Ever had "One of those days?" I did just yesterday......ugh!
One of my devotional books is Jesus Always and it gave me a new concept to contemplate!!!
Glory-Strength. Look at this version of Colossians 1:11 - it's amazing!!!
Colossians 1:11 (The Message)
" We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth, but the Glory-Strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into JOY, thanking the Father who made us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that He has for us!!!"
Are you gritting your teeth trying to make it through the day? Are you sticking it out over the long haul? Or, are you your family's version of the Grim Reaper? If so, I get it! Yesterday was one of the "grim" days for me..........I couldn't really put my finger on what was causing the grimness, but it was there in full force!
So, how do we tap into that Glory-Strength God promises to give us? How do we find that Joy that only He can give?
Reflect on your life. How's it been going? Spend time with the Lord. Where are you allowing God to motivate you?
Whatever your answer, remember, you were given a talent, a gift that NO one else has - use it! God doesn't want us to bury our gifts in the ground and hope for a return on our investment. He wants to use the talents and gifts He has given us for HIS Glory!! Are you using your gift?
One of the greatest gifts I have been given is being at home the past 10 weeks. Yes, it has been without work, but it has given me time to reflect on what's most important.
Have I gotten a few things done around the house? Sort of....
Have I planted a new garden? Yes.
Have I worked out every day? No.
Have I walked most days? Yes.
Do I have a great roommate? Yes,
Have I shared special time with my family in Ohio? Yes.
Have I been counting my blessings? Yes, for the most part.
Yet, my worries about finances and how things will turn out in the long run got me down yesterday. What has been unendurable for you for the past 10 weeks? Does your "cup runneth over," or are you in a grim mood? If your cup is not running over with blessings, then may I suggest you do the following?
1) Write down 3 things you are grateful for - right now! 1, 2, 3......try doing that every morning when you wake up or every evening before you lay your head on the pillow! Gratitude!!! Thankfulness - it works every time!!!
2) Look for the Bright and Beautiful in your day, your home, your yard, your spouse, your children and grandchildren, your job, your retirement, your dinner menu, your laundry and even your dishes!!!
Grit your teeth if you must, but God gives us HIS Glory-Strength to endure the unendurable - yep! You were made for the long haul.......the unendurable!!!
Go use that talent you have been given!!!
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