"You are the Salt of the earth."
(/Matthew 5:13)
Read the scripture and see how you react. Re-read it and consider this: If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, He is talking to YOU! You are the salt of the earth!
But, wait, what in the world does that mean? Does it mean you are salty in your language when you are talking? Do you sprinkle or season people by your encouragement? Are you regarded as one of the finest people in a specific area who might be considered to be "The Salt of the Earth? Or do your words come with a "grain of salt" meaning you exaggerate a lot? Do you add a little "zest" to other people's lives as salt adds flavor to food? Or, does it mean you preserve things like salt does with food? Hmmm....salt can mean many things to many different people!
Consider how salt works - Can it facilitate healing? Can it hasten the closing of wound? Can it add flavor to a meal? Can it be a symbol of wisdom where we learn from someone who may have more experience than we do in a certain area? Or, could we be open to teaching something we know that someone might not have any experience in? Whichever way you have seen "salt" work in your life, consider how you might notice and apply one of these principles in your life:
1) Salt as a seasoning - Be an encourager! Sprinkle a little "salt" around at the office or at home to lighten the load of someone who might need a little nudge. Or, maybe you are one of the wonderful people who "flavor" other people's lives by splashing a bit of joy around and making people smile. Spread encouragement like glitter! It's a seasoning we all need!
2) Salt as a facilitator to healing - Notice when a person is hurting and ask how you might help? Sometimes, we each need someone to listen. Some wounds are really deep and heal very slowly - it takes time to process. Sometimes the wound just won't close and we need someone to just sit with us as we go through that process. Sometimes the diagnosis is so overwhelming that we need hope.
3) Salt as a preservative - Could we point out something that is of great value that no one else seems to notice? Or, point out to someone how valuable they are as a person? Or could we point out what is worth holding onto that might not otherwise be seen?
4) Salt as wisdom - Be willing to share your experience, strength and hope with someone that is struggling or inexperienced. How might you offer to discuss the matter with someone who has not been in your shoes? Or, would you consider mentoring someone in a specific skill to add to their knowledge and skill? What about someone who wants to learn about the Word of God? Would you be willing to share a Bible study with them?
There are a million different ways to be "salt" in this world! Try it - you just might be the "zest" that someone else might need to move forward on a new path or journey!
Here is a challenge for you: Ask God, how may I embark on being salt today for Your glory??? Salt my life Lord and spread Your flavor!!!