Saturday, December 12, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 2: Instincts...Use them!

Psalm 45:1: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme."

Do you trust yourself?  Do you have good "intuition?" Are your instincts pretty spot on?  If so, why not use them at Christmas???  What does your gut tell you to do this season?

Is there something inside you that says:  "I have always wanted to _____________."  DO IT!!!

Or if your gut feeling is saying:  "No, I really do not want to do __________." Then, trust that gut feeling and DON'T do it!  Be honest with yourself, your spouse, your children, and your family/friends or whoever is pestering you to do something you do not want to do.  Trust yourself to know when you really do not want to do something or if there is a place you really do not want to truly is okay to say No!  And, by the way, did you know that "NO" is a complete sentence?  You don't have to give a reason for your no.  You can just politely say, "No" or "No, thank you."  That's it.  nothing more.

Instinct is a great gift that we all possess. Instinct is an innate aspect of your behavior and/or your thoughts. It is unlearned, complex and normally adaptive to perhaps your surroundings or situation.  It is a powerful motivation or impulse.  It is second nature or automatic.  So why not use it?

What does your heart say?  Ever listen to the thing that sits in the middle of your chest?  It is a pretty amazing organ for our body, but it is also and amazing part of our soul.  Trust your heart to lead you to where you would most enjoy the holidays!  Trust your heart to know what would bring you JOY this Christmas!!  Figure out what and with whom it would give you the most pleasure of doing this season, then do it!  Don't be a martyr and trudge through an ordeal that will make you unhappy or grumpy.  Listen to your instincts....Listen to your heart - it knows the way!!!

Prayer:  Lord, this season, would you please lead my heart to where it will be full of rejoicing?  Help me not get caught up in doing things just to do them or because I "must", but to engage in activities that will being me joy and allow me to share Your love!

Song:  A Christmas to Remember by Amy Grant

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