Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Judges 13:24: "The woman bore a son and name him Sampson.  The boy grew up and the Lord blessed him; the Spirit of the Lord stirred him."

Steve Givens is an author for a devotional called Living Faith and here is a copy of what he wrote.....it's an awesome devotion on being stirred....

"Some versions of the Bible state that the Spirit of the Lord "blessed" Sampson.  But here, we are given the beautiful image of being "stirred," a reminder that we are being constantly touched and moved by the hand of God.  Stirred is what we feel deep in our bones when we hear what seems like an impossibly beautiful piece of music or see an indescribable sunset.  Stirred is the inner knowledge that we are never alone in our times of darkness and despair.  Stirred is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, nudging us out of complacency and into action.  Stirred is the difference between living and living for God."  What a gift this devotion is to all of us...if we will be still and listen.

Are you stirred this Christmas season?  Is there a longing in your heart?  Have you been moved and touched by the Hand of God?  Have you felt that hair on the back of your neck tingle while listening to an exquisite piece of music?  Did you see Jupiter and Saturn align on December 21st?  Do you have the knowledge that you are never alone?  

No matter what darkness.....no matter how much in despair you have....no matter how lonely you feel.....God's Holy Spirit is waiting to enter your heart this Christmas!

Why not be stirred and invite Him in???  

Jesus, the new born babe.  Into our hearts, He comes!!!

Prayer:  Lord, stir us!!!

Song:  While you were Sleeping by Casting Crowns

Thursday, December 17, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 4 Seraphim and Cherubim - Angels of Joy!!!

 Luke 2:10 says: "Then the angel of the Lord said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY which will be to all people."

JOY!!!  What rapture, jubilance and delight this season creates all around us!!!  Feel it........see it......listen for it......look for it.......it is everywhere!!!  

Old fashioned words for angels in the Scriptures are Seraphim and Cherubim.  Have you ever seen one in pictures in an old family Bible?  If not, search for one.  Look up on the internet pictures of the Sistene Chapel where Leonardo DaVinci painted some of the most exquisite paintings in the world!  They bring a sense of awe and wonder ever created on the ceiling of this historic chapel!!! His artistic work depicts the beauty and reverence of God.

Then, ask yourself, who can you be a Christmas Angel to this season?  Who may be hurting, lonely, or downtrodden that could use some uplifting this year?  Then, ask yourself:  What is one way that I can offer JOY to someone else this Christmas?  Bake some goodies, send a Christmas card, send a text, or make a phone call!  Being an angel is NOT expensive.  It doesn't mean buying an expensive gift.  It means BEING the gift!  Each of us have unique gifts that God has given us.  Think about it:  what is YOUR gift you can offer to others?  It might be as simple as inviting someone over for coffee or tea.

And, if you are the one who needs an angel, reach out anyway!  You will be amazed at what happens when you extend a hand of friendship or kindness.  Be the angel you wish someone would be to you!!!  Create a smile on someone's face who hasn't smiled in a very long time....

And remember, K.I.S.S. = KEEP IT SIMPLE, SANTA!!!

Enjoy this special holiday season and go spread some Christmas cheer everywhere you go!  Christmas JOY is all around you.....Look for it!!!  Listen for the Church Bells to remind you.........

Prayer:  Lord Jesus,  thank you that you came to spread JOY to all of us!!!

Songs:  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Casting Crowns

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 3 Sacred Traditions

Luke 2:15 says: "When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

Christmas - what is this all about?  It's about a sacred event that happened long, long ago.....

Sacred....not a word that is used often anymore in our society.  Sacred means to be "set apart" for God or to worship God. It is also something that is made or declared holy.  Something that is dedicated or devoted exclusively to one use or person. Something that is worthy of reverence.

So what is sacred to you this season?  What is worthy of reverence to you?  What brings a feeling of awe to you?  What allows you to be set apart?

Think of the traditions or rituals your family had while you were growing up....was Christmas Eve the main celebration or was Christmas morning?  What made you feel the Christmas spirit the most?  Our family had the tradition of watching the movie "White Christmas" with my Dad.  It was always a very special night.....and as children we would wait until Christmas eve to place the Christ Child in the manger.  It was a significant tradition that still warms my heart to this day.

Maybe your childhood does not bring such a good memory...and if that was the case, may I offer you a suggestion? If sad memories of Christmases in the past haunt you, acknowledge them.  Accept that they happened and are part of your history.  But remember, they are NOT happening today.  Rub a golden layer of love and forgiveness over those sad times and let them go.  Rub your fingers across the fracture lines or your broken heart and be gentle with yourself.  Love yourself through those not so good memories and create some new ones.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for some people during this season.  So, my hope is that you will feel the love of God wrapping His arms around you this season! I hope that you will KNOW that you are loved beyond a shadow of a doubt by the God of the Universe!!! 

So, good memories or not, why not create a NEW tradition that will fill your heart with the gift of healing and JOY this year?  Here are some suggestions of something new to do:

 Bake Christmas cookies for the first time with your kids!  Make different colored icing and use sprinkles to decorate!  Make a MESS in your kitchen and laugh out loud while doing it!!!  

Take a drive down to the Plaza in KC or wherever they have lots of Christmas lights and enjoy the sights!  Then, when you come home, make some Hot Chocolate and enjoy the warmth of that sweet treat!  

If singing Christmas Carols makes you feel wonderful, then sing them!  

If watching sappy Hallmark movies make you get into the spirit of Christmas , then watch them!  If not, don't!  

Take a hot bath with candles all aglow!  

Go out and talk a walk on a crisp winter night and look up at the stars - they are gorgeous!!!

Go Ice Skating at Crown Center or wherever there is an ice skating rink!

Read Charles Dickens:  "A Christmas Carol" and put the spirit of Christmas back in your heart!

Then, read the Christmas Story in Luke 2.  Sit by the manger.  See the Child who came to save the world.  He is waiting to come into your heart.

Enjoy this Christmas - maybe for the first time ever!!!  

And, if going to Grandma's house or your mother-in-law's house makes you crazy - don't go!  Or, at least give yourself permission to limit the time you spend there.  Sometimes we need to compromise, so offer a compromise with a cheerful heart!!!

Also, being a friend to someone who may have just lost a loved one this year may be something you can do for someone else this year.  Helping them may help you in your sadness, too.  Go wrap your arms around them and just share a cup of tea or coffee.

Acknowledge Christmas in your heart.....let it be a new beginning.  And while some of us may not have had the best Christmases in the past, this year you have a choice!  You can choose to create a new attitude towards the holiday and find some JOY in it!  You can choose to be with people who make you feel happy, alive and JOYFUL!!!   Make some new traditions for yourself and enjoy this beautiful season - it can GLOW with warmth and light and healing, if you choose to let it do so!!! 

Joy to the World!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 2: Instincts...Use them!

Psalm 45:1: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme."

Do you trust yourself?  Do you have good "intuition?" Are your instincts pretty spot on?  If so, why not use them at Christmas???  What does your gut tell you to do this season?

Is there something inside you that says:  "I have always wanted to _____________."  DO IT!!!

Or if your gut feeling is saying:  "No, I really do not want to do __________." Then, trust that gut feeling and DON'T do it!  Be honest with yourself, your spouse, your children, and your family/friends or whoever is pestering you to do something you do not want to do.  Trust yourself to know when you really do not want to do something or if there is a place you really do not want to go....it truly is okay to say No!  And, by the way, did you know that "NO" is a complete sentence?  You don't have to give a reason for your no.  You can just politely say, "No" or "No, thank you."  That's it.  nothing more.

Instinct is a great gift that we all possess. Instinct is an innate aspect of your behavior and/or your thoughts. It is unlearned, complex and normally adaptive to perhaps your surroundings or situation.  It is a powerful motivation or impulse.  It is second nature or automatic.  So why not use it?

What does your heart say?  Ever listen to the thing that sits in the middle of your chest?  It is a pretty amazing organ for our body, but it is also and amazing part of our soul.  Trust your heart to lead you to where you would most enjoy the holidays!  Trust your heart to know what would bring you JOY this Christmas!!  Figure out what and with whom it would give you the most pleasure of doing this season, then do it!  Don't be a martyr and trudge through an ordeal that will make you unhappy or grumpy.  Listen to your instincts....Listen to your heart - it knows the way!!!

Prayer:  Lord, this season, would you please lead my heart to where it will be full of rejoicing?  Help me not get caught up in doing things just to do them or because I "must", but to engage in activities that will being me joy and allow me to share Your love!

Song:  A Christmas to Remember by Amy Grant

Friday, December 11, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 1

Psalm 19:7 says:  “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”


K = Keep it simple, Santa!!!

While the coming of Christmas creates all sorts of good things in our lives, it can be very overwhelming and hectic!  So, here are a few suggestions for this season:

1)      Don’t overspend this holiday season.  If you don’t have the money, don’t’ buy it!

2)     Don’t overschedule yourself in the number of events you partake of this season.  That’s right.  Don’t go to an event because you “should go” – go IF you want to go and like the people who will be there!  (And, for 2020, if they are wearing a mask!) Go because you want to share this special season and/or event with those you love and enjoy their company.  And, if you haven’t been invited to an event and want to go – have one yourself!!! Invite a few friends or neighbors over for a cup of cheer, a candy cane or something homemade by you!!!  It does not have to be extravagant – just simple!

3)     Don’t overcommit to too many tasks and/or chores to complete.  Yes, that means YOU!  Delegate the chores to a specific day/time.  Compromise if there are too many items to take care of.  And, choose not to get uptight about them if they do not get done.  Do what you can to prepare your house for the holidays and/or company coming over and leave the rest with Erma Bombeck!  Her philosophy is:  “If there is a spot on the couch, sit on it!”

4)     Do sit down and sing a Christmas Carol with your kids….make one up!

5)     Do make your own stockings with felt! 

6)     Do ly down under the Christmas tree and look up into the lights!

7)     Do make a Christmas wish to dream on!!!

8)    Do become as lovely as snow falling this season…..


Prayer:  Lord, help me to keep it simple this season.  Allow my heart to overflow with homemade gifts and let my children and family take part in a very simple, real Christmas.  Help us to focus on the Babe in the manager who became a Man who saves us!!!

Song: Amy Grant:  Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sleep in Heavenly Peace...

Sleep in Heavenly Peace……have you ever thought of what that means when it is 3 a.m. and you cannot sleep??? What exactly could be Heavenly peace???

Think about it! 

Heaven….the Divine abode of God.  What could be more desirable?

Heavenly……….a canopy or sphere hovering around you! A firmament around you…….a starry host!  What could be more superluminary???

Heavenly Host…..a starry host can be the most eloquent sight.  Take a drive on a starlit night and go far away from the city lights – what do you see?  Or what could you imagine you could see?

A starry host is vast, huge, and bigger than we can imagine – billions and billions of stars.  What if we focused on that Heavenly sight?  What if we allowed God to fill our hearts and minds when we cannot sleep?  What if we allowed His Heavenly Hope to fill our lives when we are awake?

One of the sweetest Christmas Carols is Silent Night and the words bring up the concept of sleeping in Heavenly peace.  We wish it for our infants and children, right?  We long for that peace when relationships are in turmoil or our lives seem to be out of control as 2020 has been for most of us.  Reflect on the words below and absorb the beauty of this most famous tune:

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon virgin Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from heaven afar;
Heavenly hosts sing Al-le-lu-ia!
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born!

Christ the Savior is born!

Tonight, I pray you will relax……..rest…..and allow these beautiful words to fill your soul.

Let the sentiment sink in………….Let the Heavenly Peace take up residence in your heart.

Monday, November 2, 2020

When you get to know a fellow.....

 Have you ever heard of a poet named Edgar A. Guest?  He was one of my mom's favorite authors!  We have a copy of the little book she treasured and it is copyrighted 1942.  Some people might say the poem is a bit outdated, but I beg to differ in today's environment - in our country and our world.

The poem that anchored her life was:  "When you get to know a fellow" and I want to share it with each of you.  I would like to offer you the possibility of a new thought process to be created in your mind.  To open your heart to discovering that someone you may not like, has qualities that may be hidden.  And that each of us is a child of God.  Like it or not, God created them in His image and they deserve our respect and love.

"When you get to know a fellow, know his joys and know his cares,

When you've come to understand him and the burdens that he bears,

When you've learned the fight he's making and the troubles in his way,

Then you find that he is different than you thought him yesterday.

You find his faults are trivial and there's not so much to blame

In the brother that you jeered at when you only knew his name.

You are quick to see the blemish in the distant neighbor's style,

You can point to all his errors and may sneer at him the while,

And your prejudices fatten and your hates more violent grow

As you talk about the failures of the man you do not know,

But when drawn a little closer, and your hands and shoulders touch,

You find the traits you hated really don't amount to much.

When you get to know a fellow, know his every mood and whim,

You begin to find the texture of the splendid side of him;

You begin to understand him, and you cease to scoff and sneer,

For with understanding always prejudices disappear.

You begin to find his virtues and his faults you cease to tell, 

For you seldom hate a fellow when you know him very well.

When next you start in sneering and your phrases turn to blame,

Know more of him you censure than his business and his name;

For it's likely that acquaintance would your prejudice dispel

And you'd really come to like him if you knew him very well.

When you get to know a fellow and you understand his ways,

Then his faults won't really matter, for you'll find a lot to praise."

The beautiful part about this poem is that my mom truly lived her life this way. Every day.

She did not judge others by the color of their skin, their race, their religion or their culture.  Nor did she judge someone by their behavior.  She always had a way of accepting the other person just as they were and she embraced them!  Warts and all!!!

Having had a brother with Spina Bifida and all the jeering that Jack and their family received because of his disability back in the 1930's and 1940's, my mom learned to  offer the benefit of the doubt to others in every situation she encountered.  She walked that mile in someone else's shoes before giving any criticism or judgement - IF she ever had criticism at all.

Virginia "Jill" Hake was an amazing woman to grow up with!  She taught all four of us kids forgiveness from the day we were born. When any one of us got in trouble, we were reprimanded and sent to our rooms and told: "When you are ready to say you are sorry, you may come downstairs."

Wow! Think of that!  No matter what we did, we were offered forgiveness at the bottom of those stairs!  We were given love despite our grievances.  And, Mom always had a huge hug waiting for us as we sat in her lap and told her we were sorry.  Amazing........

How do you say "Thank you" to someone who gave you everything?  Who taught you to love beyond degrees.  Who gave you the time and space to allow you to grow and learn and find joy in your deepest sorrow? How do you say "Thank you" for giving you a unique perspective and outlook on life through the way she lived her life?

How do you say "Thank you" for sharing the Road to Emmaus along this journey called life?

For teaching forgiveness from the day we were born?

It may seem impossible, however, when you have a mom who lives for God, for her children and grandchildren, and her family - it is easy!

I thank God every day for this poem and the gift that our mom gave us in this unique way of thinking, acting and reacting.  She actually taught us to RESPOND instead of reacting.   We learned to respond in love, respond in joy, and respond in kindness.  

Every day, we each have a choice to react negatively or to respond in love and mercy and yes, grace.  Compassion exuded from her!  How about you?  Could you "Get to know a fellow???"

Try it - it will make a world of difference  in your life and in this crazy world!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Tumult....a very old fashioned word, yet incredibly appropriate for today's world!  By its very definition it describes what is going on in America today.  A din and commotion of a great crowd.  Have you seen agitation of the mind or emotions on the news since COVID came on the radar? How about since the Presidential Election in 2016?  Resist.  From day one, people have been resisting the election of a President of the United States of America.  Tumultuous? Absolutely! And, what of a president who Tweets?  Goodness gracious! 2020 is a MESS!!!

Then, came George, Brianna and Ahmaad's deaths.  UGH!  Black Lives Matter - YES, they do and all lives matter!  To me, it starts with each of us to overcome this ugly treatment of human beings on a daily basis with every encounter of another human being - no matter what color their skin is!!!

Riots. Forest fires in CA, Hurricanes, Famines, Water shortages around the globe, etc., etc., etc.

This is not a political platform or an argument that I am proposing to solve....but these issues are bringing our values, thought processes and ideologies to the forefront of our hearts and minds to contemplate seriously.  What in going on in our heads?  Our hearts?  Our world?

Another definition of tumult is noisy commotion, confusion or disturbance.

Think about that!  Noisy commotion, racket, rumpus, clamor, disorder, riot, turmoil, unruliness, chaos, anarchy, pandemonium.....sound familiar?

Now look at the Old Testament in the Bible:  Psalm 65:4-7 says:  "How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to YOU to dwell in Your courts.  We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your Holy Temple.  By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation.  You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea; Who establishes the mountains by His strength, being girded with might; Who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the people." (NASB)

Wow!!! Isn't that amazing to find TUMULT in the Bible of all places??? Chaos is not something new.  It is not a surprise to God.  He thrives on helping us through the confusion, the unruliness, the disturbance.  THRIVES.

He still calms the roaring waters..

He still quiets the roaring waves.

He still quenches the roaring seas!!!

He KNOWS where all this discord comes from and where it is going.....He knows how unsettled our hearts are.  He knows we are confused and aching.  He knows how this will all resolve.

We have been given the answer, but are we asking the question?  Are we listening to the wisdom handed down through the ages or are we choosing to "go our own way?"

"You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and the farthest sea..."

Did you catch that?  There is only ONE who is the trust of all the ends of the earth.  Do you know Him?  Do you see Him?  Have you asked Him into your heart?

What side of the roaring sea do you want to be on?  Would you prefer to be tossed about to and fro, OR would you like to know the calmness, the quietness, and the absolute quenching of all the unrest that comes with being blessed by drawing close to His courts? His house? His Holy Temple? His Presence?

You choose.  He won't force you to come to the living waters.  He is waiting for you to choose what side of the sea you would like to be on.  Or, if you would rather be in the middle of the turmoil and never see land again.  You choose.  Between chaos and calm.  Between living in abundant joy or constant angst.

You choose.  He already chose you by sending His Son.  Now it is your turn.  You choose.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

An Anchor for my soul....

As we approach the end of summer and the beginning of the seasons changing once again, I find myself reflecting on what holds my life together.  What anchors me?  What allows me to be held or kept in a place of peace and/or contentment?  What holds me to a specific harbor, if you will?

An anchor is a metal device that is attached to a vessel and cast overboard to keep the vessel in place.  To be anchored is to be held or to hold onto.  If we are talking about a ship, it is many times anchored in a harbor or moored in a specific location.

What location are you in at this moment?  Are you in a place of peace?  Contentment?  Calmness?  Tranquility?  Do you feel composed?  Do you have serenity in your soul?  What causes that in a person's life?  As you can imagine, there are many, many answers to those questions and I hope you will investigate and find your own answer....

For me, the answer if found in one of my favorite Scripture verses in Hebrews 6.  This verse confirms where my soul anchors itself to and what gives me supreme peace amongst a world torn with suffering.

Hebrews 6: 16-20 says:

"Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.  Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, He confirmed it with an oath.  God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.  We have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure.  it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.  He has become a High Priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek."

Does that verse speak to you in your soul?  Do you have hope?  Do you have a firm and secure place to anchor your soul?  Think about your answer and reflect on what harbor you may be in at this moment.

I believe there is an anchor for each soul.......and, I know there is someone that holds me safe from winds of adversity, sickness, fear, doubt and the troubles of this world.  There is Someone who holds me close.  Someone who never leaves me nor forsakes me.  And, that Someone is Jesus Christ.

I pray each of you will find this peace and comfort.  I pray you will find this anchor for your soul.   It is an incredible "knowing" that I am home where my "True North" is and my soul belongs.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Melodies, art and miracles....

 I was reading one of my devotions today from The Upper Room Ministries and wanted to share these wonderful revelations....

As I walk each evening after work, I purposely do not have portable music running through my ears....I listen to the birds chirping, the rustling of the leaves of the trees I walk past, and enjoy the calm of the waters gurgling in the stream beside the trail.  It is truly God's symphony!!  Think of that!  God creates melodies in nature all around us!!! His artwork is incredibly beautiful, serene and gorgeous!  His miracles surround us every day, yet do we see them?  Do we look for them?  To we watch for them?  There are a million peaceful sounds that we can hear just by going outside and listening!!!

Today, go for a long walk....or, tonight,go outside and look up at the stars, clouds or whatever is shining down from above.....listen for the sounds of the locusts, the crickets, the frogs in the distance...and listen for your neighbor's wind chimes....don't let the distractions of our everyday life rob you of the beauty of nature and God's Glory!

Then, listen for the voice of God speaking to your heart.  What do you hear?  A melody of joy from Him? Do you see the artwork He created in you?  Have you witnessed the miracle of life?  God has provided an entire natural symphony in His creation.  Just for you....just for me!!!

Go.....experience it!  

Still your mind and your heart and listen.....for He says in Psalm 46:10:

"Be still and KNOW that I am God." 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Peace....it's a hard thing to find these days, right?  How do we concentrate on having peace, maintaining peace, creating peace in our heads, our hearts and our lives when everything seems to be crashing down around us???

One of the ways I find peace is by listening to music.....and Bethel's new song called PEACE.  The words are amazing..........peaceful...........heartwarming......serene.....calming.

Check it out on YouTube or Apple Music at:

Here are the words:

When my mind is like a battlefield and my heart is overcome by fear,
And, hope seems like a ship that's lost at sea.
My enemies on every side, I'm tempted to run and hide
Your gentle whisper reaches out to me.

Peace....holds me when I'm broken
Sweet Peace....it passes understanding....
Peace.....when the whole wide world is crashing down,
I fall to my knees
and breathe in Your peace....

Far ends whistling, the terror of the night sets in, but I can feel Your angels all around
I am resting underneath the shelter of Your mighty wings.
You promises are where my hope is found.
All my hope....

Peace....holds me when I'm broken
Sweet peace...it passes understanding...
Peace.....when the whole wide world is crashing down,
I fall to my knees
and breathe in Your peace....

I remember who You are,
You're God who's never far
So I will not be afraid...
'Cause You always keep me safe
In Your arms...

I remember who You are,
You're the God who's never far
So I will not be afraid
'Cause You always, You always keep me safe.

You give me peace....that holds me when I'm broken.....
Sweet Peace....it passes understanding....
Peace.....when the whole wide world is crashing down,
I fall to my knees
and breathe in
Your peace....

I breathe You in.........
take a deep breath and
Be still and KNOW that You are God.

Ahhhhh.....breathe in the Love of the One who loves you more than you imagine.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

A friend....

Friends....most of us have a least a couple of really close friends and some us are lucky enough to have quite a few friends who enrich our lives and bring us JOY, right?  I am blessed to have what they call a "plethera" of really close friends....and I am truly grateful for each one!!!

How would you describe what a friend is?  Is it someone who you know, like and trust?  Is it someone who is a favored companion?  A comrade?  How about a "crony," "pal," or "chum?"
If it is all of these then you are truly blessed!

What about friends from grade school or high school that you still stay in touch with?  Are you lucky enough to still be in touch with some of these "old" friends?  If so, again, you are blessed!!!

And, do you have any friends who are older or younger than you by a generation that you cherish?  I do and the wisdom and knowledge I learn from these other generations are wonderful!!!

What about one who supports and sympathizes with you?  Or, knows you so well that you can tell them anything???  Or, a friend who feels comfortable challenging you on an idea, a behavior or habit?  These kinds of friends can be enlightening to us and show us a new perspective that perhaps we had not thought about or ever experienced before in our lives.  They are invaluable to say the least!!!

Can all of these wonderful traits be rolled up into one person?  You bet they can!
And, today I would like to honor one friend in particular who has become my "roomie" or roommate for this past year.

Charlene is sweet, funny, caring, loving, supportive, dedicated and loyal.  She is amazing!!!
We share our lives one day at a time.  We are both single moms, so we have a lot in common!
We share making a meal at the end of a long day together, take turns going to the grocery, and we help each other unwind!  We share a Margarita and/or a glass of wine when things have been stressful or just for fun!!!  And, we walk each night together to "DeStress with Joy !!!

She supports me and helps me think things through that are a challenge and invites me to consider a different view at times.  And, she loves me even when I am unlovable or grumpy!!!  She has helped me learn to stop beating myself up, too - Thank you, Charlene!!!

One real bonus she brings is that she collects flamingos, so we have a LOT of those around the house and it truly brightens up her room as she brightens up the entire atmosphere whenever she is home!!!

We pray together, we cry together, we watch some Netflix shows together, and we laugh!  Some our our favorites are:  The Great British Baking Show, Virgin River, and The Big Flower Fight.  It has been so fun to watch these shows together!!!

She brings me joy just being around each day....Ahhhh....it is so wonderful to have such a friend as Charlene!!!

She is a bit like Mary Poppins!  Always cheerful, always willing to give a hug and/or smile when things are rough and always shows her appreciation to others!!!

Charlene is the epitome of a card that my mom once gave me from the artist Flavia which said:
"If I could sit across the porch from God, I would thank Him for lending me you!"
Thank you, Lord, for this precious friend!!!

And, she is the exact representation of this quote:
"Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."

Charlene is getting ready to embark on a new journey as she moves to VA where her daughter, son-in-law and grandbaby "Peaches" where their family are living and I am going to miss her tremendously!!!

The gifts she has given me and the gifts she leaves with me have left beautiful, deep footprints on my heart....forever!!!  Thank you sweet friend!!!  I will miss you.....and I will thank the Lord for you every day for the time we have spent together!!!

Blessings abound and YOU have been one for me!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Ever had "One of those days?"  I did just yesterday......ugh!
One of my devotional books is Jesus Always and it gave me a new concept to contemplate!!!  
Glory-Strength.  Look at this version of Colossians 1:11 - it's amazing!!!

Colossians 1:11 (The Message)
" We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth, but the Glory-Strength God gives.  It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into JOY, thanking the Father who made us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that He has for us!!!"

Are you gritting your teeth trying to make it through the day?  Are you sticking it out over the long haul?  Or, are you your family's version of the Grim Reaper?  If so, I get it!  Yesterday was one of the "grim" days for me..........I couldn't really put my finger on what was causing the grimness, but it was there in full force!  

So, how do we tap into that Glory-Strength God promises to give us?  How do we find that Joy that only He can give?

Reflect on your life.  How's it been going?  Spend time with the Lord.  Where are you allowing God to motivate you?

Whatever your answer, remember, you were given a talent, a gift that NO one else has - use it!  God doesn't want us to bury our gifts in the ground and hope for a return on our investment.  He wants to use the talents and gifts He has given us for HIS Glory!!  Are you using your gift?

One of the greatest gifts I have been given is being at home the past 10 weeks.  Yes, it has been without work, but it has given me time to reflect on what's most important.  
Have I gotten a few things done around the house?  Sort of....
Have I planted a new garden?  Yes.
Have I worked out every day?  No.  
Have I walked most days?  Yes.
Do I have a great roommate?  Yes,
Have I shared special time with my family in Ohio?  Yes.  
Have I been counting my blessings?  Yes, for the most part.

Yet, my worries about finances and how things will turn out in the long run got me down yesterday.   What has been unendurable for you for the past 10 weeks?  Does your "cup runneth over," or are you in a grim mood?  If your cup is not running over with blessings, then may I suggest you do the following?

1)  Write down 3 things you are grateful for - right now!  1, 2, 3......try doing that every morning when you wake up or every evening before you lay your head on the pillow!   Gratitude!!!  Thankfulness - it works every time!!!

 2) Look for the Bright and Beautiful in your day, your home, your yard, your spouse, your children and grandchildren, your job, your retirement, your dinner menu, your laundry and even your dishes!!! 

Grit your teeth if you must, but God gives us HIS Glory-Strength to endure the unendurable - yep!  You were made for the long haul.......the unendurable!!!

Go use that talent you have been given!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Today, June 6, 2020 is a very special day for a sweet friend of mine, Jesse - she is getting married!!!
I am so excited for her and for Donny!!!  And, I am honored to be able to read I Corinthians 13 for them at their service.  Together they read through many versions of this Bible Scripture, contemplated what each version meant to them, and have decided on the HCSB version which is below:

“If I speak human or angelic languages but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I donate all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body in order to boast but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked, and does not keep a record of wrongs. Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for languages, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when the perfect comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things. For now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known. Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (HCSB)

People who know Jesse, realize that she has been through many rough patches in her life. People who know Donny, realize that he has gone through many trials as well. And, yet, through it all, they each have relied on God to help them through every part of their journey,  And, God has been faithful and has brought them to THIS day.

When Donny proposed to Jesse, he said that he knew if he were faithful to the Lord that God would bring the exact person he needed to go through this life with....and God did just that!

Jesse and Donny are perfect for each other - they compliment each other in Spirit, they work together in every endeavor, and they love their families dearly!!!  They trust each other, they respect each other and they love each other with all their hearts.

Their motto is:  I  CHOOSE YOU!

Isn't that amazing?  That after all the ups and downs they have each gone through in their lives that they would CHOOSE each other - For life!!!

Marriage is Sacred. It is Holy.  And, it is God-ordained between a man and a woman.  It is a close union, an alliance that should be honored above all human relationships.

God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought these two love birds together!

The beautiful part is that each of them love the Lord their God with all their hearts, with all their minds, with all their souls and with all their strength.  They put God first in everything they do.  And, the love which has come to them through the Lord is for everlasting!!!  Always, forever and ever.

What a JOY it is to celebrate this union that God has brought together!!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Capturing Joy.....

I was reading a devotion by Mark Nepo this morning and found a phrase that really caught my heart:
"Our capacity for joy is carried like a pod of nectar in our very own breast."
Think of that!  Our capacity for JOY!!!  We carry it around in our own body, in our own breast, in our own heart......now, if only we will let it loose!!! 

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with young moms at Advice and Aid (whom I worked for for the past year and 1/2) and we talked about how "Joy is Always Possible!" 
Joy IS always possible!!  Is it always easy to find joy?  Absolutely not.  However, as Barbara Johnson said very well:  "Pain is Inevitable, but Misery is Optional!!!"

We have the capacity to choose our thoughts, so why not choose joy???
I know life can be extremely taxing....stressful....demanding.....and unrelenting at times, but we still have a choice.

So what is capacity?  It is the ability to receive, to hold and/or absorb.  What if we were open to receiving joy?  Receive joy.  Hmmmm.....

What if we hold onto it?  Hold on to joy.  Hold on tight.

What if we absorb joy???  Wouldn't that be the best sponge we could have???

Seek and absorb joy - what a concept!!!  When we focus on finding joy, what will happen? 
Could it be that the cloud of COVID-19 would lift in our own corner of the world?  You bet - even if it is only for a moment.  It's worth seeking!!!

Seek joy!  Sing joy!  Allow Joy to be part of who your are today - just for the next 24 hours:

I know of a place where we can seek joy every day:

Psalm 16:11:  "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of JOY; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  FOREVERMORE???  Yep!  If we seek Him, we will have joy forever.........times infinity for those who believe in Him!!!  Think of that!  Wouldn't that be worth seeking? 

Psalm 30:5: "Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning!"  Don't things always look better in the morning?  Why is that?  Perhaps it is because we laid down the angst for a few hours and did not let it consume us.  Perhaps we curled up into the lap of our loving Savior and let Him know how anxious we are....Perhaps we choose joy!!!

Luke 15:7:  "I say to you that likewise there will be more JOY in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."

Imagine being that one that God is pursuing....the one God is chasing after!  Despite all your fears, all your worries, all your flaws......God is pursuing you to give you JOY!!!

If you have never listened to the song called the Reckless Love of God by Cory Asbury - it is amazing..........I hope you will take a few minutes to listen and watch this amazing artist!!!


Remember:  Joy is ALWAYS possible!!!  Choose JOY!!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Out of the Miry bog....

Out of the Miry Bog…
(Written by Pam Spencer, May 18, 2020©)

Psalm 40
Verses 1-3
“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined His ear to me, and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the horrible pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.
He has put a new song in my mouth – Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.
Verse 8
I delight to do Your will, O my God; and Your law is written within my heart.
Verses 11-13
Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord; Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me. For innumerable evils have surrounded me;
My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head; therefore, my heart fails me.
Be pleased O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, make haste to help me!
Verse 16
Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, the Lord be magnified!”

The pit of despair resounds in your head and your heart. 
You ask yourself again and again: “How can I possibly get up out of this “miry bog?”
What will lift this fog?  It plagues me day and night and I ask myself, should I stay or should I go?  A hundred times a day…..
One heavy disappointment jolts me, but years of the same disappointment???  Surely God would not want me to live this way….
Let’s look at the definition of some of these feelings….
Despair is to lose all hope, an utter lack of hope or that which destroys all hope….dashed hopes, desperation, forlorn hope…..hopelessness.  When have you felt this way?  Dashed hopes??? An utter lack of hope?  Not possible!  Oh yes, there is a situation that is causing me to lose all hope.  How could this possibly happen?  One instance at a time. 
One disappointment at a time.  And, when this disappointment comes repeatedly, year after year, well, it rips you apart….it makes you feel unloved and not cared for….your heart is stuck in that miry bog.
Then, looking at the word disappoint – it means to fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of….to thwart.  And more so is disappointment:  the act of disappointing, the condition or feeling of being disappointed.  UGH.  Failing to satisfy the hope, the expectation.  Thwarting all possibility of changing the situation?  Could it really be that there is NO hope?  That this feeling of hopelessness will not go away?
One more layer to consider:  Mire is a bog, a deep, slimy soil of mud, to cause to sink or become stuck in mud.  So, then you find yourself in this miry. murky, muddy, slimy pit.  There seems to be no way out.  It is almost as if you are sitting at the bottom of a well, like a cistern as they had in the first century.  There is no rope to climb up and no one standing at the top peering down at you and saying:  “I’m here!  Hold on!!!”

There are people hurting this badly….this desperately.  The despair is deep.  The miry bog is real.  The feeling of helplessness compounds the issue and brings a person down to the bottom of the pit.

When you know a person or dear friend who feels this way, what is your response?  What can one do to help?  How can someone diffuse the situation when their disappointment has been carving this rut for years???  What advice can be offered?  What resolution can be found? 
Open communication has to occur.  Understanding at a very deep level must start to immerge.  Awareness has to come to the surface.  The mud must be cleaned off.  The slim needs to be dissolved.  Resolution must become the expanse on which to stand.  No more hiding the hurt.  No more sweeping the problem under the rug.  No more patiently hope for a change.  The volcano from unresolved anger must be addressed.

So, how does that happen?  Where to begin?  Falling on your knees in prayer is a beginning.  Even if you have prayed for YEARS to no avail, do not stop praying!  God is listening.  He hears you.  He sees you.  Do NOT give up hope!
HOPE!!!  Ahhhhh, yes!  There is a GOD of hope that is hovering…..waiting to hear your prayer again…..longing to fill that desperation, that hopelessness and heal that disappointment, bitterness and anger.  Longing to allow HIM to resolve the situation.

Romans 15:13 says: “Now may the God of hope, fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

We have a God who cares.  We have a God who wants healing.  Even if we are at the point of NO return, we have a God who can restore.  Yes, I said restore.

It is NOT an easy task.  It is NOT an easy fix.  It will take work and hard work at that.  It will take humility.  It will take trust.  It will take time. 

But this God of hope WILL restore you.  He will lift you up out of the miry bog.  He will bring you peace.  And, yes, He will bring you joy!
Trust Him.  Turn it all over to Him.  Again.  And, again.
Be open, be honest, be direct.  Allow the flood waters of healing to wash over you.  Allow restoration to begin. 

Matthew 7:7 says: 
“Ask, and it shall be given to you.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door will be opened.”

Even if you have asked for YEARS, ask again.  Even if you have sought resolution for YEARS, keep seeking.  Even if you have knocked on the door of understanding for YEARS, keep knocking.  Do NOT give up hope!!!

God answers Knee mail.  Trust Him.  Do NOT give up. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Just Sitting on a Rock....

Today's inspiration comes from Luke 5:16 "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

Have you ever just needed to go and sit alone somewhere to think?   To calm yourself down? To pray?  Well, how about a rock?

When I was growing up in Columbus, OH, there as a beautiful park named the Park of Roses.  I spent hours there!!!  Walking through many acres of green grass, walking through the woods, playing tennis, climbing on the playground jungle gyms and swings, wading through the creek, and stepping gingerly across a drain pipe over the creek to reach the part of the park where all the exquisite roses were blooming!  

Once, when coming up the bank from the creek in a new place, I found a large rock that had a poem on it at the entrance of the Rose Garden.  It read:
"The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for myrth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden,
Then anywhere else on earth."
(Poem by Dorothy Frances Gurney)

The poem was put there by a lovely lady that I did not know.  But, I found out who she was and why she had placed the plaque there - in honor of her late husband.  I loved this poem the first time I read it!!!  And, I came to know Anna Brial for just a short while before she passed away.  And interestingly enough, Anna ended up coming to my wedding which took place in the Park of Roses in 1980.  All because of a rock!

I sat on it sometimes for hours........thinking, reasoning things out, talking with God.  Away from all the hustle and bustle of life.  Just sitting on a rock, contemplating life!

I wonder if Jesus did the same sometimes.....I know He prayed a lot in places where no one else was, and many times in a garden.  But, did He just sit and contemplate life there too?  I tend to think so.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you for being my Rock!  And, thank you for withdrawing away from the crowds and the hustle and bustle of life to be with Your Father.  I am grateful for your example.  Thank you for holding me.  
Every day.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Tree trunks and branches....

With all of the roller-coaster spectrum of emotions many of us are facing during this COVID pandemic, I wanted to share a great analogy I learned today from Our Daily Bread devotional.  Tree trunks and branches - how many of you are living in the branches?  Feeling swayed by stress right now?  Feeling overwhelmed?  Trying to home school, trying to find a job, trying to find activities to fill the hours, trying to figure out how your finances are going to make it through this time, trying to find "Normal," and trying to NOT go stir crazy???

Think about a tree.........the trunk is solid.  Anchored in the ground.  Roots running deep.  And, growth occurs without us seeing the visible evidence every day.  Trunks don't move in the wind.  They stand tall and sturdy.  They are rooted and grounded.

What about the branches?  Do they sway in the breeze?  Do the branches bend when a storm comes?  Certainly!

When life is like a wind blowing at us from every angle as it is right now, we seem to sway with the emotions that mount up!  What if we look out the window at a tree trunk and try to be a bit more like it? What if learn to be a strong, sturdy trunk?  Rooted, grounded.

What if we stand on the promise of the Bible that we are "rooted and grounded in Christ's love?"  (Ephesians 3:17)  What if we allow the wind to blow through our branches and bring us a sense of security knowing that the trunk is immovable?  Christ is the solid ground we stand on.  Christ, not our own volatile emotions.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8).

Did that sink in?  Forever.  Grounded.  Rooted in love.  Always.  Even when the winds of COVID blows through our lives, there is a force that is immovable.  Unquechable.  Unstoppable. 
Let the winds of His love blow through the branches of your life only to take you to the one place where there is solid ground.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


What makes something "special?"  Is it something that surpasses that which is common or usual?  Is it something "Exceptional?" Or is it something that is distinct and one of a kind?  It is something distinctive indeed.....sole, specific and unique! 

Well, that is my niece, Michelle!!!  Today is her 40th birthday...........which is a very special day for our family!!!

Michelle is the oldest of three girls........born in April.......the first child to my sister and her husband, the first grandchild to my mom and dad and the first Great-Grandchild to my grandparents, Gramps and Grami. 

What a special day it was...........April 26, 1980.  A day full of joy and happiness!!!  A day filled with love!!!  A day to remember..............

What makes Michelle special?  Many things!  She is gorgeous, intelligent, flexible, adaptable, kindhearted, hard-working, industrious and wonderful!!!  She, like Mary Poppins can make ANY day special! 


Just walking with her and her doggie, Luna is special. Sharing a cup of coffee at the Mad Llama coffee shop is special.  Sharing lunch at First Watch is special. Making dinner at home is special. Even doing laundry with Michelle is special.  You see, it's not the place or the event you share with Michelle....it's the person!  She is the Extra-Special ingredient!!!

When my grandmother, Dorothy was alive, she would call Michelle "The Little Red Hen."  Michelle always wanted to help, always showed compassion when someone needed a little companionship, always offered herself, and was a little ray of sunshine anywhere she went!  She is/was the Special ingredient!

Remember the old song:  The Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog?
 Here are some of the words to the song: 
"Why are there so many songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side?
 Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told, and some choose to believe it,
I know they're wrong; wait and see....
Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow connection;
The lovers, the dreamers and me."

My family has found that Rainbow connection in Michelle......she's a lover, a dreamer and she can brighten up any room!!!  She is the sunshine after the rain......the place where the Rainbow can shine!!!

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father for sending this ray of sunshine into our lives!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Have you ever seen an entire field of baby lambs frolicking?  That's right!  Jumping, romping, prancing and just having fun!!!  We all need that about now and then, and of course right now with this COVID lockdown!!!

So what makes you want to frolic?  Where can you add some playfulness in your life?
Some high-spirited fun???  I know we cannot be with the people we normally would go to to have fun, but think about it!  What would you do if you could?  Who would you do it with?

Make a list!  Make it fun!  Make it long!!!
Make a list of the old fashioned gaiety or merrymaking you would do!!!  Or what your Grandfather might have done!!  My beloved grandfather, Gramps used to pull quarters out of our ears!!! I was amazed every time he did it!  How did he do it?  To this day, I cannot replicate it!  But, it was FUN!!!
So, what is a fun prank you could pull?  What trick could you play?  How might you tease someone close to you to bring a smile today???

Just recently at my former job before I was laid off, one of my co-workers told me that I was not "frolicking enough!"  So, I started going down the aisle of our cubes to say hello, share a smile, and ask about their day!  Who can you check on to see if they are frolicking???  (Ha! Ha!)

How can we "frolic" more???   Look up an old cartoon like Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Road Runner and laugh!!!  Giggle...........have some fun - even in our Safe at Home places!!!
Watch an old Carol Burnett Show, I Love Lucy, Three Stooges........whoever made you laugh!!!

We have SO much to be grateful for........make a list of each time you frolicked...each time you were able to share a laugh with someone you had not seen in a very long time!  Each time you shared JOY!!!

Today your mission should you decide to accept it is:  FROLIC!!!

Friday, April 17, 2020


Resilience....the ability to recover quickly.... buoyancy....the ability to resume after being bent out of shape....stretched!  Do you think our country and our world are being stretched right now??  Absolutely!!!

COVID-19 has completely shut our world's resources down!  Boom.  Stay at home. Safe at home. Locked down.  No travel.  Restricted on all levels.  Face masks in public.  Gloves.  Wash your hands and then wash them again.

Medical and healthcare personnel stretched to the brink of disaster! It IS a disaster.....

How does one have resilience in a time like this?  How do we bravely spring back into shape as a person, as a family, as a country, or as our world?

I don't have the answer to all those questions bouncing around in all of our heads and our hearts, but I do know that the buoyancy of faith will help us recover.  Faith in a God who is not surprised by this pandemic.  He has not been caught "off guard."  He is right here in the middle of this with us.  Just as He was on 9-11-2001.

He is there in the nurse who travels to New York City to share her talents and gifts of healing with all those suffering there...day after day....exhausted....spent....
He is there when a son goes to California to help his dad with the remnants of a house completely burned to the ground after a year of renovation.
He is there in the neighbor who checks on the other neighbors and sees if they need anything from the store.
He is there when we share our hope and our strength with those who have lost all hope, lost all strength.
He is there when we sing and share music that soothes our souls.
He is there when a church rallies around their community and offers Scriptures, prayers and healing.
He is there when a group of family and friends go to a parking lot of a hospital to park, pray and praise our Heavenly Father for healing those inside the hospital or rehabilitation facility.
He is there in the sunshine.
He is there on the gray days when our spirits are gloomy and in despair.
He is there in the gentle breeze that touches our face.
He is there when your dog or cat nuzzle up to you or does a silly dance for a treat and makes you smile.
He is there when you can hug your loved ones safe at your own home and have been quarantined for almost a month now.
He is there when you share a funny video on social media.
He is there when you call you sister because you are lonely and afraid.
He is there when your brother and sisters send funny memes to each other about Grizzly bear hugs from afar.
He is there when we are on our knees in prayers.
He is there when we cry for help.
He is there when we weep for those we have lost
He is there when we rejoice over one who comes home.

He is there.  Trust Him.  Rely on Him.  Depend on Him.  Come to Him.  Come to the Living Waters and drink from the well that never runs dry.

He is there.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Lamb of God....

How many of you remember Twila Paris' song called:  The Lamb of God?  It is beautiful...it is tender...it is convicting.  Check it out on YouTube or iTunes!  It is one of my favorite songs!!!

We all know what lambs are:  a young sheep.  Or, in our culture, sometimes we describe a person as being like a lamb.  They are believed to be gentle, innocent or a gullible person.  One who is perhaps naive or mild-mannered. Do you know someone like that?  Perhaps your friend, or co-worker, student or child you teach, or perhaps it is a sibling who is gentle, innocent, or naive.  The characteristics of being like a lamb are lovely!  Yet, someone might be offended if you describe them as a lamb because they want to be strong, courageous or maybe even bold!  Yet, their personality is more humble, gentle and timid.  That's okay!  God gave each of us a different demeanor for a reason!  Each of us has a special unique gift that God planted in our souls...........we are to find and use it for His Glory!  So, if you are a lamb - be proud of it and wear it proudly for the Lord.

I have a funny story about lambs.....way back in 1983 when I was a MacMillan Publishing Company College Text book representative, I was driving to Warrensburg, MO to what they called back then:  Central Missouri State University, now University of Central Missouri.  The highway back then was only a 2 land highway.  As I was driving to the campus, just about 5 miles west of Warrensburg, was a field of baby lambs!  I was blown away at how cute they were: frolicking, jumping, and running after each other in what looked like pure fun!  So, I pulled over to the side of the road and just watched........smiled.....even laughed at their frolicking!  Suddenly, I heard a knock on my driver's window!  It startled me and there on the other side of the window was a policeman.  I rolled down my window and asked how I could help him?  He asked me if I was okay?  I said yes. Was my car disabled?  No, I responded.  "Then, why are you stopped Ma'am?"  My answer was:  " I am watching the baby lambs."  He about died laughing............his response was:  "Well, that's the first time I have ever had THAT answer!"
We both laughed and he asked me to get on my way as I was a hazard on the highway!  I will never forget that day!!  It was a beautiful spring day with clear blue skies and a whole field of baby lambs!!!  It was an amazing gift........

Now, let's concentrate on the Lamb of God:  Jesus Christ.  He was/is The King of the Jews, Savior, Redeemer and Lord of Lords!  He died to set each one of us free from our sins.  Have you ever truly realized the sacrifice that went into His Life, His death???  That's where the convicting part of Twila's song comes from!!  Jesus had NO sins.  He lived a perfect life.  He came as a gift of love and yet they crucified Him.  We crucified Him.  A torturous, cruel death.   They laughed at Him.  They scorned Him. They named Him a fraud.  And, yet, He was sacrificed for you, for me.  We are washed in His precious blood as believers.  I remember a time when I was so lost, I should have died.  But, He brought me to His side.  He led me with His staff and rod, just as the song says.  And, He gave me the right to be called a Daughter of the Most High God.
Wow!!!  Amazing............how can this be true? 

Take a peek at this Scripture in Mark 1:9 where this is recorded:  "At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan river.  As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw Heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending like a dove.  And a voice came from Heaven:  "You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased."
His Son.  God's Son.  Beloved.  Approved of.  Loved beyond imagination.  Wow.....

Then, the disciple John declared this in the Holy Scriptures in John 1:29: "The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him and said: "Behold!  The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

Can you imagine standing there in the midst of the crowd and hearing John proclaim these words?
I wish I could have been there!  I wonder how I might have reacted?  Praises?  Disbelief? Honored?  Or, Horrified?  If I knew that my sins would place Him on the cross to die for me, how would I have reacted?  Would I have been filled with gratitude?  Or, would I have been indignant?  Thinking I could not possibly do anything that horrible that someone would have to die for me.  I hope that I would have praised Him and honored Him, but would my disbelief have taken over?  Would I have been horrified by the fact of my own sin???  Only the Lord knows my heart and what I would have done.

All I know today is that I am incredibly blessed.  Jesus has become my friend as well as my Savior.  I remember when I was lost, but now I KNOW that I am found.  I don't have to doubt where I am going after this life.  I know where I am going!!!  And, it will be amazing.........The words of Amazing Grace run through my veins on some days!!!  And, another song says:  I know that my Redeemer lives - that is amazing!!!  I have everything I need.  Everything!!!

If the world ended tomorrow, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will be in Heaven with my precious Lord.  That's not arrogance.  That is not bragging.  That is Salvation!!!  It is FREE to anyone who wants it!!!

How about you?  Do you know the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of this crazy world?  If not, start with reading the book of John in the New Testament in the Bible.  Look up John 3:16.  Read it over and over and over again until it sinks into your soul!  Ask a friend who has a strong faith to pray with you.  Ask my Pastor at Crossroads-Christian Church in Shawnee:  Brad Fangman or Brad Fogo at 913-962-9966.  Listen to a Podcast on why Christ came to earth.  Read Lee Strobel's book:  The Case for Christ.  Watch the DVD God's Not Dead.  Go to Crossroads.net app (my church in Cincinnati, OH) and find the God of the Universe who is even now looking for you!!!  There are a million different ways for you to connect with God and learn about Him and His amazing Grace!!!

The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  Trust Him. Rely on Him. Come to Him.  Depend on Him.  He is there.........closer than your breath!!!

Monday, March 30, 2020



Okay, the silliness has begun.............it's Monday morning and I am on unemployed. What do I start my day with?  Thinking about Splashes!!!  Why???  Because I am nuts, that's why!!!  So humor me, will you please?

I was driving down the road the other morning and looked over at the truck next to me carrying 7-Up products and what did the sign read?  Splash Transit!  That got me thinking as you can imagine!!!  How do we transport our "Splash" for God?  Do we spread it all around for others to see or do we keep it hidden inside an 18 wheeler??? 

Splash means to dash or scatter about in masses!  Okay, let's get going:  dash, splash, splatter, scatter, swirl, swash, spray, and sprinkle away!!!  Send out a flying mass of love through the air waives or the internet by email, Instagram, Facebook or whatever social media format you like!  Send out a dash of peace to your neighbor that bugs you!  Swish past your impatience and give your kid or your spouse a mass of patience today - just because!  Scatter kindness and goodness!!!  Add a dash of gentleness next time someone hurts your feelings!  Swirl all the faith you have together and show the world the "masses" of gifts that God has given you!!!  Transport those gifts as "Splashes" to others and show how God has changed your life since you came to know Him!  And, last, but not least, offer NO self-control in spreading God's love!!!

Yep!  The fruits of the Spirit are yours to splash around wherever you can (virtually that is) today!!!  And, splash them again tomorrow and each day after that!!!  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-control.  (Oops, I mean NO self-control on this one!!!)

Now, let’s add JOY!!!  Joy is an emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying!! 
Exceptionally good…………satisfying………..hmmm……think about that!  We have more time to really delve into our thoughts and lives.  What is most important to you now and what brings us joy??? Pure Joy???

Think about elation?  What is that???  Joy with a big name!!!  When was the last time you felt elation???
Was it the first time your baby smiled at you?  What is the news that you were pregnant after waiting 15 years???  Or, was it when your grandchild learned to ride his/her bike with you watching???  Or, was it when you bought your first Mustang…..Nova…..Honda……Harley???

When was the last time you felt delighted as you shared a fun experience with someone special or your family or friends?  Playing cards, playing games together, playing baseball or soccer together?  Going for a walk or a bicycle ride together? While that is on hold for now, but that does not mean you cannot remember those joyful times and journal about them.  Or, better yet!  Write your son or daughter, sister or brother, friend or co-worker a note to let them know how much fun you had with them and you can’t wait to do it again!

When was the last time you really laughed?  I mean a laugh clear down to your belly button laugh!  Can you remember when was the last time you laughed, giggled, or cried at something so funny your sides hurt???  Start a revolution of laughter!!!
Get a comic book or a book full of jokes – go online and look up Knock, Knock jokes!  Just be silly!!!

Splash, sprinkle, dash and scatter a mass of joy in your corner of the world!!!  Splash those thoughts and memories all around when you talk, email, Facetime, send photos, posts, texts to the people in your life!  We need massive amounts of joy, laughter and love right now!  Spread it all around in any way you can!!!

SPLASH TRANSIT, here we come!!!
SPLASH AWAY!!! We need to encourage each other with JOY!!!
SPLASHES OF JOY – We need an entire world of silliness right now to offset the severity of this COVID 19 virus!

Nehemiah 8:10 says: “The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”