Thursday, December 17, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 4 Seraphim and Cherubim - Angels of Joy!!!

 Luke 2:10 says: "Then the angel of the Lord said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY which will be to all people."

JOY!!!  What rapture, jubilance and delight this season creates all around us!!!  Feel it........see it......listen for it......look for is everywhere!!!  

Old fashioned words for angels in the Scriptures are Seraphim and Cherubim.  Have you ever seen one in pictures in an old family Bible?  If not, search for one.  Look up on the internet pictures of the Sistene Chapel where Leonardo DaVinci painted some of the most exquisite paintings in the world!  They bring a sense of awe and wonder ever created on the ceiling of this historic chapel!!! His artistic work depicts the beauty and reverence of God.

Then, ask yourself, who can you be a Christmas Angel to this season?  Who may be hurting, lonely, or downtrodden that could use some uplifting this year?  Then, ask yourself:  What is one way that I can offer JOY to someone else this Christmas?  Bake some goodies, send a Christmas card, send a text, or make a phone call!  Being an angel is NOT expensive.  It doesn't mean buying an expensive gift.  It means BEING the gift!  Each of us have unique gifts that God has given us.  Think about it:  what is YOUR gift you can offer to others?  It might be as simple as inviting someone over for coffee or tea.

And, if you are the one who needs an angel, reach out anyway!  You will be amazed at what happens when you extend a hand of friendship or kindness.  Be the angel you wish someone would be to you!!!  Create a smile on someone's face who hasn't smiled in a very long time....

And remember, K.I.S.S. = KEEP IT SIMPLE, SANTA!!!

Enjoy this special holiday season and go spread some Christmas cheer everywhere you go!  Christmas JOY is all around you.....Look for it!!!  Listen for the Church Bells to remind you.........

Prayer:  Lord Jesus,  thank you that you came to spread JOY to all of us!!!

Songs:  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Casting Crowns

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