Have you ever thought of yourself as "dauntless?" The very definition is quite interesting! Being dauntless is being brave, daring, fearless, intrepid, bold - not to be intimidated! Can you imagine in today's world being dauntless???
We all seem to have so many fears and insecurities. Anxiety wreaks havoc on our minds and hearts each day! I meet young people my son's age (24 years) and am amazed (and not in a good way) how often and how many of these young generation have panic attacks and their anxiety level is off the richterscale! Their intensity of anxiety is 100 on a scale of 1-10 - it's like an internal earthquake!!
Perhaps we have lost the idea of being dauntless. Where are the heroes of this age? Where are the brave? What happened to the idea of being gallant? When was the last time you witnessed someone being noble? True? Displaying integrity? Being exceptionally polite or even chivalrous??? Ahhhh....it has been a very long time since I have witnessed someone displaying these qualities of character.
BUT....there IS hope!!!
Listen to what Billy Graham wrote in his book: Hope for Each Day:
"In the face of opposition and overwhelming odds, the early Christians stayed courageous, bold, dauntless, and full of faith. They lived their lives daily for Christ, no matter what others thought. They gladly suffered scorn, persecution, and even death for their faith in Christ."
OH - that's it: Full of faith!!! The early Christians had FAITH!!! And, they were full of faith... not just a little bit, but FULL to the brim!!! WOW!
How can we become dauntless in an age such as this time in our world? We can become full of faith once again. We can believe in the One True God and rely on Him and Him alone!!! We, as a society have become whimpy - fearful instead of fearless. We have lost our faith. We have lost the noble cause to believe in and live for Jesus Christ, The Son of the Living God.
Think about it: Selfishness, self-sufficiency and rudeness have become the norm.
Surrendering or submitting to a Power Greater than ourselves has become a thing of the past. It's out of the question to surrender or submit! Our attitudes and lives shout: "Surrender? Submit? Are you nuts? I am in control." "No one can tell me what to do" permeates our culture and our world.
Respect and integrity. Where are those qualities in this world? Respecting authority is a thing of the past as well. We see if everyday in our work places, our schools, our families, and our government. When will we learn??? When will we turn the tide? It's a storm that is crashing our shores every day.
So, I have to ask you: When will we decide to become dauntless again? When will we be willing to be brave and fearless and to stand up for our faith? When will we stand up for what is right? Noble? True? When will we be bold enough to stand for integrity when it is melting all around us???
I believe it will be when we allow our faith to move mountains. When we have faith the size of a Mustard Seed. When we put our trust in the One True God who has carried us to this day. When we have Him on our side, we have an Army of Angels on our side. We have Chariots of Fire!!!
We will become fearless and brave when we are willing to stand for Christ once again. Be bold!!! Tell others about your faith. Tell them why it's important to stand up for what is right and true and honest. Tell them how your faith CAN move mountains. Tell your children, tell your grandchildren, tell your neighbors, tell your co-workers, tell your friends!!! Be bold!! Be fearless!! Be brave!! Be daring!!!
Be DAUNTLESS and stand for faith in Christ!!!
Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"
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