Friends....most of us have a least a couple of really close friends and some us are lucky enough to have quite a few friends who enrich our lives and bring us JOY, right? I am blessed to have what they call a "plethera" of really close friends....and I am truly grateful for each one!!!
How would you describe what a friend is? Is it someone who you know, like and trust? Is it someone who is a favored companion? A comrade? How about a "crony," "pal," or "chum?"
If it is all of these then you are truly blessed!
What about friends from grade school or high school that you still stay in touch with? Are you lucky enough to still be in touch with some of these "old" friends? If so, again, you are blessed!!!
And, do you have any friends who are older or younger than you by a generation that you cherish? I do and the wisdom and knowledge I learn from these other generations are wonderful!!!
What about one who supports and sympathizes with you? Or, knows you so well that you can tell them anything??? Or, a friend who feels comfortable challenging you on an idea, a behavior or habit? These kinds of friends can be enlightening to us and show us a new perspective that perhaps we had not thought about or ever experienced before in our lives. They are invaluable to say the least!!!
Can all of these wonderful traits be rolled up into one person? You bet they can!
And, today I would like to honor one friend in particular who has become my "roomie" or roommate for this past year.
Charlene is sweet, funny, caring, loving, supportive, dedicated and loyal. She is amazing!!!
We share our lives one day at a time. We are both single moms, so we have a lot in common!
We share making a meal at the end of a long day together, take turns going to the grocery, and we help each other unwind! We share a Margarita and/or a glass of wine when things have been stressful or just for fun!!! And, we walk each night together to "DeStress with Joy !!!
She supports me and helps me think things through that are a challenge and invites me to consider a different view at times. And, she loves me even when I am unlovable or grumpy!!! She has helped me learn to stop beating myself up, too - Thank you, Charlene!!!
One real bonus she brings is that she collects flamingos, so we have a LOT of those around the house and it truly brightens up her room as she brightens up the entire atmosphere whenever she is home!!!
We pray together, we cry together, we watch some Netflix shows together, and we laugh! Some our our favorites are: The Great British Baking Show, Virgin River, and The Big Flower Fight. It has been so fun to watch these shows together!!!
She brings me joy just being around each is so wonderful to have such a friend as Charlene!!!
She is a bit like Mary Poppins! Always cheerful, always willing to give a hug and/or smile when things are rough and always shows her appreciation to others!!!
Charlene is the epitome of a card that my mom once gave me from the artist Flavia which said:
"If I could sit across the porch from God, I would thank Him for lending me you!"
Thank you, Lord, for this precious friend!!!
And, she is the exact representation of this quote:
"Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
Charlene is getting ready to embark on a new journey as she moves to VA where her daughter, son-in-law and grandbaby "Peaches" where their family are living and I am going to miss her tremendously!!!
The gifts she has given me and the gifts she leaves with me have left beautiful, deep footprints on my heart....forever!!! Thank you sweet friend!!! I will miss you.....and I will thank the Lord for you every day for the time we have spent together!!!
Blessings abound and YOU have been one for me!!!