Sunday, December 11, 2022

Embark on a Mysterious Expedition

Embark on a mysterious expedition with me!  And adventure of sorts!  And, to some, it would be a long harsh journey in some ways, but oh, the outcome is GLORIOUS!

Imagine if you were one of the three Wise Men in the Christmas Story.  Why would you travel from the Orient to Bethlehem?  What are you looking for?

And, would you travel by camel for a hundred miles or even one thousand miles to see a mysterious babe in a manger?  Why would you choose to do such an adventure?  What would make you want to make this long, arduous journey towards Bethlehem?

And, would you really follow a star shining in the night sky?  What would cause you to begin such a journey?  Well, as it says in the scriptures, the Magi followed the star to Jerusalem to ask:  "Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews?  We saw His star in the East and have come to worship Him." (Matthew 2:1-2).  Wow!  That is one long journey to worship someone you don't even know is real!  But, somehow, they did make that journey and they did worship Him.  They believed the prophecy which had been foretold:  The Babe lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

And, the Three Kings brought gifts for Him, too!  Gold, Frankincense, and Mryyh. Have you ever wondered WHY???

Some of the answers are in this song.....Remember the old Christmas Carol:  We Three Kings???  The verses are fascinating!!!

1) "We three Kings of Orient are,

Bearing gifts we traverse afar,

Field and fountain, moor and mountain

Following yonder star.



Star of wonder, star of night,

Star with royal beauty bright,

Westward leading, still proceeding,

Guide us to Thy perfect light."

2) "Born a King on Bethlehem's plain,

Gold I bring to crown Him again,

King forever, ceasing never,

Over us all to reign."


3) "Frankincense to offer have I,

Incense owns a Deity nigh,

Prayer and praising, all men raising,

Worship Him, God most high."


4) Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume,

Breathes of life of gathering gloom,

sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,

Sealed in the stone cold tomb."


5) "Glorious now behold Him arise,

King and God and Sac-ri-fice.

Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, 

Earth to heaven replies."



A star leading them through the wonder......shrouded in mysterious light....

with royal beauty.....guiding to the Perfect Light!  Christ IS that Light!!!  If ever there was a time to explore who Christ is, now is that time!!!

Go on a in the New Testament the story for yourself!  It's in the Bible in the book of Matthew, Chapter 1 and 2, and Luke, Chapter 2: The Christmas story.  It's amazing - especially if it has been since you were a child when you last read it or heard it!  

And, John 1:14 says: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.  We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth."

Come!  Follow the Star!!!  Find the Babe lying in the manager...........

He came for you.  He came for me.

Merry, Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Catalytic Converters....

What does a Catalytic Converter do for a car?  Well, it is part of the exhaust system and keeps it from making a loud rumbling or roaring sound - a bit like the muscle cars in the 1960's when the owner wanted it to sound loud to get attention!

So, why are people stealing these so often in today's world?  The reason is that they have precious metals in them such as platinum, palladium and rhodium - copper, silver and gold.  They sell it to make money!  And, it is a hot item right now is most cities.  Our church parking lot has been the source of several thefts and it boggles my mind that people have the skill to cut these parts off so quickly in broad daylight when no one is looking!  Seriously???

So, why am I writing about this?  Because my car just had its catalytic converter stolen this week.......another part of the saga in car repairs this past month.  But no worries! I am not telling you this for sympathy, but  to show how God is working in my life and my son's to bring redemption!!!

What is a Cataclysm?  It is a violent and sudden upheaval.  Well, having this part stolen has been sudden and it has been and upheaval in my life.  Cataclysm, catalytic, cathartic.
It's all part of a figurative way of purging my emotions and testing my faith. And, it is bringing healing!  Yes, "All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His prupose!!!"  (Romans 8:28)  All, not some, not part, not most, but ALL.

Despite the fact that this part being stolen is wrong (and annoying), God is working in my heart (and my son's) to show me that He is still in control!  He is still on the Throne!!  He is Sovereign!!!

Matt commented to me on Thanksgiving Day that he KNOWS there is a God because his mom is a praying mom and his life is a witness to God's Sovereignty!!!  Through all the trials and tribulations and  multiple life-threating experiences he has had in his life, he know he is still alive because him mom prays!  This is NOT about me.  It is about GOD.  It is about PRAYER. And, this is a HUGE revelation for my son!  HUGE!!!  

And, to me, this is about God's Glory!!!  When we pray, He is faithful!!!  And this entire experience
shows me that the God who watches over us indeed does watch over us. 
He never leaves us.  
He never forsakes us.
He IS faithful.


What catalyst is at work in YOUR Life this week?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sweet Memories...

Memories.....sweet remembrances of my family fill my mind and heart at this time of year.  We live 643-840 miles apart, but we love each other tremendously!  I realize that we are very lucky in our family to be so close and to want to talk to each other and spend time together.  I know some families do not share that closeness and I wish I could change that for several friends who do not have that closeness.  And, I am very grateful that our family does share that closeness!  I do not mean that as a boast, that is a true place a gratitude in my heart!!!  I know it is rare and I cannot thank God enough for it every day!

I have two older sisters and one younger brother, one brother-in-law, one sister-in-law, plus my son, three wonderful nieces, two incredible nephews, two amazing great nieces and my brother's two grandkids.  We have so much fun together when we are able to get together.........most of my family lives in Ohio,Texas and Virginia, and one recently moved to Belize.  Recalling their faces and their smiles fills my heart with joy.  We tease, we joke, we laugh, we taunt each other and we love each other.  Goofiness abounds when we are together!

My siblings and I have a series of "decade" photos:  Our thirty-something, forty-something, fifty-something and our sixty-something years we have captured in photos!!!  It is so much fun, but how did we get that old???  Ha! Ha!  My oldest sister turns 70 this year, so a new decade is upon us.  Wow............six decades of love and joy and laughter and yes, heartache, sorrow and tears have filled our paths as well.  But, what holds us together is LOVE!

A deep abiding love that stems from our parents and grandparents and great grandparents! Despite the troubles we have seen, we still gather and enjoy each other's company and cherish those moments.

Tell me, do you have sweet memories of your family or friends in your life?  I hope so!  Cherish them!  Enjoy them!  Spend time with them.  Tell them how much they mean to you!  Tell them as often as you can!!!  Don't take for granted that they "know" you love them...........tell them!  Show them! Hug them!!!

As I write out my Thanksgiving cards again this year, there is a saying that I found years ago that expresses the depth of my heart:

"Like an old country road,

Our Thanksgiving memories always lead us to the warm, familiar places we love...

And to the cherished faces waiting there."

Go to those warm, familiar places..........cherish those faces........let go of any unpleasant things of the past.....let by-gones be by-gones!  Forgive..........start them, text them, email them, have lunch or dinner with them, take them to the grocery, run errands with them, pick up leaves with them, throw snowballs at them.........whatever way you can find to show your heart.........and love, really love those in your life!  Tell them often!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

GROW = Gracious Riches of Wonder

 Have you ever wondered how there are so many ways to GROW??  Cities grow, countries grow, plants grow, trees grow, grass grows, children grow, adults grow and somehow inside each of us, our souls grow.

I would love for you to consider going on this journey with me!  Recently, my church in Cincinnati had a 5 week journey of exploring how we each can GROW in our walk toward God.  Feel free to listen to the 5 sermons as they are very helpful and full of lots of challenges for you to GROW!  Just go to and watch all five weeks of lessons!  They are each about 20 minutes to listen to and have incredible tips on how to grow in your relationship with God!

Here is a listing of the five weeks:

1) Connect with God daily.

2) Receive teaching weekly

3) Share your story!

4) Get Baptized

5) Join Community

As the Grow Guide states (ask online for one to be sent to you, if you like!), for any relationship to grow, communication is the key - it is critical!  And, a relationship with God is NO different!  Check it out.....the more you talk to God, read His Word (The Bible) and ask lots of questions! Pick a time of day that works for you and start with 5 minutes of talking to God.  He is listening!

Each week that you listen to one of the messages, you can take a note pad and jot down what you learn.  Then, try to apply ONE thing that following week that you learned.

As you probably know, regular reading of God's Word is always good for our soul.  We GROW as we learn about what God wants to tell you in the pages of scripture.  Trying readying Matthew 5 which includes the Sermon on the Mount - check it out!

Believe it or not, you have an interesting story to tell!  Yes, YOU!  You have gone through experiences in this life that perhaps many have never experienced yet.  This sermon series teaches you how to create a way to share your story.  It is powerful because it's YOUR story - no one else has lived your life!  And, you have valuable information that can help others on their way.  Try it!

Baptism is a public display of our inward devotion for God and a decision to follow Jesus.  It's simple. And, it's amazing!  Even if you were baptized as a baby, you can declare your love for God by getting baptized as an adult.  Check out various churches in your area who will help you learn why and how to do just that.  Crossroads-Christian Church in Shawnee, KS is wonderful to explore this option!

Finally, we were meant to be experience life together.  If you don't have a community of friends or a church that you call home, I hope that you will explore new options for yourself soon.  The New Testament is a collection of books written to GROUPS of people:  The Colossians, the Ephesians, the Corinthians, etc.  Each city had its own set of people who lived in community together.  They broke bread and ate meals together, they worked together on the farms, in the fields, in their cities, in the barns, etc.  And, they did it all together! There's a wonderful scripture in Matthew 18:20 that says:

"Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am among them."

Think about that!  The presence of God right in the midst of your community!

There are SO many ways to explore how to grow in your Journey to God!

If you know me well, you know that I love acronyms!  So, here is one to consider:

GROW = Gracious Riches of Wonder.

God gives us so many riches every day and they are glorious and gracious:  Sunrises, sunsets, daily sunshine, rain to water the earth, trees  that turn beautiful colors in the Fall and give us a sense new growth in the Spring, flowers, vegetables and gardens that grow continuously, friends, family, co-workers, prayer partners, bicycle clubs, car pool groups, bunko groups, crochet groups, quilting clubs, etc. etc. etc.  The list goes on and on.........what can you add to your list of gracious riches in your life?

There is SO much wonder, too: the wonder of life, the wonder of marriage, the wonder of friendship, the awe and admiration of nature and so many things to marvel at how they came to be!  

Try taking an hour and be curious about something you have never explored before and see if you cannot find the wonder of something you have never known before.  It will be amazing!  

And, you will GROW because of it!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Three Friends....

What do three totally different friends have in common when one is African-American, one is Hispanic and one is Caucasian???

Well, there are LOTS of things we have in common!!! 

First, our sons played football together from 5th grade until their senior year.  As "football moms," we drove our sons to practice, games and sports dinners every week.  We picked them up when they were exhausted and made sure they had food in their stomachs. We made sure they had the right equipment and uniforms and washed them faithfully for every season, every year.  We endured cold morning practices and games as well as sweltering hot summer practices.  We pushed them to make sure their academic studies were up to date and on time.  We loved them, cherished them and cheered them on at every game!  It was so much fun being a football mom!!!

Second, we enjoyed each other's company and still do!  We would go out to lunch or for happy hour after work where we shared our hopes and dreams for our boys - both back then and now.  We shared the boys hearts desires for their futures and our dreams for their lives. 

Third, we supported them and encouraged them to do what God had planned for them to do with their lives.  We prayed for their safety, their achievements (both on the field and off) and we loved watching them have fun!  And, in supporting our sons, we supported each other.

Fourth, we helped each other as moms of sons through some very difficult times.  We have laughed together and cried together.  We made a way when there seemed to be no way.

Back when we first met in the football stands or the school hallways, we never knew we would become such great friends.  We never knew we would support each other through some of the most grueling parts of our lives.  But we did.  We survived.  And, we thrived thanks to the support we were able to give each other through all those years. 

Now, years later, I look back and thank God Himself for making us friends!  It did not matter what country we were from or what color our skin was or what our finances looked like.  We were (and are) football moms.........moms of sons.....moms of some of the most handsome and incredible young men on the planet!  We are blessed beyond measure.  Not only because God granted us to be a mom of a son, but also, to be blessed to invest in our friendship as moms.  We have been through "Thick and thin."  We have gone months or years without seeing each other and still we have a connection that goes to the core of our being.  That friendship and love runs deep in our boys and deep in our veins.

We our moms of sons.

Thank you, Lord for blessing us beyond measure every day!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

From Harsh to Marshmellow heart....

 At the end of a person's life, how is that person to be defined?  Is it by skill, intellect, personality, emotions (or lack thereof), career, status, finances, material items, religious preference, family of origin, # of kids or siblings, personal habits, physical strength, character traits, motivation or perception?

Then, of course, comes the question:  How does one WANT to be remembered?  Would the words loving, caring, giving, generous, hospitable, always helpful, or sweet come to mind?  OR, would people remember a harsh, stern, bully, tyrant, unreasonable, hard core or "always had to be right" type of person come to mind?

Whatever the perception is, that is what permeates the description in our heads and hearts.  It lingers....

Think about it - if this were your funeral, what would you want people to say about you?

Would you want them to walk a mile in someone else's shoes attitude?  Would you want people to realize who you really were instead of perception and their beliefs?  Would you be judgmental or gracious in your estimation?

If we've had a negative experience with someone important in our life, can we choose to become willing to extend grace?  Even after that person is gone?  Can we grow, learn  and have courage to face those feelings?  Can we forgive someone who has hurt us deeply?  Absolutely.  But it is a process.  We must choose to forgive.

The last 5 years has been extremely interesting in my relationship with Jerry Spencer.  We became friends....commrades.  We learned a lot about each other.  It's funny:  years ago, I told people the best part about my divorce (if there could be something like that!) was never speaking to Jerry Spencer again.  His words could be crushing.  Ironically, we have become very close and we talked often.  And I am grateful for this relationship in my life.

We shared our hurts, our frustrations, our feelings, and our successes and our failures. But most of all, we shared our faith!  We talked a lot about how the Holy Spirit is so essential in our lives and in our prayers.

We prayed for each other and our families.  We cried together and laughed together.  NEVER in a million years would I have dreamed we would become close!  The last time I spoke to Jerry was the day before Mother's Day.  I will miss his calls and the beautiful, poignant cards he send me each year.  He never missed a birthday, Christmas or Mother's day.  And the cards always arrived exactly on the day!  And, he always thought of me as family.

The biggest thing I learned about Jerry was how much he loved each one of his family!!!  How often he prayed for them and cried over them.  He admitted his mistakes and asked the Lord for forgiveness.  And, he received it:  I John 1 says:  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  Sounds too simple, doesn't it?  But that is they way the Lord designed it.  Confession.  Forgiveness.  Giving it all to Jesus!

Jerry tried with all his heart to seek forgiveness and put things straight as best he could.  He wanted to stere each one that he loved to a better place, to make better choices, to be wiser in their decisions.  His intentions were PURE GOLD.  And, it was all for love.

Romans 8:37-39 says:  "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  This is one of my life verses that anchors me. I read it for my beloved Grandfather " Gramps" and I read it now for Jerry.

The ultimate act of love is forgiveness...It's why Christ died on the Cross....for you, for me.

Have you ever watched the movie:  I Can Only Imagine or listened to that song?  I've watched it so many times that I've love count.  And I have wept over the relationships that were similar.  The movie is about relationships and how hurtful experiences can keep people apart - for years!  But, it is also about Redemption!!!  And, I believe today is about redemption.

Relationships CAN be healed...

Forgiveness CAN be extended...

Each one of us CAN offer and receive forgiveness  OR it can be withheld and relationships ruined.

What I learned the most about Jerry in the past 5 years was that his heart was in the right place.

Picture a HUGE Marshmellow Bouncey House!  It's squishy, it's can land in a soft place....and it can be a place of JOY!

Jerry could be extremely difficult to deal with at times, but oh how he loved us and wanted the best for each of us!!!  That's why he pushed so hard....

If you haven't come to terms with your relationship with Jerry, then you haven't looked at the reason he existed. LOVE.  Pure and simple.

He couldn't  (or didn't ) say it in his earlier years, but once Christ go ahold of his heart, he pursued his love for the Lord 1st and then his love for his family.  Jerry did everything he could to make amends and be a pillar of strength for each of us.

He asked me once way back in 1986 when he first became a "Born again" Christian:

"Why can't my kids say "I love you" back to me?  My answer was:  "Perhaps because they did not hear it from you for the first 26 years of their lives....Maybe, if you keep telling them for the NEXT 26 years, they will believe you!"  With tears in his eyes, he then asked:  "Do you really think it will take that long?"  And, I answered:  "Only the Lord knows their hearts and yours."

Search your heart.....Then, picture and huge Marshmellow heart....that is/was Jerry's heart for each of you!!!

He loved you so........

Thursday, May 12, 2022

All for Love

I have been asked to speak at a MOPS (Moms of Pre-schoolers) group on the topic of "All for Love."  So, it got me thinking about how we define love in today's world.  What exactly is love in your own heart and mind? 

Is it a feeling? An intense affectionate concern for another person? A passionate attraction to someone else? A beloved individual? A strong liking or enthusiasm towards others?  Is love cherishing a loved one or a family member?  Is love adoring someone in particular?

How would you define love? What would cause you to say "I love you" to someone? What would cause you to "love" something or someone? Is it the type of love you see on a Hallmark movie?  Or even in a romantic novel?  Is it family love or friendship?  Is it brotherly/sisterly love?

And, on another level, how would you describe a parent's love?  Is it sacrificial?  It is unconditional or conditional?  Or, is it a duty that has to be done because children are not able to take care of themselves? I think that subject would take days or years to define!  And, there is definitely more to being a parent that meets the eye as basic duties of a parent!

There are questions and upon questions on love...what question do you have about love?

I Corinthians 13:1-3 says:  "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries  and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."

Would you give all you possess to the poor?  Would you burn at the stake for someone you loved? Think about it.  What degree would you go to for love?

Love is defined very differently in the Bible than the Webster dictionary.  

Agape love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love.  It is the highest of the four types of love in the Bible. 

Phileo love is a friendship type of love.  

Storge love is affection. 

And, finally Eros love is romantic love.

Which type of love presents itself in your life on a regular basis? What would you give up for love?  Or who would you do anything for,  for love?  

And, how about ALL for love?  Would you give it "all?"  Is there a specific cause you would give everything up to help? Would you sponsor a child with Compassion International or a similar organization to love a child that has nothing or very little?  Would you do that for 18 years or longer? What about your own kids if you have them.  What would you do to love them completely?

And, finally, would you give your life for another person if it came down to it?  Or, would you give up your life as Christ did on the cross for an entire humanity of people whose sins, mistakes or choices need atoning for?  

Love is a very deep subject to ponder....and a topic that is vital to our families and lives....we can choose to love deeply and give "all" for love or not.  

How do you choose to love?  Deeply or on the surface?  Carelessly or carefully? Conditionally or unconditionally?  All or nothing?

Continuing from the verse above, verses 4-13 say it all:

"Love is patient and kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not haughty or selfish or rude.  It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered.  It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.  When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put childish things behind me.  Now I see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And, now these three things remain:  Faith, Hope and Love.  But the greatest of these is LOVE."

So again, what do you say love is?  How do you choose to love those people in your life?  Choose carefully.  It has lasting affects on those you love or choose not to love.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Your Heart Song...

Have you ever heard of a Honeyeating Bird from Australia?  I had not until this morning when reading Our Daily Bread devotion turned me to researching this singing bird. There are only about 300 of these birds left and may become extinct. However, Australian conservationists are looking into how to prevent that.  The conservationists are bringing music to the habitat with recorded songs so that they birds can hear their native song and relearn how to sing it!  This bird has a unique song - it's heart song which allows them to sing for a mate!  If they lose their song, the species will die.  Can you imagine if they lost that song?      

Zephaniah 3:17 says that God sings over us!  

"The Lord God is in our midst, The Mighty One will save.  

He will rejoice over you with gladness, 

He will quiet you in His love, 

He will rejoice over you with singing."

Amazing!  Just as God created a unique and special bird in Australia, he created each of us with our own unique heart song. Each of us are given gifts to share with others.  Trials, tribulations and daily stresses take away our heart song sometimes.  We become deafened to what makes us sing.  We lose our savor, our passion, our way.  But what if we like this Honeyeating Bird relearn our song?  What if when we feel decimated by our suffering, we sing?  What if our heart song could be restored?

I believe God does that every time we turn to Him.  He sings over us.  Yes!  You. Me.  Bringing Him the things that hurt the most.  The things that tear us down.  The things that make us heart sick.  He can make a way where there is NO way!  His voice of love and forgiveness can restore our song.  We can listen to His melody each day by reading His Word.  By listening for His voice.  By prayer and meditation. By listening for the song He sings over us....yes, even you!  Even me.

He never lets us go.  He never leaves us.

Now that is a song worth singing!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2022


Indomitable........that's quite a word!  And, it has several meanings:  Incapable of being overcome or subdued; unconquerable, untamable; not easily discouraged or defeated.  My college dictionary from1973 gave me the first two definitions and a dictionary from 2003 gave me the third definition.  Indomitable to me is unconquerable, untamable.  Being easily discouraged or defeated has a completely different meaning to me!

So what is indomitable to you? What would be unconquerable for you?  What is untamable in your life?  Would you stake your life on something that is indomitable?  Would you stake your life on love that indomitable? Have you ever been the recipient of indomitable love?  Or, have you ever given that type of love to another?  Some believe that a parent's love is indomitable.

Love is indomitable.  Love is irresistible. Love conquers all even when we don't get what we want out of life.  Love is deep.  Love is strong. Love is self-sacrificing. Love is more than compassion or sheer sentiment. Love sits down with others.  Love listens.  Love pushes when necessary. Love isn't afraid.

The Bible defines it beautifully in I Corinthians 13:4-7:  "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude. It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails."

What would you stake your life on?  Would it be this kind of indomitable love?  Would it be a passion for a specific cause that you would give your life for?

Would you consider someone dying for you indomitable?  Would you consider being the recipient of such a sacrifice?  If you are a believer, there is someone who died for you, for me.  His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  His love was and is indomitable.  Christ's love never fails.  Never.

So, I ask again, what is indomitable to you?   Would you stake your life on this kind of love?  I would.  And, I do.  Every day.  I hope you will, too!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Lenten Journey

 How many of us know that there are 40 days before Easter that are called "Lent?"  It is the 40 days leading up to the death, burial and the the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It is a time of "going within" to consider what is most important about our faith.  My dad's family was Catholic, so there was a tradition of "giving up" something for Lent in order to focus more on God and our walk with God.  My mom's family was Presbyterian and some Presbyterians also give up something for Lent.  So usually, I gave up sweets: Coca Cola, cookies, brownies, cakes, etc.  And, I usually lost about 10 pounds every year!  It was great!

Did I grow closer to God?  Perhaps.  But in my earlier years, it really was a form of losing weight while trying to be more faithful to God.  Now, in my later years, I truly try to go within to improve my relationship with the Lord...and to learn more about His character and His incredible Love.

The Upper Room Ministries had a book from 1993 called:  "Readings for Lent and Easter" that was a combination of devotions from various parts of The Upper Room ministries.  It is a book I have read each day for the past 29 years during the 40 days of Lent. It is out of print, but I treasure my tattered copy!!!  I learn something new each year from several of the devotions and my journey grows stronger to God each day and each year that I read this book.

Forty is significant in the Bible.  Forty days for the rain while Noah was on the ark, 40 days Moses spent on Mt. Sinai, and Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years and so on.....40 days of Lent before Easter is meant to be a time of quiet reflection, perhaps a season of the heart for some and a time to look inward in order that we might look up towards God.

Think about that.....what would you give up for 40 days in order to get closer to God?  Is there something that you would be willing to give up to learn more about God?  If so, what would you choose?  A specific amount of time reading your Bible each day? Would you give up lunch in order to pray? Would you consider giving up criticism of others for 40 days?  Would you do something new that is devoted to God's service such as volunteering at a homeless shelter once a week for 6 weeks? 

It is a noble undertaking.  Something to consider as we journey towards Easter.  The most significant day of our faith:  Jesus' Resurrection!!!  He was crucified for our sins........He died for you and me so that we could live with Him in Eternity.....He is worth learning more!!! And it just may allow you to learn about how much your are loved!!! Is that worth giving up something for 40 days?  It is for me.....and I hope it will be for you!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Ordinary days

Today is just an ordinary day.  Nothing special. Nothing pressing. Even the sky is ordinary - it is gray with a bit a sunshine peaking through.  Nothing spectacular. Nothing unusual.

We have just gone through the busiest season the year with Christmas.  And now, we have ordinary days. Routine. Same chores, same errands, same house to clean, same dishes to wash and generally just being.

Ordinary is commonplace, normal, average, usual, customary, familiar. If life is "ordinary" does that mean it's boring?  Uneventful? Mediocre?  Characterless? 

I have always been a very active person.  Some people say I am "too busy."  For me, an ordinary day is something special. It can be eventful. It can even be a spectacular adventure!  And, I choose to make it that way on most of my ordinary days.

Yet as I am recovering from total knee surgery, an ordinary day is unusual for me.  It is one of quiet moments, restful naps, praying for others, listening for the Lord's voice in a new way and pondering the amazing care and provision the Lord has given me.

Ordinary. Amazing. Beyond blessing.