Saturday, January 19, 2019

Feeding the birds in winter...

Remember the movie Mary Poppins?  One of my favorite songs from that movie is "Feed the Birds."
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag."  Remember???  In the movie, an old woman feeds her birds in the park every day.  She is disheveled, unkempt, and ragged in appearance, but oh, what she does is amazing!!!  She feeds those birds as if they were her children!!!

Many of us are bird watchers.  We feed the birds at various bird feeders in our yards during the spring, summer and fall, but how about in the winter?  If you love feeding the birds in summer, you will LOVE feeding and watching them in the winter, too!

We just had 8-10 inches of snow last weekend, so I was concerned that my birds needed nourishment!  So, I dusted off a couple of patio chairs on my deck and removed the snow from underneath the chairs to create a place where they could find bird food that wasn't covered with snow!  I even went so far as to put the food close to my sliding glass door so that I could sit at my kitchen table and is SO much fun!!!

As I watch, I am reminded that the Lord has promised to watch over us!  Listen to this:
Matthew 10:29-31 says: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the hairs on your head are numbered. So, do NOT be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Wow!  Think of that........reflect on that........the God of the Universe believes YOU are worth more than many sparrows....not one sparrow, not two sparrows, but many!!!

There is a Great Backyard Bird Count in February where you can put food in your bird feeders and take 15 minutes to watch and record which birds come to your feeder and then send the results to this organization!  The dates are February 15-18, 2019.  The website at  It's an event across the nation, so tune into the website and check it out!  Become a bird watcher and bird provider - it's an incredible feeling to know that I am helping the birds in my own backyard!!!

If you are a bird watcher, then you will realize what an incredible gift this is a promise from God to us....yes us!  He wants every one of us to be one of His sparrows.  He wants our hearts....He wants our thoughts, our words, our attitudes, our deeds, our actions, our reactions, but most of all our responses.  He wants our hopes and dreams....He wants our fears.....He wants our surrender....He promises to provide if we just turn to Him.  Be a sparrow.....

Our God is an amazing God to give us such beautiful, tiny creatures to watch and care for in winter.
I hope you will join me and "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag...."

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