When was the last time you polished silver? It has been a long time since I have had to polish any silver dish, tray or pitcher. When a person polishes something that is silver, it is to make the silver color come back and take the tarnish off. And, polishing something can make something smooth and glossy by rubbing or friction like a car or boat.
Also, another way to look at the concept of polishing is to render something finished or elegant. You might be redoing wood floors and polishing them and find out that polishing comes very easy and they look elegant when you are finished. My friends Terri and Dennis' wood floors are stunning!
Some people use the term "polish up" to improve or refine their behavior at work or within their family dynamics. So many people think they must compare themselves to others, so sometimes "polishing up" seems to make them feel better about themselves. And, polishing up an attitude can truly bring about change in a very positive way.
And, what about your spiritual demeanor? Does it need polishing up? Or, have you been feeling like you are being polished by the Lord? Lately, that is exactly what I have been feeling like........I was just reading in Sarah Young's Jesus Always devotional book and as I read the devotion on July 29 that is exactly what God is doing in my life! There have been many things I have had to "wait" on or have patient endurance. I have not always been "patient" or understood why so many challenges had to be one right after the other this past year and 1/2, but for whatever reason, He has shown me clearly in the past few days, exactly what He is doing! And, it is amazing to have this awareness.
One example is not having a car for the past 8 months has been a real lesson in polishing my patience!!! But, God has provided incredible friends to take me to and from church, work, the grocery, errands, etc. I have truly been blessed beyond imagination these past 8 months by these precious friends!!! A huge thank you to each person who helped me along the way! And, a huge thank you to the Lord for pointing this concept out to me through this devotion!
If you feel like you are being "polished" look up and ask the Lord what He may be doing in your life!
He has a purpose in His plan. Everything is under His control. That is the biggest lesson I have learned while being polished. My character is being refined and improved in ways I would never have thought possible. God is truly an amazing God!!!