Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Perseverance.  Everyone speaks about it…..some people strive for it…and some humans even exude it when the going gets tough…….and yet, some miss the mark completely.
What gives a person the ability to “Hang it There?”  How can we learn to “Press on” in the face of difficulty?
What gives us the steady persistence in a specific course of action?  What purpose allows us to “Keep on, Keeping on?” 
In spite of major difficulties, obstacles or discouragement what gives you the ability to keep moving forward?  Or, even face the day?
Can you see times in your life when you have had to endure beyond your normal ability?  Have you had to practice an enormous amount of perseverance in one or more areas of your life?  What gave you the stamina to do so?  What does tenacity mean to you?  Is there a constancy in your life that keeps you going?  Do you have a force behind you that allows you to gain confidence even in the face of adversity?  Can you imagine persevering through the unimaginable???
Theologically, the definition of perseverance is the continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.  Wow. 
Continuance – can you do it? 
A state of Grace….do you have it? 
Leading to Salvation - Eternal Salvation -do you want it?
Isaiah 41:10 says: “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand.”  Do you know the God who spoke these words to Israel?  If not, would you like to get to know Him?  It is a question I ask to myself about many of the wonderful people in my life who do not know this incredible force.  Available for the asking.  That’s right!  Available - for the asking!  Do you know someone who could use a little perseverance right now?  I do!
I know of a friend who is searching for someone or something like this in their life.  Many days, I talk to myself about it and keep asking this question:  How can I somehow give that state of grace to her?  How could I instill this confidence in her so that she can know that force which is available and ready to be help her for the asking?  If only, I could convince her that there is a Spiritual Being – Three in One – that longs to be in her heart and by her side. 
How do I let her know without being “religious” as she calls it?  How do I let her know it’s a relationship, not a Religion?  How do I get her to truly see?  I don’t want to be pushy.  I don’t want to be offensive.  I don’t want to push any of my beliefs on her.  I don’t want to turn her “off” in any way. 
Yet, I do want her to know this force that can give her this state of Grace.  I do want her to know this confidence.  I do want her to have this strength from above.  I do want her to feel and utilize this perseverance that comes from having faith.  I do want her to know this incredible loving God that keeps me going, gives me purpose and allows me to face anything including adversity!  And, I do want her to know the God who saves.  I want her to “Be Still and KNOW that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).   
And, yet, I hesitate to explain my faith.  I hesitate to talk about this thought process.  I hesitate to explain this way of life.  I hesitate to offer this incredible gift for fear of pushing her away.
So, I look for ways to speak to her that she can consider and perhaps accept.  Nature speaks to me constantly.  So, I use analogies with her about creation.  I try to get her to “Look at the Sunshine, and you cannot see the shadow” as Helen Keller said.
A famous quote on a photograph of the Grand Canyon that I have on my desk at work is this: “In the confrontation between the river and the rock, the river always wins…NOT through strength, but by perseverance.”
I don’t want a confrontation.  I don’t want to be the one who explains poorly.  I don’t’ want her to misunderstand my intentions.  I don’t want to push her the opposite way of love.  I want to be the river.  I want to point her to the River of Life!
I want perseverance to win.  I want confidence to exude from her.  I want her to know how to continue even on the worst days.
I want her to know how loved she is.  I want her to experience grace in a profound way.  I want her to know and have salvation.  Eternally.
So, I ask the God of the Universe to help me be her friend.  I ask God to show me how to love her.  I ask God to allow me to share with her how I make it through the day.  One situation at a time.   One crisis at a time.  One day at a time.  With perseverance that comes from God and God alone. 
Thank you, Lord for your perseverance with me!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Two Listeners......

My sister, Cathi gave me a book years ago called:  God Calling by A.J. Russell.  My copy from 1994 is so tattered and worn that you can hardly read it anymore, but I cherish it!  I cherish it because Cathi gave it to me.  She gave it to me out of the goodness of her heart and love for me.  She gave it to me so that I could grow in my faith and I have.  We have.....and it is wonderful!

The author writes this book to "Two Listeners" and as I read it, I feel like he is talking directly to my sister Cathi and me.  And, as I reflect on this book and all that it has taught me over the years, I think about how much both of us have grown in our faith over the past 25 years.  It is really amazing to see the growth in myself and in my sister.  God has truly blessed us with a gift of "listening" to Him and to each other.  Each day we text each other a scripture or devotion or an encouraging word.  What fun it is to send and receive because we both want to grow.  We both want to learn.  We both want to grow closer to God in our walk every day!  And, the beautiful thing is - we have grown!!!  And, I believe we are closer to God than we each were 25 years ago.

Listening to God is a process.  It is a process that has become a journey.  And that journey lasts a lifetime.  Listening to God and for God are not easy to do in this restless world!  But it is possible! 
When was the last time you sat down in a quiet place and just listened to God?  Spent time with Him alone.  Reading His Word and truly listening.  If it's been awhile, it's worth the effort to do that again!  If you never had done it, try it - it is amazing!!!

One of the things I have learned is that you must ask the Holy Spirit to help you! 
If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, then the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you! 
Yep = YOU! 
And, if that has taken place, then learning and growing is possible every single day!!!

So we ask. 
So we journey. 
So we learn. 
So we grow.
So we encourage one another.
So we grow closer to God every day.
So we listen.....

I encourage you to stop, breath and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart.  Yes, life is busy!  I get that -  we all have busy lives!!!  That is NOT going to change. 

And, it takes an intentional effort to stop and spend time with our precious Lord.  But, oh my how it is worth the effort!!!

He is closer than we realize....closer than we think.....closer than our breath...
Stop and's worth the effort and it just may change your life for the better!!!

Monday, June 17, 2019


Seashells.........have you ever really looked at one and studied how intricate it is???  Recently, I had the privilege of being on the beach in Rotondo, Florida with some friends who moved there from was such an incredible weekend of RRRRelaxation, rejuvenation and fun!  I came home feeling refreshed and ready to contemplate life in a new way!

Amie and I collected seashells at two different beaches:  Venice Beach and Boca Grande Beach - it was absolutely exquisite!!!  As I looked at each shell I collected to bring home to Kansas, I saw the incredible intricate detail of each shell.  Perfectly formed.......perfectly designed.....with perfect lines spaced perfectly apart and perfectly beautiful!  Wow.........I am in awe of God's creation!!!

One shell had tiger stripes, one was completely white, one was white with black stripes on part of it, one was mauve, one was pale yellow on the tip, and others had the tiniest hole on one end that was so perfectly drilled as if a drill bit was used.  How do these creatures do it?  How do they manage to carve out that hole so perfectly so that they can get out of the shell?  How long does that take?  I'm not sure, but it is amazing to contemplate!!!

As I look at these shells, I have to ask:  How did God design so many different kinds of shells?  Why did he design so many?  My mind is going in a million directions of how and why these exquisitely beautiful shells land on the sand, washed up from the ocean floor, day after day after day............and what are they really???

A seashell is a marine mollusk.  I never knew the official name of a seashell before!  A mollusk is a invertebrate which typically has a calcareous shell of one, two or more pieces that wholly or partly enclose the soft, unsegmented body, including the chitons, snails, bivalves, squids and/or octopuses.
So fascinating!!! 

How many varieties are there?  Hundreds, thousands, billions???  I'm not sure, but there are a LOT!!!  Imagine......just like the stars..........millions or billions of seashells.......teeming from the ocean floor and landing on the beach for unsuspecting humans (like me!) to pick up, and ponder each shape, each line, each mark, each dot of beauty and take them home!!!

We have one awesome God who chose to create these living creatures and shells for us to marvel at and contemplate the various species of marine mollusks!  It is even written in the Bible as to how he created these fascinating creatures.....
Genesis 1:20-21 says:  "And, God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.  And, God saw that it was good."

Just think about it!!!  Seashells are good.  Pelicans are good. Whales are good. Seagulls are good. Dolphins are good.  Yes, even Octopus and Jelly fish are good.  (Just not good to get stung by!)  They are good because the God of the Universe, The Creator, and One, the Most High God decided to bless us with an incredible world filled with all sorts of creatures, trees, flowers, insects, animals, brooks, ponds, rivers and oceans FULL of all of His glory!!!

If that's not an incredible imagination on display, I don't know what is............

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Glorious shades of Green....

Ahhh......Spring! Isn't it grand? Isn't it wonderful? I love Spring!

Each day recently and as I was driving to and from Ohio this spring, I have had the incredible experience and privilege of witnessing the many glorious shades of green that the Lord has created! From Kansas, to Missouri, to Illinois, to Indiana, and finally Ohio, I have driven by various shades of green such as: Emerald green, apple green, chartreuse green, jade green, moss green, Nile green, olive green, Paris green, pea green (YUCK!), peacock green, sea green, shamrock green, verde green, and myrtle green. That is fourteen shades of GREEN! Wow! I had no idea there were so many shades!!!

Green is the color of growing grass, green plants, foliage on trees of every variety and green leafy vegetables!!! What particular shade or tint of green is your favorite??? Think of the big box of 64 crayons and try to remember one of those colors!!!

Many years ago as a Medical Sales rep I had Salina, KS in my territory and in the Spring, Salina had the most beautiful wheat fields I have even seen anywhere!!! They are truly the most exquisite color of green I have laid my eyes upon..........I miss those fields!!!

One of my favorite folk songs from the 1970's is called: Pass It On.
These words offer a beautiful rendition of tribute to Spring and to God which go in tandem to create the beauty that we witness every year!!!
If you don't know the tune, listen with your heart:

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it:
You spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on.

What a wondrous time is Spring when all the trees are budding,
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it:
You want to sing, it's fresh like Spring, you want to pass it on.

I wish for you my friend, this happiness that I've found,
You can depend on Him, it matters not where you're bound:
I'll shout it from the mountain tops: Hey World! I want my world to know:
The Lord of Love has come to me, I want to pass it on....”

The glorious shades of green.........look around and find your favorite shade and pass it on!!!

All Nature sings and round me rings....

I've been singing an old Hymn in my head and found the words this morning to 'This is My Father's World."
What a beautiful poem these words were at first in 1886 which were penned by a gentleman named Maltbie Babcock at Syracuse University in New York.  He was a "proficient vocalist" as some of his professors called him.  His first assignment in ministry was at the First Presbyterian Church in Lockport, New York.  He was able to enjoy hiking and running in the hills outside of the town where he lived and worked, and often told his secretary that he was "going out to see my Fathers world."

What a great picture that is!!!  Hiking and running outside in nature.......soaking up God's glorious creation!  

As one verse in the song says:  
"This is my Father's World, and to my listening ears, 
All nature sings and round me rings, the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and tress, of skies and seas, 
His hand the wonders wrought."

Just think of that!!  All around us are rocks, trees, flowers, every rain drop, and each sunset - He is present in all that He created!!!  Wow......that is amazing!!!

"This is my Father's world,
The birds their carols raise;
The morning light, the lily white
Declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world,
He shines in all that's fair.
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
He speaks to me everywhere."

Birds raise their carols - have you listened to them recently?  Have you raised a song lately?  Have you poured out your praise for the many, many blessings in your life?  If not, fill up a bird feeder outside your window and sit down to watch the wonder of His nature....their songs are exquisite!!!  Let your song be one of praise, too!

He shines in all that's!!!  He's beside us in the rustling grass....have you noticed???  My mom always felt His presence beside her.....every day....every moment.  It was wonderful to have her tell all four of us kids that often.....He's there.....ask Him to walk beside you today...He's waiting for you.

"This is my Father's world
O let me never forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father's world
The battle is not done;
Jesus who died shall be satisfied, 
And earth and heaven be one."

Oh, how I pray that I will never forget.....never forget that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us!  It is one of His mightiest promises in the Bible!!!

All nature sings and round me rings..........the music of the spheres!
Catch a glimpse of it today and sing!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Shattered in a Million pieces...

When your heart is shattered in a million tiny little pieces, where do you go?  What do you do with all those tears?  All those fracture lines on your heart?  What can possibly console you?  Who can console you?  These are questions from deep in my heart.....deep in my soul.

I wonder how God takes all the tears we shed and heals us when His heart is broken because of us every single day.  When does God cry?  Who does He cry to?  How does He heal His broken heart?
All rhetorical questions.

And yet, I imagine that our rebellion and all the many ways we have turned our back on God is devastating.  Truly, I can only imagine all the pain that I have caused my Lord and Savior.  And, it hurts me to know that I have turned my back on Him in the past.  I have chosen my own way.  I have chosen to ignore the inexpressible and glorious joy that only He can offers and I have gone astray.  How is that possible when I love Him so very much???

This weekend, events occurred that made me realize that once again I am devastated and my heart is broken.  And, there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it.  And so, I turn to the Serenity Prayer:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."  Acceptance, courage, wisdom.  I ask once again to receive these gifts of the Holy Spirit.  It is the only way I can make it through the day.

Acceptance:  The one thing that I wanted most in all this world has turned away.....has decided not to follow God....has decided that the way of this world is better than what God offers.  How is that possible?  All the faith, all the hope, all the love, all the joy that I tried to pour out has flowed downstream to a pool that is not even close to what I imagined nor near God. 

Courage:  I have to ask: "What went wrong?"  Not as a pity-party, but as a real question that needs an answer. How does God want me to view this situation?  And, what does He want me to do next?

Wisdom: As an awareness that all the hopes and dreams that I had when I was 20 or 23 years old are gone.  There is no turning back.  There is no way to control what has happened in the past.  There is no way to relive my life.

And, so I trust.  I accept.  I have courage.  I ask for wisdom. 
All my experience, strength and hope point me to the One who can heal me.  To the One who can make me whole again.

God answers Knee-mail - did you know that?  The more I drop to my knees and make knee prints
on the floor in my bedroom, the more I know that God hears my cries for help and answers my prayers.  The more I read His Word in the Bible, the more I realize His unconditional love is there for me.  He covers me with His feathers and under His wings I find a place of refuge from the storm.

2 Chronicles 7:14 has become my mantra at 7:14 a.m.every morning.....
"If my people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray, if they will seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land."

Humble themselves......and His face.....and turn from our wicked ways.....
What comes with that prayer?  Forgiveness of sins.  All of them.  If we know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, only He can forgive us, only He can heal us.

And, so, I believe.  I have hope.  I let go and allow God to work in the life that brought me life.  I release.  The shattered pieces are gathered and put into a mosaic of my life.  Into a new heart.  Into a new journey of trust.  A golden layer of forgiveness shines through the shattered pieces.  My heart begins to beat again.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Reflections on 19 years as a single mom....

Nineteen! Has it really been that long since my divorce???  Yep!  January 13, 2000 the papers read:  The bonds of matrimony are dissolved, set aside and all for naught.  Thud.  I cried until I could not cry anymore.  All for naught, really???

I never dreamed I would be divorced.  I wanted to be married my whole life.  Both of our parents and grandparents were divorced.  The odds weren't good to begin with, but oh the dreams I had!  I wanted to be a music teacher, a wife and a mom all of my life and those dreams of all that could be were gone.  Those dreams were shattered.  Dissolved. Set aside. All for naught.

It truly is unbelievable that the past nineteen years have gone by so fast and yet so slow....Being married nineteen years and now being divorced nineteen years - It feels like a lifetime!'

So, having the dream and commitment of staying married my whole life dissolved I had to navigate some pretty rough waters.  By myself.  Yes, I did end up having one incredible son, Matthew before we got divorced.  Matthew:  My gift from God.  He truly is a gift....and yes, I am the luckiest mom on the planet!!!

But, the divorce took its toll on vulnerable....Matthew was only 3 and 1/2 years old when his mom and dad said goodbye.  It's been a lifetime for him as well.  Turmoil, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, etc. etc. etc.  How do  you teach a little one that daddy and mommy are no longer living together?  That we are not going back to that house? Sure, the courts said "shared custody",  but how does anyone really do that well?  Back and forth, week by week with all of Matthew's belongings:  back pack, favorite books, scout uniform, soccer uniform, trumpet, music, favorite stuffed animal.  Ugh!!!

Rough waters, you say?  Absolutely!  Being single in this society where couples reign on TV commercials, movies, restaurants, parks - every where you go - there are couples everywhere!  And, Valentine's Day?  Ha!  What in the world does one do on Valentine's Day without a significant other who loves you?  Good question!!!

Mondays were the worst!  I called it "trading prisoners."  It was horrible.  Matt cried, I did not matter if Matt was coming to my house or going to his dad's house.  Tears soaked the seat of the car and both of our pillows at night!

By the Grace of God, we muddled by day....week by week....year by year.  I had the most wonderful counselor, Beth, who is still a dear friend today.  I honestly do not know how I would have made it if it were not for Beth's wise counsel.  She helped me learn how to deal with my anger and Matt's.  She had me draw how I felt when I got so angry - a Volcano is what I drew and still have the picture today!  She helped me find value and purpose and meaning in life again.  She taught me to take care of myself in a healthy way - not a selfish way.  At the end of one of our first counseling lessons, Beth asked me:  "What one nice thing will you do for yourself this week?"  I looked at her stunned.  Silent.  So, she repeated the question: "What one nice thing will you do for yourself this week?"
I honestly did not know how to answer.  I thought that was being selfish.  Beth taught me that to take care of Matthew in a healthy manner, I had to take care of myself.  And, take care of myself well.
If I didn't, who would take care of Matthew?  I was the bread winner, the cook, the maid, the carpool lady, the gardener, the snow shoveler, the everything-er!  If I did not take care of me, I certainly could not do all those I traveled every other week for my job back then.  It was rough.  Rougher than I ever thought possible.

But, again, by the Grace of God, I learned.  I learned how to love myself.  Completely.  100%.
I learned how to take care of myself and Matt.  I learned techniques in Al-anon that saved my life!  I learned to take good care of myself and how to "detach in love."  I even learned how to have a single ladies Valentine's Brunch each year to celebrate friendship and love as women and as friends.

But, I had to admit, it was very difficult to let go of all those hopes, all those dreams, all those expectations.  I even had a funeral for my dreams.  Yes, I wrote them out, placed them in a box and buried the box outside.  I had to place a "Golden layer of forgiveness" on each of the break lines on my heart and on Matthew's heart.  We learned, we grew, we leaned on each other, we cried together, we laughed, we gardened together and we became very close.  I will always be grateful for my little guy who was so brave, so courageous and so generous with his forgiveness with his mom. 
"By the Grace of God, I go......"

Isaiah 43:1-3 was one of my life verses back then and is still today:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."

Did you know that "Fear Not" or "Do Not Be Afraid" is in the Bible 365 times?  Check it out!  It's true!
One for every day of the calendar year.  One for every fear, for every tear, for every ache of the broken heart.  He is right beside you every step of the way.  If only we will turn to Him.  If only we will ask Him to mend our broken hearts.

I cannot imagine my life without my Savior, Jesus Christ!!!  He is amazing!!!  And, He brought Matthew and I through the roughest waters I could ever imagine. He still parts the Sea so that we can "walk right through it!"

Thank you, Lord, with all my heart for helping us through the rough waters!  We made it!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Feeding the birds in winter...

Remember the movie Mary Poppins?  One of my favorite songs from that movie is "Feed the Birds."
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag."  Remember???  In the movie, an old woman feeds her birds in the park every day.  She is disheveled, unkempt, and ragged in appearance, but oh, what she does is amazing!!!  She feeds those birds as if they were her children!!!

Many of us are bird watchers.  We feed the birds at various bird feeders in our yards during the spring, summer and fall, but how about in the winter?  If you love feeding the birds in summer, you will LOVE feeding and watching them in the winter, too!

We just had 8-10 inches of snow last weekend, so I was concerned that my birds needed nourishment!  So, I dusted off a couple of patio chairs on my deck and removed the snow from underneath the chairs to create a place where they could find bird food that wasn't covered with snow!  I even went so far as to put the food close to my sliding glass door so that I could sit at my kitchen table and is SO much fun!!!

As I watch, I am reminded that the Lord has promised to watch over us!  Listen to this:
Matthew 10:29-31 says: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the hairs on your head are numbered. So, do NOT be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Wow!  Think of that........reflect on that........the God of the Universe believes YOU are worth more than many sparrows....not one sparrow, not two sparrows, but many!!!

There is a Great Backyard Bird Count in February where you can put food in your bird feeders and take 15 minutes to watch and record which birds come to your feeder and then send the results to this organization!  The dates are February 15-18, 2019.  The website at  It's an event across the nation, so tune into the website and check it out!  Become a bird watcher and bird provider - it's an incredible feeling to know that I am helping the birds in my own backyard!!!

If you are a bird watcher, then you will realize what an incredible gift this is a promise from God to us....yes us!  He wants every one of us to be one of His sparrows.  He wants our hearts....He wants our thoughts, our words, our attitudes, our deeds, our actions, our reactions, but most of all our responses.  He wants our hopes and dreams....He wants our fears.....He wants our surrender....He promises to provide if we just turn to Him.  Be a sparrow.....

Our God is an amazing God to give us such beautiful, tiny creatures to watch and care for in winter.
I hope you will join me and "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag...."

Friday, January 11, 2019


How you ever considered watching it snow???  If not, try it!!! Snowflakes are fascinating!!  Snowflakes are a single, feathery crystal of snow.  They are usually white or opaque and can melt in a few seconds, but oh, the fun you can have trying to catch one on your tongue!!!

Think about each snowflake - they are unique and each one is configured differently.  They are similar to fingerprints in that way - no two are alike!  Each one has its own shape and size - some are fluffy, some are slushy, some are light, some are heavy.  None of them are the same!  Have you ever studied one?  

I did an experiment with mindfulness and snowflakes....I decided to take some time to watch them come down on my windshield for almost an hour as I sat in park to just reflect on the quiet beauty....they fall softly, serenely, and quietly.  They can cause you to stop and wonder how these particles of ice can mesmerize us and how they create such beauty and such serenity.

Watching from a window inside your house where it is nice and warm is another fun way to enjoy snow!  Grab a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate....then, sit down and watch Mother Nature entertain you for a bit.  

Reflect on a wonderful memory from childhood when you made a snow angel or went ice skating or went down a long hill on a sled!!!  Take time to be still and let the good memories take you back to that happy time in your life.  Take time to just ponder the wonder of snow....ponder the quiet place inside you when you may feel dreary or lethargic and let yourself be that for a short time.  It is really okay to slow down.  Relax.  Ponder.....

Winter offers a wealth of opportunities to just sit still and contemplate things in life.  Allow yourself that time of reflection, that time of wonder, that time of being still.

Someone recently showed my a way to meditate on Psalm 46:10 which says:
"Be Still and Know that I am God."

Now, take it apart one sentence at a time:
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know....
Be still...

See?  You can do it!!!

Watching the snow falling is one way to slow down, to quiet the busy lives we lead, to become still and listen for that still, small voice we long to hear.  God's voice.....Holy whispers that speak to our heart.

One day, I would like to become as lovely as snow falling.
How about you???