Sunday, April 26, 2015

In Awe of Daily Miracles...

I just got done reading one of my daily devotions from Living Faith magazine and I just had to share his thoughts!!!  Steve Givens is one of my favorite writers in this devotion.  Here is his article for today:

In Awe of Daily Miracles

Psalm 118.23
"By the Lord has this been done;
It is wonderful in our eyes."

There have been times in my life when I have been left speechless by the wonder of what I saw before me, such as my first glimpse of the Grand Canyon, my wife walking down the aisle at our wedding, and the birth of our two children.  I had no words.  What I saw before me was so awe-inspiring that I knew the hand of God had to be at work.
Einstein said:  "There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."  We can see each sunrise, each newborn child, each encounter with beauty and chalk them all up to chance, or we can stand back in wonder at these daily miracles and choose to see the hand of God.  The first option is a yawn; the second is a gasp.  You choose.

Lord, fill my life with wonder and a sense of you....
(by Steve Givens, 2015)

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