Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Judges 13:24: "The woman bore a son and name him Sampson.  The boy grew up and the Lord blessed him; the Spirit of the Lord stirred him."

Steve Givens is an author for a devotional called Living Faith and here is a copy of what he wrote.....it's an awesome devotion on being stirred....

"Some versions of the Bible state that the Spirit of the Lord "blessed" Sampson.  But here, we are given the beautiful image of being "stirred," a reminder that we are being constantly touched and moved by the hand of God.  Stirred is what we feel deep in our bones when we hear what seems like an impossibly beautiful piece of music or see an indescribable sunset.  Stirred is the inner knowledge that we are never alone in our times of darkness and despair.  Stirred is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, nudging us out of complacency and into action.  Stirred is the difference between living and living for God."  What a gift this devotion is to all of us...if we will be still and listen.

Are you stirred this Christmas season?  Is there a longing in your heart?  Have you been moved and touched by the Hand of God?  Have you felt that hair on the back of your neck tingle while listening to an exquisite piece of music?  Did you see Jupiter and Saturn align on December 21st?  Do you have the knowledge that you are never alone?  

No matter what darkness.....no matter how much in despair you have....no matter how lonely you feel.....God's Holy Spirit is waiting to enter your heart this Christmas!

Why not be stirred and invite Him in???  

Jesus, the new born babe.  Into our hearts, He comes!!!

Prayer:  Lord, stir us!!!

Song:  While you were Sleeping by Casting Crowns

Thursday, December 17, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 4 Seraphim and Cherubim - Angels of Joy!!!

 Luke 2:10 says: "Then the angel of the Lord said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY which will be to all people."

JOY!!!  What rapture, jubilance and delight this season creates all around us!!!  Feel it........see it......listen for it......look for it.......it is everywhere!!!  

Old fashioned words for angels in the Scriptures are Seraphim and Cherubim.  Have you ever seen one in pictures in an old family Bible?  If not, search for one.  Look up on the internet pictures of the Sistene Chapel where Leonardo DaVinci painted some of the most exquisite paintings in the world!  They bring a sense of awe and wonder ever created on the ceiling of this historic chapel!!! His artistic work depicts the beauty and reverence of God.

Then, ask yourself, who can you be a Christmas Angel to this season?  Who may be hurting, lonely, or downtrodden that could use some uplifting this year?  Then, ask yourself:  What is one way that I can offer JOY to someone else this Christmas?  Bake some goodies, send a Christmas card, send a text, or make a phone call!  Being an angel is NOT expensive.  It doesn't mean buying an expensive gift.  It means BEING the gift!  Each of us have unique gifts that God has given us.  Think about it:  what is YOUR gift you can offer to others?  It might be as simple as inviting someone over for coffee or tea.

And, if you are the one who needs an angel, reach out anyway!  You will be amazed at what happens when you extend a hand of friendship or kindness.  Be the angel you wish someone would be to you!!!  Create a smile on someone's face who hasn't smiled in a very long time....

And remember, K.I.S.S. = KEEP IT SIMPLE, SANTA!!!

Enjoy this special holiday season and go spread some Christmas cheer everywhere you go!  Christmas JOY is all around you.....Look for it!!!  Listen for the Church Bells to remind you.........

Prayer:  Lord Jesus,  thank you that you came to spread JOY to all of us!!!

Songs:  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Casting Crowns

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 3 Sacred Traditions

Luke 2:15 says: "When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

Christmas - what is this all about?  It's about a sacred event that happened long, long ago.....

Sacred....not a word that is used often anymore in our society.  Sacred means to be "set apart" for God or to worship God. It is also something that is made or declared holy.  Something that is dedicated or devoted exclusively to one use or person. Something that is worthy of reverence.

So what is sacred to you this season?  What is worthy of reverence to you?  What brings a feeling of awe to you?  What allows you to be set apart?

Think of the traditions or rituals your family had while you were growing up....was Christmas Eve the main celebration or was Christmas morning?  What made you feel the Christmas spirit the most?  Our family had the tradition of watching the movie "White Christmas" with my Dad.  It was always a very special night.....and as children we would wait until Christmas eve to place the Christ Child in the manger.  It was a significant tradition that still warms my heart to this day.

Maybe your childhood does not bring such a good memory...and if that was the case, may I offer you a suggestion? If sad memories of Christmases in the past haunt you, acknowledge them.  Accept that they happened and are part of your history.  But remember, they are NOT happening today.  Rub a golden layer of love and forgiveness over those sad times and let them go.  Rub your fingers across the fracture lines or your broken heart and be gentle with yourself.  Love yourself through those not so good memories and create some new ones.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for some people during this season.  So, my hope is that you will feel the love of God wrapping His arms around you this season! I hope that you will KNOW that you are loved beyond a shadow of a doubt by the God of the Universe!!! 

So, good memories or not, why not create a NEW tradition that will fill your heart with the gift of healing and JOY this year?  Here are some suggestions of something new to do:

 Bake Christmas cookies for the first time with your kids!  Make different colored icing and use sprinkles to decorate!  Make a MESS in your kitchen and laugh out loud while doing it!!!  

Take a drive down to the Plaza in KC or wherever they have lots of Christmas lights and enjoy the sights!  Then, when you come home, make some Hot Chocolate and enjoy the warmth of that sweet treat!  

If singing Christmas Carols makes you feel wonderful, then sing them!  

If watching sappy Hallmark movies make you get into the spirit of Christmas , then watch them!  If not, don't!  

Take a hot bath with candles all aglow!  

Go out and talk a walk on a crisp winter night and look up at the stars - they are gorgeous!!!

Go Ice Skating at Crown Center or wherever there is an ice skating rink!

Read Charles Dickens:  "A Christmas Carol" and put the spirit of Christmas back in your heart!

Then, read the Christmas Story in Luke 2.  Sit by the manger.  See the Child who came to save the world.  He is waiting to come into your heart.

Enjoy this Christmas - maybe for the first time ever!!!  

And, if going to Grandma's house or your mother-in-law's house makes you crazy - don't go!  Or, at least give yourself permission to limit the time you spend there.  Sometimes we need to compromise, so offer a compromise with a cheerful heart!!!

Also, being a friend to someone who may have just lost a loved one this year may be something you can do for someone else this year.  Helping them may help you in your sadness, too.  Go wrap your arms around them and just share a cup of tea or coffee.

Acknowledge Christmas in your heart.....let it be a new beginning.  And while some of us may not have had the best Christmases in the past, this year you have a choice!  You can choose to create a new attitude towards the holiday and find some JOY in it!  You can choose to be with people who make you feel happy, alive and JOYFUL!!!   Make some new traditions for yourself and enjoy this beautiful season - it can GLOW with warmth and light and healing, if you choose to let it do so!!! 

Joy to the World!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 2: Instincts...Use them!

Psalm 45:1: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme."

Do you trust yourself?  Do you have good "intuition?" Are your instincts pretty spot on?  If so, why not use them at Christmas???  What does your gut tell you to do this season?

Is there something inside you that says:  "I have always wanted to _____________."  DO IT!!!

Or if your gut feeling is saying:  "No, I really do not want to do __________." Then, trust that gut feeling and DON'T do it!  Be honest with yourself, your spouse, your children, and your family/friends or whoever is pestering you to do something you do not want to do.  Trust yourself to know when you really do not want to do something or if there is a place you really do not want to go....it truly is okay to say No!  And, by the way, did you know that "NO" is a complete sentence?  You don't have to give a reason for your no.  You can just politely say, "No" or "No, thank you."  That's it.  nothing more.

Instinct is a great gift that we all possess. Instinct is an innate aspect of your behavior and/or your thoughts. It is unlearned, complex and normally adaptive to perhaps your surroundings or situation.  It is a powerful motivation or impulse.  It is second nature or automatic.  So why not use it?

What does your heart say?  Ever listen to the thing that sits in the middle of your chest?  It is a pretty amazing organ for our body, but it is also and amazing part of our soul.  Trust your heart to lead you to where you would most enjoy the holidays!  Trust your heart to know what would bring you JOY this Christmas!!  Figure out what and with whom it would give you the most pleasure of doing this season, then do it!  Don't be a martyr and trudge through an ordeal that will make you unhappy or grumpy.  Listen to your instincts....Listen to your heart - it knows the way!!!

Prayer:  Lord, this season, would you please lead my heart to where it will be full of rejoicing?  Help me not get caught up in doing things just to do them or because I "must", but to engage in activities that will being me joy and allow me to share Your love!

Song:  A Christmas to Remember by Amy Grant

Friday, December 11, 2020

K.I.S.S. Part 1

Psalm 19:7 says:  “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”


K = Keep it simple, Santa!!!

While the coming of Christmas creates all sorts of good things in our lives, it can be very overwhelming and hectic!  So, here are a few suggestions for this season:

1)      Don’t overspend this holiday season.  If you don’t have the money, don’t’ buy it!

2)     Don’t overschedule yourself in the number of events you partake of this season.  That’s right.  Don’t go to an event because you “should go” – go IF you want to go and like the people who will be there!  (And, for 2020, if they are wearing a mask!) Go because you want to share this special season and/or event with those you love and enjoy their company.  And, if you haven’t been invited to an event and want to go – have one yourself!!! Invite a few friends or neighbors over for a cup of cheer, a candy cane or something homemade by you!!!  It does not have to be extravagant – just simple!

3)     Don’t overcommit to too many tasks and/or chores to complete.  Yes, that means YOU!  Delegate the chores to a specific day/time.  Compromise if there are too many items to take care of.  And, choose not to get uptight about them if they do not get done.  Do what you can to prepare your house for the holidays and/or company coming over and leave the rest with Erma Bombeck!  Her philosophy is:  “If there is a spot on the couch, sit on it!”

4)     Do sit down and sing a Christmas Carol with your kids….make one up!

5)     Do make your own stockings with felt! 

6)     Do ly down under the Christmas tree and look up into the lights!

7)     Do make a Christmas wish to dream on!!!

8)    Do become as lovely as snow falling this season…..


Prayer:  Lord, help me to keep it simple this season.  Allow my heart to overflow with homemade gifts and let my children and family take part in a very simple, real Christmas.  Help us to focus on the Babe in the manager who became a Man who saves us!!!

Song: Amy Grant:  Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sleep in Heavenly Peace...

Sleep in Heavenly Peace……have you ever thought of what that means when it is 3 a.m. and you cannot sleep??? What exactly could be Heavenly peace???

Think about it! 

Heaven….the Divine abode of God.  What could be more desirable?

Heavenly……….a canopy or sphere hovering around you! A firmament around you…….a starry host!  What could be more superluminary???

Heavenly Host…..a starry host can be the most eloquent sight.  Take a drive on a starlit night and go far away from the city lights – what do you see?  Or what could you imagine you could see?

A starry host is vast, huge, and bigger than we can imagine – billions and billions of stars.  What if we focused on that Heavenly sight?  What if we allowed God to fill our hearts and minds when we cannot sleep?  What if we allowed His Heavenly Hope to fill our lives when we are awake?

One of the sweetest Christmas Carols is Silent Night and the words bring up the concept of sleeping in Heavenly peace.  We wish it for our infants and children, right?  We long for that peace when relationships are in turmoil or our lives seem to be out of control as 2020 has been for most of us.  Reflect on the words below and absorb the beauty of this most famous tune:

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon virgin Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from heaven afar;
Heavenly hosts sing Al-le-lu-ia!
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born!

Christ the Savior is born!

Tonight, I pray you will relax……..rest…..and allow these beautiful words to fill your soul.

Let the sentiment sink in………….Let the Heavenly Peace take up residence in your heart.