Resilience....the ability to recover quickly.... buoyancy....the ability to resume after being bent out of shape....stretched! Do you think our country and our world are being stretched right now?? Absolutely!!!
COVID-19 has completely shut our world's resources down! Boom. Stay at home. Safe at home. Locked down. No travel. Restricted on all levels. Face masks in public. Gloves. Wash your hands and then wash them again.
Medical and healthcare personnel stretched to the brink of disaster! It IS a disaster.....
How does one have resilience in a time like this? How do we bravely spring back into shape as a person, as a family, as a country, or as our world?
I don't have the answer to all those questions bouncing around in all of our heads and our hearts, but I do know that the buoyancy of faith will help us recover. Faith in a God who is not surprised by this pandemic. He has not been caught "off guard." He is right here in the middle of this with us. Just as He was on 9-11-2001.
He is there in the nurse who travels to New York City to share her talents and gifts of healing with all those suffering after day....exhausted....spent....
He is there when a son goes to California to help his dad with the remnants of a house completely burned to the ground after a year of renovation.
He is there in the neighbor who checks on the other neighbors and sees if they need anything from the store.
He is there when we share our hope and our strength with those who have lost all hope, lost all strength.
He is there when we sing and share music that soothes our souls.
He is there when a church rallies around their community and offers Scriptures, prayers and healing.
He is there when a group of family and friends go to a parking lot of a hospital to park, pray and praise our Heavenly Father for healing those inside the hospital or rehabilitation facility.
He is there in the sunshine.
He is there on the gray days when our spirits are gloomy and in despair.
He is there in the gentle breeze that touches our face.
He is there when your dog or cat nuzzle up to you or does a silly dance for a treat and makes you smile.
He is there when you can hug your loved ones safe at your own home and have been quarantined for almost a month now.
He is there when you share a funny video on social media.
He is there when you call you sister because you are lonely and afraid.
He is there when your brother and sisters send funny memes to each other about Grizzly bear hugs from afar.
He is there when we are on our knees in prayers.
He is there when we cry for help.
He is there when we weep for those we have lost
He is there when we rejoice over one who comes home.
He is there. Trust Him. Rely on Him. Depend on Him. Come to Him. Come to the Living Waters and drink from the well that never runs dry.
He is there.
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