Have you ever been in pain unexpectedly? Or in pain that you knew was coming, but did not expect it to be quite so challenging? Well, I find myself in this spot this week after Arthroscopy knee surgery. I expected to have pain Post- Op, but did not think it would be greater than what I experienced 2 years ago when I had a total knee implant on the opposite knee! How exciting, right?
As many of my readers know, this blog piece is NOT for sympathy, but awareness. Sometimes, we go through things in this life that we honestly do not understand and/or cannot comprehend. At times like these, I like to reflect on what lesson I am supposed to be learning through all this?
So, in my despair and discomfort (to say the least!), I came up with an acronym to help me through this rough season:
I am not sure how many of you have gone to Al-Anon (the spouse/family member support group to Alcoholics Anonymous), but it has taught me well.
One of my favorite definitions I learned in the program for 15 years after my divorce was the definition of "Acceptance." Acceptance is simple acknowledgement, without blame, without shame, without guilt and without regret. Boom. Simple Acknowledgement. Learning to accept or receive willingly. Sometimes, acceptance is admitting that you are wrong. Sometimes, it is simply acknowledging something is what it is, or someone is who he/she is.....right or wrong, good or bad, the thing or person simply is what it is and/or who they are. Period.
No blame, no shame, no guilt, no regret. Acceptance. Period.
Now add peaceful acceptance. Think about that: Peaceful.....acceptance......peaceful......acknowledgement. No need to challenge the situation or try to change that something or someone. Simply accept. Simply acknowledge.
It is a game changer!!! All of a sudden you think about your situation differently. Or, perhaps the acceptance comes slowly.....imperceptibly. Almost as a whisper in the night.....whichever way it hits your heart - let it!!!
Infirmities happen to all of us ......I have a group of friends who have ALL gone through MRI's, CT Scans, and finally surgery to alleviate their pain and health conditions. We call ourselves the "/MRI Club!" It is hilarious!!! So many close friends all facing uncertainty with outcomes of surgery, physical therapy, etc. yet all of us are hopeful that our bodies will come back to "normal" someday!!! LOL
With the love and support of so many wonderful family members and friends, each of us are "on the mend," So, it is with PEACEFUL acceptance that I write this blog in honor of so many people going through so many challenges in their lives.
And, finally, I am nailing my infirmities to the Cross of Christ! Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" And, with this new peaceful attitude and awareness, my infirmities are lessening........day by day, minute by minute. He holds us in His mighty hands.
Peace that passes all understanding wins.