who never leaves us, nor forsakes us.  He is with us in the water, in the river, in the fire.  He is on the mountain - He IS the mountain we can rely on!  100%!!  All day, every day.  

I dare you to believe that God loves you that much.......I dare you to listen to Kari Jobe's song:  My Beloved every morning for 30 days. I believe you will find a God who is there for you, waiting for you to come to Him.  His love is the mountain I stand on.  I hope you will too.