Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow! Praise Him all creatures here below!! Praise
Him above ye Heavenly Hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!!! AMEN!!!
Find your favorite song of Praise and Thanksgiving and SING it!!! Sing it in the shower, sing it as you are cooking, sing it as you are cleaning for all the guests, sing it as you prepare your heart for ALL God has to offer you this holiday!!!
Remember these Songs?
Give Thanks
Come Ye Thankful People Come
We Gather Together
The Lyrics to the first of these songs are as follows:
"Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks unto the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. (Repeat the refrain)
And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich because of what The Lord has done for us. Give thanks....give thanks....give thanks!!!" act of giving thanks or expressing gratitude especially to God - wow!
The United States of America celebrates and gives thanks to God for this special day this week on Thursday – it is a U.S. national holiday set apart to give God thanks!!! YES, let's do that!!!
As I opened my Bible this morning that my beloved grandfather, "Gramps" gave me in 1962, I was blessed to find this verse and thoughts:
Psalm 138:1
"I will give thanks to you, O Lord with all my heart..." The latin word for gratitude is gratis or grace.
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday??? What grace has been extended to you this day, this month, this year? Have you stopped to take note of the many blessings that are in your life? If not, why not do that today or this weekend!!!
We have so much to be grateful for in the United is truly incredible!!! I know my gratitude list swells each day as I stop, breath and think about all that God has blessed me with - a family in Ohio, Virginia, Minneapolis, Tennessee and Texas, a son that brings me more joy than I thought imaginable almost 19 years ago, a job that allows me to serve our military with honor and praise, a church that feeds my heart and soul each week, prayer warriors that support and encourage me by praying for those people and situations that God places in my life, friends that fill my life with laughter and fun, and finally, God has brought into my life this past year a very special man, named Tim, that I could not be more grateful for this year...........ahhhh..........our God is SO good!!!
I read years ago: "When we express gratitude something wondrous fills us!!! Gratitude nourishes our souls immediately and the wonder of the moment swells in our hearts." Simple gratitude brings simple happiness...simple gratitude shows us what is utterly amazing in our lives. We have been so blessed, so fortunate, so favored, so richly given abundance....and it is all by the Grace of God alone.
So, let's celebrate! Let's appreciate and acknowledge what we have been given even on the tiniest level......offer a sacrifice of praise to our Heavenly Father this Thanksgiving and KNOW how much you are loved!!!
Finally here is a fun way to say: "Many thanks" in many languages:
English: Many thanks!
French: Merci!
German: Danke Schoen!
Italian: Gramercy!
Spanish: Muchas Gracias!
Archaic: Much obliged!
And, one of the many things I am grateful for are all of you who read this blog….Thank YOU for reading these ramblings and encouraging me to continue to write this blog!!!
Blessings Abound!!!!!!!!
Look up….look around……and look for JOY!!!