Friday, June 4, 2021

The Struggle

Struggle. To be strenuously engaged in a problem or task.  To exert energy or pressure against a force or mass.  Are you strenuously up against something so daunting that you feel it is a massive struggle?  Do you wrestle with an issue over and over again until you want to just give up and throw down the fight?  I have been there.  And, I’ll bet you have too.

Many of us come up against issues finding the right career, the perfect job, or meaningful work.  Some are fighting finances constantly.  Just when you think you are starting to get ahead, another major expense crops up and eats up your savings. A large number of people battle with health issues – chronic pain, fatigue, heart concerns, COPD/asthma/lung issues, cancer surgeries followed by chemo and/or radiation, major diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.  Then, there are relationship struggles:  Poor or no communication with the ones we love.  Misunderstandings happen again and again.  Grudges are held for years and years.

It’s painful to be in the struggle.  It is gut wrenching at times.  Horrific situations plague our bodies, our finances, our relationships, our community, and our country.  How do we possibly get past the struggle?  How do we surrender the pain?  Well, there is a place we can go.  His name is Jesus.

So many times, we ask again and again: “Why, Lord, why?”  But, I believe there is a better question.  “How do You, Lord want me to view this situation?”  and “What do You want me to do next?”  So much of our growth as a person comes through struggle.  Adversity teaches us lessons we would never learn if we did not have to struggle.  Is it fun to go through troublesome times?  Absolutely not.  But, that is where our perseverance is honed.  Purified.  Strengthened.  Made complete.

The scriptures say in John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in Me (Jesus) you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation (trouble, trials, distress and frustration);  but be of good cheer (take heart, take courage, be confident, certain, be undaunted), for I have overcome the world.” (AMP)

He has conquered every fear, every anxiety, every disease, every chain, every ounce of hopelessness, every despair, and every enemy has been conquered and is dissolved by His love, His faithfulness, His healing, and His forgiveness.  Every struggle laid in His arms is given a new light.  If only we will surrender.  Lay down the struggle.

Look up.  Help is on the way.

Check out this awesome song/video on Youtube called: “Turn Your Eyes” and sung by Natalie Grant.  It will knock your socks off!!!


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