What do three totally different friends have in common when one is African-American, one is Hispanic and one is Caucasian???
Well, there are LOTS of things we have in common!!!
First, our sons played football together from 5th grade until their senior year. As "football moms," we drove our sons to practice, games and sports dinners every week. We picked them up when they were exhausted and made sure they had food in their stomachs. We made sure they had the right equipment and uniforms and washed them faithfully for every season, every year. We endured cold morning practices and games as well as sweltering hot summer practices. We pushed them to make sure their academic studies were up to date and on time. We loved them, cherished them and cheered them on at every game! It was so much fun being a football mom!!!
Second, we enjoyed each other's company and still do! We would go out to lunch or for happy hour after work where we shared our hopes and dreams for our boys - both back then and now. We shared the boys hearts desires for their futures and our dreams for their lives.
Third, we supported them and encouraged them to do what God had planned for them to do with their lives. We prayed for their safety, their achievements (both on the field and off) and we loved watching them have fun! And, in supporting our sons, we supported each other.
Fourth, we helped each other as moms of sons through some very difficult times. We have laughed together and cried together. We made a way when there seemed to be no way.
Back when we first met in the football stands or the school hallways, we never knew we would become such great friends. We never knew we would support each other through some of the most grueling parts of our lives. But we did. We survived. And, we thrived thanks to the support we were able to give each other through all those years.
Now, years later, I look back and thank God Himself for making us friends! It did not matter what country we were from or what color our skin was or what our finances looked like. We were (and are) football moms.........moms of sons.....moms of some of the most handsome and incredible young men on the planet! We are blessed beyond measure. Not only because God granted us to be a mom of a son, but also, to be blessed to invest in our friendship as moms. We have been through "Thick and thin." We have gone months or years without seeing each other and still we have a connection that goes to the core of our being. That friendship and love runs deep in our boys and deep in our veins.
We our moms of sons.
Thank you, Lord for blessing us beyond measure every day!!!
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