I Corinthians 3:6
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”
A seed is a source or beginning. A seed is a fertilized plant ovule containing an embryo capable of developing into a new plant. Seeds collectively grow into flowers, trees, bushes, plants, grain, fruit and vegetables. A seedling is a young newly developing plant.
If seeds are planted in the ground, what happens? Do they die? Are they buried never to be seen again? No! As we know, seeds turn into growing, living plants, trees, bushes, etc. that cover the earth in a variety of ways!
Seeds turn into grain that feeds us.
Seeds turn into beautiful trees that may produce fruit of many flavors.
Seeds turn into plants with vegetables that sustain us.
Seeds turn into trees that shade us.
Seeds grow in a variety of environments and atmospheres.
Seeds grow in a petry dish.
Seeds grow in a green house.
Seeds grow in the dirt.
Seeds grow into medicine that can heal us.
Isn’t it amazing that God gave us seeds of so many varieties that we have a plethora of growing, living, breathtaking parts of creation all around us every day? Think about that!
When was the last time you thanked God for a seed that grew into a luscious tomato that you enjoyed this past summer? Or when was the last time you paused to be grateful for that shade tree in your backyard? We have so many reasons to give thanks!!!
And, think about the seed dying first. We dig a hole, lay the seed deep in the earth, water it, fertilize it, and up comes a tulip, a rose bush, a dogwood tree or a garden! The seed has to die first, then life comes forth!
A seedling is a young, newly developing plant. What new “seeds” have been buried in the dirt in your life? What new plant had to push its way through a whole lot of dirt and soil to show you new growth? What new growth has come out of that seed planted in your life? What new “blossoms” have bloomed on your journey called life?
Think about the awesome process of a seed growing into a plant or tree. It does not just happen overnight!
Yet, did you realize that every single seed has been given to us? Every single seed has been planted for a reason. Every single seed will grow and become an amazing part of creation and/or our heart. If we let it.
Another analogy is that we have a “seed” or gift that we can be thankful for every day: The gift of life through God’s Son, Jesus! He was brought to earth (planted in a way) to teach us a million different things like love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, but most of all forgiveness!
Then, He died. He was buried. (Just like a seed.) And, the BEST part is that He rose from the dead and gives us NEW life every day!
What seeds are you cultivating??? Will you allow your heart to grow in the fruits of the Spirit? Check out Galatians 5:22-23 and choose one “seed” you will grow or cultivate this year! I choose JOY! Imagine that!
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