Think about each snowflake - they are unique and each one is configured differently. They are similar to fingerprints in that way - no two are alike! Each one has its own shape and size - some are fluffy, some are slushy, some are light, some are heavy. None of them are the same! Have you ever studied one?
I did an experiment with mindfulness and snowflakes....I decided to take some time to watch them come down on my windshield for almost an hour as I sat in park to just reflect on the quiet beauty....they fall softly, serenely, and quietly. They can cause you to stop and wonder how these particles of ice can mesmerize us and how they create such beauty and such serenity.
Watching from a window inside your house where it is nice and warm is another fun way to enjoy snow! Grab a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate....then, sit down and watch Mother Nature entertain you for a bit.
Reflect on a wonderful memory from childhood when you made a snow angel or went ice skating or went down a long hill on a sled!!! Take time to be still and let the good memories take you back to that happy time in your life. Take time to just ponder the wonder of snow....ponder the quiet place inside you when you may feel dreary or lethargic and let yourself be that for a short time. It is really okay to slow down. Relax. Ponder.....
Winter offers a wealth of opportunities to just sit still and contemplate things in life. Allow yourself that time of reflection, that time of wonder, that time of being still.
Someone recently showed my a way to meditate on Psalm 46:10 which says:
"Be Still and Know that I am God."
Now, take it apart one sentence at a time:
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know....
Be still...
See? You can do it!!!
Watching the snow falling is one way to slow down, to quiet the busy lives we lead, to become still and listen for that still, small voice we long to hear. God's voice.....Holy whispers that speak to our heart.
One day, I would like to become as lovely as snow falling.
How about you???
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