How many of you remember Twila Paris' song called: The Lamb of God? It is is is convicting. Check it out on YouTube or iTunes! It is one of my favorite songs!!!
We all know what lambs are: a young sheep. Or, in our culture, sometimes we describe a person as being like a lamb. They are believed to be gentle, innocent or a gullible person. One who is perhaps naive or mild-mannered. Do you know someone like that? Perhaps your friend, or co-worker, student or child you teach, or perhaps it is a sibling who is gentle, innocent, or naive. The characteristics of being like a lamb are lovely! Yet, someone might be offended if you describe them as a lamb because they want to be strong, courageous or maybe even bold! Yet, their personality is more humble, gentle and timid. That's okay! God gave each of us a different demeanor for a reason! Each of us has a special unique gift that God planted in our souls...........we are to find and use it for His Glory! So, if you are a lamb - be proud of it and wear it proudly for the Lord.
I have a funny story about lambs.....way back in 1983 when I was a MacMillan Publishing Company College Text book representative, I was driving to Warrensburg, MO to what they called back then: Central Missouri State University, now University of Central Missouri. The highway back then was only a 2 land highway. As I was driving to the campus, just about 5 miles west of Warrensburg, was a field of baby lambs! I was blown away at how cute they were: frolicking, jumping, and running after each other in what looked like pure fun! So, I pulled over to the side of the road and just watched........smiled.....even laughed at their frolicking! Suddenly, I heard a knock on my driver's window! It startled me and there on the other side of the window was a policeman. I rolled down my window and asked how I could help him? He asked me if I was okay? I said yes. Was my car disabled? No, I responded. "Then, why are you stopped Ma'am?" My answer was: " I am watching the baby lambs." He about died laughing............his response was: "Well, that's the first time I have ever had THAT answer!"
We both laughed and he asked me to get on my way as I was a hazard on the highway! I will never forget that day!! It was a beautiful spring day with clear blue skies and a whole field of baby lambs!!! It was an amazing gift........
Now, let's concentrate on the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ. He was/is The King of the Jews, Savior, Redeemer and Lord of Lords! He died to set each one of us free from our sins. Have you ever truly realized the sacrifice that went into His Life, His death??? That's where the convicting part of Twila's song comes from!! Jesus had NO sins. He lived a perfect life. He came as a gift of love and yet they crucified Him. We crucified Him. A torturous, cruel death. They laughed at Him. They scorned Him. They named Him a fraud. And, yet, He was sacrificed for you, for me. We are washed in His precious blood as believers. I remember a time when I was so lost, I should have died. But, He brought me to His side. He led me with His staff and rod, just as the song says. And, He gave me the right to be called a Daughter of the Most High God.
Wow!!! can this be true?
Take a peek at this Scripture in Mark 1:9 where this is recorded: "At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan river. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw Heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending like a dove. And a voice came from Heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased."
His Son. God's Son. Beloved. Approved of. Loved beyond imagination. Wow.....
Then, the disciple John declared this in the Holy Scriptures in John 1:29: "The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him and said: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"
Can you imagine standing there in the midst of the crowd and hearing John proclaim these words?
I wish I could have been there! I wonder how I might have reacted? Praises? Disbelief? Honored? Or, Horrified? If I knew that my sins would place Him on the cross to die for me, how would I have reacted? Would I have been filled with gratitude? Or, would I have been indignant? Thinking I could not possibly do anything that horrible that someone would have to die for me. I hope that I would have praised Him and honored Him, but would my disbelief have taken over? Would I have been horrified by the fact of my own sin??? Only the Lord knows my heart and what I would have done.
All I know today is that I am incredibly blessed. Jesus has become my friend as well as my Savior. I remember when I was lost, but now I KNOW that I am found. I don't have to doubt where I am going after this life. I know where I am going!!! And, it will be amazing.........The words of Amazing Grace run through my veins on some days!!! And, another song says: I know that my Redeemer lives - that is amazing!!! I have everything I need. Everything!!!
If the world ended tomorrow, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will be in Heaven with my precious Lord. That's not arrogance. That is not bragging. That is Salvation!!! It is FREE to anyone who wants it!!!
How about you? Do you know the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of this crazy world? If not, start with reading the book of John in the New Testament in the Bible. Look up John 3:16. Read it over and over and over again until it sinks into your soul! Ask a friend who has a strong faith to pray with you. Ask my Pastor at Crossroads-Christian Church in Shawnee: Brad Fangman or Brad Fogo at 913-962-9966. Listen to a Podcast on why Christ came to earth. Read Lee Strobel's book: The Case for Christ. Watch the DVD God's Not Dead. Go to app (my church in Cincinnati, OH) and find the God of the Universe who is even now looking for you!!! There are a million different ways for you to connect with God and learn about Him and His amazing Grace!!!
The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Trust Him. Rely on Him. Come to Him. Depend on Him. He is there.........closer than your breath!!!
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