Have you ever wondered how there are so many ways to GROW?? Cities grow, countries grow, plants grow, trees grow, grass grows, children grow, adults grow and somehow inside each of us, our souls grow.
I would love for you to consider going on this journey with me! Recently, my church in Cincinnati had a 5 week journey of exploring how we each can GROW in our walk toward God. Feel free to listen to the 5 sermons as they are very helpful and full of lots of challenges for you to GROW! Just go to Crossroads.net/journey and watch all five weeks of lessons! They are each about 20 minutes to listen to and have incredible tips on how to grow in your relationship with God!
Here is a listing of the five weeks:
1) Connect with God daily.
2) Receive teaching weekly
3) Share your story!
4) Get Baptized
5) Join Community
As the Grow Guide states (ask online for one to be sent to you, if you like!), for any relationship to grow, communication is the key - it is critical! And, a relationship with God is NO different! Check it out.....the more you talk to God, read His Word (The Bible) and ask lots of questions! Pick a time of day that works for you and start with 5 minutes of talking to God. He is listening!
Each week that you listen to one of the messages, you can take a note pad and jot down what you learn. Then, try to apply ONE thing that following week that you learned.
As you probably know, regular reading of God's Word is always good for our soul. We GROW as we learn about what God wants to tell you in the pages of scripture. Trying readying Matthew 5 which includes the Sermon on the Mount - check it out!
Believe it or not, you have an interesting story to tell! Yes, YOU! You have gone through experiences in this life that perhaps many have never experienced yet. This sermon series teaches you how to create a way to share your story. It is powerful because it's YOUR story - no one else has lived your life! And, you have valuable information that can help others on their way. Try it!
Baptism is a public display of our inward devotion for God and a decision to follow Jesus. It's simple. And, it's amazing! Even if you were baptized as a baby, you can declare your love for God by getting baptized as an adult. Check out various churches in your area who will help you learn why and how to do just that. Crossroads-Christian Church in Shawnee, KS is wonderful to explore this option!
Finally, we were meant to be experience life together. If you don't have a community of friends or a church that you call home, I hope that you will explore new options for yourself soon. The New Testament is a collection of books written to GROUPS of people: The Colossians, the Ephesians, the Corinthians, etc. Each city had its own set of people who lived in community together. They broke bread and ate meals together, they worked together on the farms, in the fields, in their cities, in the barns, etc. And, they did it all together! There's a wonderful scripture in Matthew 18:20 that says:
"Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am among them."
Think about that! The presence of God right in the midst of your community!
There are SO many ways to explore how to grow in your Journey to God!
If you know me well, you know that I love acronyms! So, here is one to consider:
GROW = Gracious Riches of Wonder.
God gives us so many riches every day and they are glorious and gracious: Sunrises, sunsets, daily sunshine, rain to water the earth, trees that turn beautiful colors in the Fall and give us a sense new growth in the Spring, flowers, vegetables and gardens that grow continuously, friends, family, co-workers, prayer partners, bicycle clubs, car pool groups, bunko groups, crochet groups, quilting clubs, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on.........what can you add to your list of gracious riches in your life?
There is SO much wonder, too: the wonder of life, the wonder of marriage, the wonder of friendship, the awe and admiration of nature and so many things to marvel at how they came to be!
Try taking an hour and be curious about something you have never explored before and see if you cannot find the wonder of something you have never known before. It will be amazing!
And, you will GROW because of it!!
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