How many of us know that there are 40 days before Easter that are called "Lent?" It is the 40 days leading up to the death, burial and the the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time of "going within" to consider what is most important about our faith. My dad's family was Catholic, so there was a tradition of "giving up" something for Lent in order to focus more on God and our walk with God. My mom's family was Presbyterian and some Presbyterians also give up something for Lent. So usually, I gave up sweets: Coca Cola, cookies, brownies, cakes, etc. And, I usually lost about 10 pounds every year! It was great!
Did I grow closer to God? Perhaps. But in my earlier years, it really was a form of losing weight while trying to be more faithful to God. Now, in my later years, I truly try to go within to improve my relationship with the Lord...and to learn more about His character and His incredible Love.
The Upper Room Ministries had a book from 1993 called: "Readings for Lent and Easter" that was a combination of devotions from various parts of The Upper Room ministries. It is a book I have read each day for the past 29 years during the 40 days of Lent. It is out of print, but I treasure my tattered copy!!! I learn something new each year from several of the devotions and my journey grows stronger to God each day and each year that I read this book.
Forty is significant in the Bible. Forty days for the rain while Noah was on the ark, 40 days Moses spent on Mt. Sinai, and Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years and so on.....40 days of Lent before Easter is meant to be a time of quiet reflection, perhaps a season of the heart for some and a time to look inward in order that we might look up towards God.
Think about that.....what would you give up for 40 days in order to get closer to God? Is there something that you would be willing to give up to learn more about God? If so, what would you choose? A specific amount of time reading your Bible each day? Would you give up lunch in order to pray? Would you consider giving up criticism of others for 40 days? Would you do something new that is devoted to God's service such as volunteering at a homeless shelter once a week for 6 weeks?
It is a noble undertaking. Something to consider as we journey towards Easter. The most significant day of our faith: Jesus' Resurrection!!! He was crucified for our sins........He died for you and me so that we could live with Him in Eternity.....He is worth learning more!!! And it just may allow you to learn about how much your are loved!!! Is that worth giving up something for 40 days? It is for me.....and I hope it will be for you!
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