Tuesday, March 16, 2021


A co-worker of mine has a huge English Mastiff that he calls Colossus!  What a marvelous name for a dog!  Colossus is anything of enormous size or importance.  And, this dog IS enormous!!!  And, he is beautiful!!!

What in your life is enormous?  Do you have a colossal heart? Do you have a colossal garden? Colossal house? Colossal family?  (Ha! Ha!)

And, think about this: what is gigantic in your life?  Are you large and in charge at work?  Or, at home?  Has your business or career taken off in an enormous way? If so, could you mentor someone at work and share your success to aid another person?

Is your budget colossal?  Then, share it!

Or, are your debts colossal and you wish you could move that gigantic, monumental mountain?  My heart goes out to you as you wade through the enormity of that task to pay things off!

Whichever you have:  a lot or a little, there is always a way to share with someone in need.  And, your gesture could make a colossal impact on someone’s life who may feel less than, unworthy or insignificant.

If you have blessings in your life, would you consider sharing those blessings in a new way?  Would you be willing to make a giant effect on someone else’s life?  If so, how could you do that?  Here are a few ideas:

Encourage a friend whose parent is ailing.

Send a humorous card to someone who just had surgery and is worried about recovery. 

Donate to your favorite charity today all those clothes you will never get into again.

Shovel the driveway of that grouchy neighbor.

Call someone you need to make amends with and talk. 

Offer forgiveness and receive it.

Take an inventory.  What can you part with that could help someone else?

Sort out your garage and donate items to City Union Mission or Center for Grace.

Volunteer to work in a soup kitchen once a month.

Rescue a dog or a cat!

Fix a meal and take it to that single mom and her family.

Take your ninety year old friend to lunch and enjoy their company!

Colossal, huge, enormous, mammoth, mountainous………apply the concept in a new way to impact your home, your work, your neighborhood and/or your community! 

And, if you are the one who needs a colossal miracle in your life, ASK a friend to help, to pray, to be by your side as you consider all the options.  You are NOT alone! 

Then, go BE that miracle to someone else!!!

Whatever it is in your life that seems enormous and too difficult to move, just know that all things are possible with God!

Put your thinking cap on:  What can you do to make a colossal difference in someone else’s life today? 

Think:  Colossus!!  Colossal!!!

One act could be HUGE in someone’s life.


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