Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Into Our Hearts, God Comes...

About twenty years ago, I was inspired to write a Christmas poem and never published it.  So, with a humble heart I send these words from my heart to yours....

Into Our Hearts, God Comes...

The Bethlehem Stable...
Amongst the lowliest, God comes...
The Bethlehem Angel...
Into Mary's heart, God comes...
The Bethlehem Star...
Shining brightly to light our way, God comes...
The Bethlehem Wise Men...
Amongst the Magnificent, God comes...
The Bethlehem Babe...
Into our hearts, He comes.
(Pam Spencer, 1993)
If we can come to the manager in awe and wonder, our hearts will be filled to the brim!!!  Jesus, the Christ Child comes to us...each moment, each day, if only we will listen and hear the angels sing...
Isaiah 9:6 says:

"For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Child is given,
and the government will be on His shoulders.
And, He will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace."
Wow....can you imagine if everyone would really get this message?  Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men.....ahhh.......I pray this season you will pause at the manager and gaze upon the tiny Child and hear the angels sing!!! 
Stop the stressors, stop the shopping, stop the hustle and bustle, and sit by your Christmas tree or a candle and listen.  Pause...reflect...listen...and hear the angels sing.  Glory in Excelsis Deo!!!
Blessings abound...Wonders abound!!! 
Follow the Star........

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving to God!!!

Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow!  Praise Him all creatures here below!! Praise
Him above ye Heavenly Hosts!  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!!!  AMEN!!!

Find your favorite song of Praise and Thanksgiving and SING it!!!  Sing it in the shower, sing it as you are cooking, sing it as you are cleaning for all the guests, sing it as you prepare your heart for ALL God has to offer you this holiday!!!

Remember these Songs?
Give Thanks
Come Ye Thankful People Come
We Gather Together

The Lyrics to the first of these songs are as follows:
"Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks unto the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. (Repeat the refrain)
And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich because of what The Lord has done for us.  Give thanks....give thanks....give thanks!!!" act of giving thanks or expressing gratitude especially to God - wow! 
The United States of America celebrates and gives thanks to God for this special day tomorrow - a U.S. national holiday set apart to give God thanks!!! YES, let's do that!!!

As I opened my Bible this morning that my beloved grandfather, "Gramps" gave me in 1962, I was blessed to find this verse and thoughts:
Psalm 138:1
"I will give thanks to you, O Lord with all my heart..."  The latin word for gratitude is gratis or grace. 
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday??? What grace has been extended to you this day, this month, this year?  Have you stopped to take note of the many blessings that are in your life?  If not, why not do that today or this weekend!!! 

We have so much to be grateful for in the United is truly incredible!!!  I know my gratitude list swells each day as I stop, breath and think about all that God has blessed me with - a family in Ohio, Virginia, Minneapolis, Tennessee and Texas (that I will miss deeply this year as we celebrate in KC for the first time in 10 years), a son that brings me more joy than I thought imaginable 18 years ago, a job that allows me to serve our military with honor and praise, a church that feeds my heart and soul each week, prayer warriors that support and encourage me by praying for those people and situations that God places in my life,  friends that fill my life with laughter and fun, and finally, God has brought into my life a very special man, named Tim, that I could not be more grateful for this year...........ahhhh..........our God is SO good!!!

I read years ago:  "When we express gratitude something wondrous fills us!!!  Gratitude nourishes our souls immediately and the wonder of the moment swells in our hearts."  Simple gratitude brings simple happiness...simple gratitude shows us what is utterly amazing in our lives.  We have been so blessed, so fortunate, so favored, so richly given abundance....and it is all by the Grace of God alone.

So, let's celebrate!  Let's appreciate and acknowledge what we have been given even on the tiniest level......offer a sacrifice of praise to our Heavenly Father this Thanksgiving and KNOW how much you are loved!!!

Finally here is a fun way to say:  "Many thanks" in many languages:
English:  Many thanks!
French:   Merci!
German: Danke Schoen!
Italian:    Gramercy!
Spanish:  Muchas Gracias!
Archaic:  Much obliged!

And, thank YOU for reading these ramblings and encouraging me to continue to write this blog!!!
Blessings Abound!!!!!!!!  Look for them.............

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chatter with the Angels....

I went to the most wonderful music concert today with The William Baker Festival Singers at the Grace and Holy Trinity Church in Kansas City.  The music was not only exquisite, but the ambiance and acoustics were fantastic!  This KC cathedral exudes the Spirit of God from the beautiful story of Christ portrayed through the stained glass windows, the gold filament doves embedded in the decor and the gothic architecture that points to the Heavens - the music filled the air in this lovely sanctuary and our filled hearts and souls!

One of the American Spiritual songs they sang was arranged by Branden Waddles called:  Ride the Chariot.  The entire concert was sung A Capella (which means vocal music without instruments), however, the very last song was enhanced by an excellent pianist who played the music with all the old fashioned gospel music rhythms!!!  It was so much fun to watch the Festival singers and listen to see how the music shown through these singers, the conductor and the ultimately, the audience tapping our toes to the soulful music!!  What a lovely experience!!!

One of the lines in the last song says:  "Chatter with the angels soon-a in the morning...."
Do you know what Chatter means?  I had to look it up!  We all know what "chat" means:  to converse in an easy or informal manner.  But, "Chatter?"  Chatter means to utter inarticulate speechlike talk rapidly, incessantly, or inanely, or to "click" together quickly, as the teeth from cold.   And, to "Chatter with the Angels?"  Ahhh........what a lovely thought!

Think about that!  "Inarticulate speechlike sounds...."  Chatter is right!  Sometimes, we are moved to tears with inarticulate sounds when we experience the Presence of God.  Sometimes, our prayers are not utterable  - we do not have the words - because we are so deeply moved.  When was the last time you were moved to tears?  Or, could not speak a word?  Or, felt the Presence of God?  Or, needed the Holy Spirit to pray for you because there were no words you could speak?

Chatter with the THAT is where I want to be the rest of this day!!!
What a lovely experience..........thank you, Lord!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HOPE: One mile ahead!

I was driving to Minneapolis this past weekend to visit my niece who just moved there and saw a sign on the way that said:  Hope:  1 mile ahead.  That sign got me thinking about hope!

What is hope?  How do you find it?  How can we capture it for just one moment?  Hope's definition is desire, expectation, expectancy, trust, confidence, reliance, faith, belief, assurance, security, reassurance, encouragement and/or prospect.  Think about your own definition of hope - what does your heart tell you it is in your life?  Ahh....a very nice thought to ponder!

One of my all time favorite sayings is from Emily Dickinson who said:  "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in your soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all...."
Isn't that beautiful?  Hope perches in our souls!!!  Hope sings without words!!!  Hope never stops at - I find that amazing!!!

Joyce Meyer teaches that we are "Prisoners of Hope" and encourages us to not give up when times are tough.  We have the hope of Eternal Life if we know God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  Now that is truly hope with a promise!!!

The scriptures tell us in Hebrews 11:1,  "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." 

Do you know someone who needs hope?  How can you offer hope in a tragic or extremely sad situation?  Where do you find that assurance?

Do you have a desire that is supported by some confidence that it will be fulfilled?  Have you ever been persistant in hoping for something against all odds?  Do you have grounds for expectation in some area of your life?  Or, do you have something that you place your confidence in to achieve, fulfill or accomplish?  If so, what is stopping you???

Do you have hope?  If not, why not?  If so, how so?  Think about it..........
HOPE is wonderful, HOPE makes you feel alive, HOPE is the heart and soul of faith!!!

Consider spending 15 minutes contemplating what hope means to you in your life....
And if you are a believer:  Praise God for the wonderful HOPE we have in HIM!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Technology Stress - anyone?

Technology, technology, technology!!!  Fifty years ago life was so much less complicated!  You picked up one phone in the house when it rang instead of screening your calls.  People actually talked to each other from and hustle and bustle except dinner time, homework and families together.  Now, we deal with people talking and/or texting while they are driving and putting us all at risk!  No one can seem to put their phones down for fear of "missing" a call or text!
Phones and computers, computers and phones.........ugh!!!

In this crazy world of technology, I now have two iPhones - one for work and one for personal use, thus, two voicemail accounts to check, two email accounts, Facebook, LinkedIn, Career Builder alerts, alerts, spam out the ying yang and distractions that are beyond imagination fifty years ago....Indeed!!!

Do you remember when we used to push a button to turn the TV on?  Now, we have to have multiple remote controls just to turn the blasted thing on!  What craziness we have created with technology.
Yes, are microwaves easier to use to "nuke" something quick to eat?  Sure, but are we putting ourselves at risk for some disease like cancer or some other danger that we don't even know about yet by using it?  Who knows?  We don't yet! 

Is it easier to "eat out" than cook a home meal for our family or ourselves?  Sure, but how much weight can one person and one society gain by doing so?
And, what are we missing by sharing the food around the table together, passing it to one another and saying "please and thank you" to those we love?  When was the last time you sat down for a meal at home with your family???  Oh, that's right - that was Leave It to Beaver in the 1960's.

What??? Give us sports for the kids?  Going to the gym after work?  Bible Study at church?  Carpool for the ballet class?  No way!  We NEED all this stress, don't we?  It is uncanny what we have done to ourselves over time.  No limits, no boundaries, no sense.

What technology measures the amount of stress all these "conveniences" have given us?  Can we UNplug and go relax somewhere quiet without our cell phone ringing or dinging to let us know someone sent us an voicemail, email or text?  Well actually, yes, we can!!!

We do not have to feed into all the technology and be on top of every email, every voicemail, every text, every activity or join every social media tool to help us get a job, get the news, get caught up!
We absolutely do NOT have to buy into the technology crazy at every angle of our lives.

We CAN stop, breathe and think!  We CAN go outside and sit on our deck or back porch without our phones and without our computers.  We CAN fix a meal at home and share it with our family, a neighbor or some friends!  We CAN go for a bicycle ride or walk in the park! We CAN slow down and imagine doing less!!! 

But, will we???

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Equinox evening...

Last evening I shared the most wonderful, relaxing time with a dear friend and I wanted to share it with each of you who follow my blog ramblings........have you ever ushered in each season as they arrive from God?  Autumn (Fall) Equinox, Winter Solstice, Vernal (Spring) Equinox, Summer Solstice?
It was an amazing evening and felt like what an Native American Indian ceremony would have been like to experience.  I believe we can learn something from their rituals in honoring the seasons and honoring God for what he has given us. 

We shared simple ritual of soothing music of the cedar flute, simple dancing while holding hands in a circle with lovely women, chanting, singing, poetry, readings, drumming, listening, sharing with a talking stick, and enjoyed the beauty that Mother Earth and God give to us!!! It really was quite a beautiful experience. 

This lovely evening invited me to look up the definition of the Fall Equinox and here it is:
Autumn Equinox:  The equinox of September 22-23 marking the start of autumn.
Autumn: The season of the year between summer and winter....a time or period of maturity.....a time verging on decline.....a time of harvest and gathering........a time of letting go.
Equinox:  Either of the two times of the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of the day and night are approximately equal.  Wow!  I had never looked up this definition before and it fits perfectly to what I feel at this time of the year and at the beginning of each season.

Most people love the fall Autumn season. They love the changing of the weather, the exquisite colors of the trees, the cooler temperatures, football season for some, and gathering all the vegetables from the garden to prepare for winter.

Ponder these thoughts and ideas: What are you harvesting this season? What abundance can you gather? What does your heart see and feel? What do you need to let go of? What can you allow to drop like a leap in your life?

One of the most beautiful verses in the Bible is perfect for the Autumn Equinox:

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8:
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to uproot,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain,
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to keep and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace."

Imagine in the world where we live in now of hustle and bustle, where we have technology out our ears and no time to relax, restore or renew ourselves that we take time to honor the seasons and usher them into our lives, our hearts and our souls.  Slow down........imagine doing less........listen to your heart........listen to your soul.......and rest a while.  Enjoy this gorgeous season!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Become willing...

Have you ever heard of the concept of becoming willing?  Well, it is quite a concept to grasp and to actually undertake on a daily basis.  I learned of it when I first went through my divorce in 2000 at a support group and have been studying it ever since!  It is a wonderful and very "free-ing" concept once you get your head around it!!!

It is also Step 8 of the 12 Step program for Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon (Spouse Support Group of AA), Over Eaters Anonymous, and any other 12 Step program out there. 

Here is Step 8:
"Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all."
Can you imagine what our world would look like if each of us became willing to make amends when we hurt or injured another person in thought, word or deed?  Wow!  I like to think that our world would change dramatically if each person would truly be held accountable for their own actions every day.  It would be an amazing concept to teach others and to learn ourselves.  I wish the 12 Steps would be taught in every home, every school and every church around the globe because I believe this one step is so powerful!!!  Can you imagine if everyone who makes a mistake or even a minor bloop in something they have said or done and considered saying:  "I am sorry, I made a mistake.  Please forgive me."

This even means to say that to yourself, too......yep!  That's right!  YOU deserve some grace as well as whoever you might have harmed or hurt their feelings in the past. 

Think about it........become make see things from a different perspective.......from a different point of ponder another go where your mind and heart may have never been before.....incredible concept, isn't it???

And, if you want to take it one step farther, read Melody Beattie's The Language of Letting Go devotion for August is truly amazing to "set yourself free" from guilt, anxiety, struggle, and discord because you became willing to make amends for the tiniest anyone........for anything.

Become willing.........would you consider trying it for a day, a week, a month?   I am!!! 
Go ahead....set yourself free!!! 

Friday, August 23, 2013


Have you given yourself an positive affirmation lately?  Asked yourself "What went right today?"  Or, said an "Oh My Gosh" or a "Praise the Lord" about something you accomplished recently?  If not, try it!!!

Affirmations are wonderful - they hit your heart right when you need them and make a dull day beautiful....affirmations are quick "pick-me-ups" you can add to your day to dispel fear, worry, anxiety or sometimes fatigue.  It can even cure morning sickness if you are pregnant (it did for me 18 years ago!!!).

Try doing this experiment every morning for the next week:  Pick five adjectives such as Wonderful, Amazing, Fantastic, Great, Fabulous.  Then, repeat each word 5 times before you get out of bed in the morning.  That's right - before you hit the floor running!!!  Give yourself a few extra minutes to lay in bed and watch the colors come into your room ( a friend of mine gave me that idea) and while your are watching the day begin, say these 5 adjectives to yourself and just see if you don't start feeling better soon!!!

There are many reasons to use positive affirmations for yourself, your kids, your spouse, your friends, your co-workers, and every one you come in contact with each day!!! They add a little zest to your life, gives you a little lilt in your step, and puts a smile on your face!  Smiling can dispel a whole bunch of yucky things in life!  Do you remember the movie "Patch Adams" with Robin Williams for the 1980's?  If not, go rent it or check it out of the library - or call me - I still have the VCR version and watch it.  Patch experiments with saying "hello" and smiling at people on campus while he was going to medical school.  What he found was amazing:  It works!!!  People smile back!!!  And, while some people may think your nuts, it will also give their day a lift.  And, if they laugh and giggle at you for being goofy- so what???  Doesn't this crazy world of our need a little more fun and laughter?  I know my corner of the world does!!!

Yes, I know I am goofy, but try it!!!  Then, send me an email and tell me the results!  We may have to put it in my new book called:  "I thought it was a bowl...." -  more on that subject later!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Once again, I am puzzled by a word and the outcome in my life. What is the actual definition of integrity - how you ever looked it up?  Studied it?  Thought about how it applies to your life as well as how to live it?  As my 17 year old son begins to deal with unfair and unreasonable people in his life, I find myself in a quandry as to how to teach this value to him.  And, as I try to teach him what the true definition is, I find that while I have often thought of my self as a person with integrity - do I model it to him?  Does he see evidence of it in my life? 

So, the question becomes:  How does one live with integrity?  How can one adhere to a rigid code of values every moment of every day?  How in the world can one be of  a sound mind and completely do the right thing because it is the right thing to do?  Every time right and wrong are in question - how does one live it every time?  Wow!  That is a tall order in this crazy world!!!

Think of the highest honor one could bestow upon you.  Why would someone honor you?  Or, why would you honor another person, place or thing?  Is it because your actions are whole, right, and entirely honest?  Or is it because one displays a level of excellence that is unheard of in today's society?  Do you stand for courage?  Do you stand for honesty in all things?  How can one do that when compromise is so much a part of our world today?

What do you value?  What merits dignity to you?  What or who do you appreciate?  Treasure?  Hold dear?  What causes worthiness in a perosn's life? 

What or who is worthy to you?  Your life?  Your love?  This is a subject that is worth pondering.........lingering upon..........and truly finding the meaning of in your life. 

Ahhhh....yes, those rose-colored glasses are on again!!!  Perhaps if each of us truly demonstrated integrity in all of our affairs our world would be a much better place than it currently is - but, wait!
That IS what we are called to be as Christians........we are taught in the Scriptures to think about what is right, what is honorable, what is noble, what is just, what is pure, what is lovely, what is of good report, what is of virture, what is praiseworthy.  (Philippians 4:8-9).

We are to think about these things - what if we lived them as well?  Think about such things.  Then,
ask for the ability to live a life of integrity in all things.  Not some, not part, not most, but all.
God is waiting for us to ask so that he can be evident to all whom we come in contact with - every day, every moment.  Think about such things.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hilarious moment...

Have you ever had one of those hilarious moments when you cannot stop laughing???  I just did!
I was in the middle of coloring my hair and between the stage of color and rinsing, I happened to look in the mirror and see the color dripping down my forehead and onto my ears!!! It was absolutely hilarious!!!  Boisterously funny!  It made me laugh so hard that I thought I was going to cry.....when was the last time you laughed at yourself???  A moment of merriment like this can cause us to relax, regroup and remind ourselves that sometimes we take life much too seriously!!  At least, I know that I do!

Try it today..........find something to laugh at with yourself, at yourself or for yourself!  Go find a cartoon that makes you giggle and share it with someone you know who is going through a rough stretch.  Stick your tongue out at someone in traffic who you really want to say or do something not so nice to......make funny faces in the mirror with your kids or grandkids........tell your neighbor a joke or share what happened this morning to me with someone else!  LAUGH!!! 

Life is to be enjoyed and God has given us a world full of reasons to smile, laugh, and stand in awe of in all creation!!!  Listen to the squirrels as they run after each other in the the birds frolic to and fro from your bird feeder or fly through the sprinkler..........throw a toy for your dog in the back yard and see him/her laugh with their tails!!! That is how dogs smile - did you know that?  By wagging their tails!!!
Or, if you have a very noisy cat like I do, you can laugh at how annoyed I get with him meowing over and over and over.........yes, it is annoying, but what is he trying to tell me???  It may the wisdom of a sage trying to get my attention because I am always in a hurry.  Stop, breathe, laugh!!!

Find something in your day that is absolutely ludicrous and laugh!!!  That's right:  a big, belly laugh from your belly button!!!  Fill that heart and mind with things of joy - pure joy!!!

Children laugh hundreds of times a day, but you know what?  Adults rarely laugh!!!  Google the statistics and see what it says!  Then, look up the word hilarious and see what comes up!

Ask other people what makes them out people who love to laugh and join them!
Knock on the door of God's window and see what he shows you today!!!

Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given to you.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door will be opened to you!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Misery an option?

Misery.....prolonged or extreme suffering...wretchedness.........affliction.....deprivation.  Can you imagine that you have a choice about misery?  Is it truly an option?  There is a wonderful, funny author named Barbara Johnson who wrote a book called:  Pain is inevitable, but Misery is Optional.  So Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy!  What a wonderful option!!! 

We can CHOOSE to be miserable, unhappy, feel like we are inferior or inadequate, OR we can choose NOT to be so!  I know sometimes in this life there are many sorrowful, agonizing events that can bring us to our knees, but when we choose to dwell on the negative or the suffering - we can create woe and anguish for ourselves.  Yes, sometimes we do have to go through a season of grief or anguish, but there is joy around the corner as we do have a choice to be miserable or not!  And, we have a choice to be have a positive outlook even on the most devastating events of our lives.  We can choose to look up and see that we have a God who loves us and cares for us beyond measure.  We have a God who provides for our every need.  Not some, not part, not most, but all.  Yes, I did say all.  Check it out in Philippians 4:19 in the Scriptures.....Each day we have a choice as to whether or not to find the joy that surrounds us.........the love........the beauty.........the incredible gifts just waiting around the corner for us as we become aware of them and choose to receive!  Yes, it is a choice. 

Next, if you think about God and what He offers us the following acronym might hit home for you this week as you remember WHO God is:

M = Magnificent
I  =  Incredible
S =  Spectacular
E =  Enough
R =  Rejoice
Y =  Yield to God

Yes, if we yield to God, our lives, our families, our finances, our decisions, our schedules, our work, our busyness, our friends, and all that our lives contain, we might just find that our MISERY turns into something magnificent just when we think we cannot go one step further.  Try remembering the magnificent, incredible, spectacular things of nature - a sunrise, a sunset, a rainstorm, a pond, a rose garden -  and you will find God is enough!  You will find reasons to rejoice!  And, as you yield your life to God you will find new avenues to adventure and new journeys to take in this life!

Have you ever read some of Emily Dickinson's poetry??? If not, google her name and read some of her beautiful poetry.  Emily wrote this sentiment on HOPE:  Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in your soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.....amazing!  It is true!  Hope fills our heart with a song that is irrepressible at times...........other times it only whispers to us, but it is always there. 

Have you ever read this adage?  "Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen."  What if we each chose to believe that every day?  Can you imagine what our world would look like if we each displayed that kind of attitude??? If we each shared that hope and belief with one other person?  Can you imagine???

Yes, I know that I have rose-colored glasses on at this moment and that all of life is not filled with joy and laughter, but we do have a choice! Each one of us........every day!  Misery is definitely a part of this world we live in, but it IS an option!  The good news is that if we choose to feel all of our feelings............all of them.........and learn to express them in a healthy manner, we can experience JOY despite the not-so-rosey things that happen on occasion..........or sometimes in a row........or as the old expression goes:  "misery comes in threes....."  Yes, sometimes misery does hit us hard and in succession.  But laughter and joy  are right around the corner......if only we look for them!!!

So, try Barbara Johnson's advice:  Stick a geranium in your hat and be happy!  If you don't like geraniums, choose a daisy - they are very happy flowers!!!  And, misery DOES love company!!!  LOL

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Freedom...........have you ever thought about the definition of Freedom??? It is the condition of being free.........unrestricted access........political independence......liberty.  Can you imagine living in a country other than our wonderful USA?  Can you imagine not having the freedom to say what you want and/or when you want to express an idea?  Can you imagine if you could not do you want to do, or  go to the places that you need to go to each day, or not being able to enjoy every day as a "free" person?  Wow, that is unimaginable to me.  I am so grateful for our freedom, for our country, and for the liberty to do what I please most of the time and within reason.

We are very blessed in the USA and I would like for us to think about the challenge of freedom.  What is freedom for?  To do as we please, live where we want to live, change jobs because we want to "better ourselves" or is there a higher reason we enjoy freedom?  I love to go for a bicycle ride when I have time, or take my dog for a walk each day.  I love to work hard each day.  I love to plan for vacations and dream for the future.  I enjoy going to different restaurants and finding places to have some fun that are different than I have tried or experienced before, but have I ever really thought about the fact that our freedom is not free?  There has been a cost to our freedom and liberty over the 200 years of our existance in the United States....our forefathers fought to have this country become what it has become.  Our Declaration of Independence came at a price.  A very high price.  We defend our constitution every day in many ways through our political system and our local communities, but have we ever really realized how much that costs to have those liberties???  Love for freedom and love for this great country was a vital reason why our soldiers fought during the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I and World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Bosnia, Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the current war in Afghanistan - the war on Terror.  (Forgive me if I missed one of the important ones.)  Our freedom has come at a very high price.  But, what is freedom really for?  Pope John Paul II famously said:  "Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought."  Think about that for a minute..........are there times when doing what we "ought" gets ruled out because we want to do something selfishly just for ourselves?  Sure, we are all human.  And, there are certainly times I have done that in my life.  But, when I think about it most of the time, I treasure my freedom and value the price that was paid for me by many people I have never known or will ever meet.

I have the privilege of meeting and working with some of the most incredible military people in the USA who serve in the Kansas National Guard, Army Reserves, Air Force, Marines, Navy, US Coast Guard and Active Duty Soldiers at Ft. Leavenworth, Ft. Riley and McConnell AFB.  As I mingle with these incredible human beings, I am humbled to the core of my being that they are willing to fight for my freedom every day. Their families are torn apart for various times as they deploy to regions around the world to defend our freedom.  I am truly grateful that they make this sacrifice for me.  I also had the privilege of sitting next to a Gold Star Mom at a recent Army Birthday dinner.  A Gold Star Mom is one who has lost a loved was very sad in some ways, but very beautiful in other ways.  Part of the ceremony for the Army Birthday dinner is to honor the Fallen Soldier.  And, as you can imagine, tears were streaming down her face and many others including mine, as they saluted the Fallen.  At the end of the dinner, there was another ceremony to dismantle the table for the Fallen Soldier, so one by one, the helmet, gun, boots and rose were taken off the table and guarded by procession out of the room by the Color Guard.  Again, there was not a dry eye in the room.  It was extremely moving and I was touched by the woman who became my acquaintance during the evening festivities.  It was truly an honor to meet her and share dinner with her.  I admire her courage for being at the dinner to honor her son despite her grief.  We are all privileged to be here in the USA thanks to our military men and women who serve every day.  I hope that each of us pause and think about our freedom this 4th of July.  It is a gift.  Truly a gift.

Over 2,000 years ago Christ paid the ultimate price for our freedom.  He gave his life for us.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ in your heart and asked Him to be Lord over your life, then you know what a price was paid.  If not, have you thought about what a huge price was paid for us and why?  LOVE............that is the reason we were bought at a price.   Love that is beyond measure and unconditional.  Love that goes to the end of the earth to fight for you and for me.  Love that is eternal, everlasting and omnipotent.

If it is possible, I hope that my life will be a service to God so that I may serve others through love, friendship, laughter and joy each day and take the time to thank our Heavenly Father for the privilege of being His child.  I hope that I won't always partake in self-indulgence and that as I realize the price that was paid for me that I will give back a small portion of what has been given to me without me even knowing it.  And, I pray that our country will realize what price was paid for the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as the freedom we experience every day in the USA.

St. Paul wrote to the Galations this thought:
"You were called for freedom, brothers and sisters.  But do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh; rather, serve one another through love."  (Galations 5:13)

I pray that as you celebrate the 4th of July - our Independence Day in the United States, that you will pause and give thanks for all that we have here and all the God has given us through His son.
What a gift...............what an incredible gift!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Respite of Summer abounds..........

Respite of Summer..........ahhhh....doesn't that sound lovely?  A reprieve, a lull, a letting go.....a rest.
Summer actually starts this coming weekend and I am reflecting on what I would like to do for my summer for fun.......for reprieve.......for a rest.  That is a tall order for one who goes "Mach 12 with my hair on fire" most of the time, but luckily, God is working on that with me!!!  LOL

I have found after breaking my ankle this past spring that hurrying isn't the way to enjoy all that God has created.  Nope, hurrying only accomplishes another form of stress and anxiety if I continue to allow it to do so.....So, instead I have decided that a respite of summer is in order!!!  I plan on going bicycling this weekend on the Katy Trail and am going to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the person's company that I am going cares in the world type attitude.

Have you ever experienced a lull?  It means taking a break, pausing.........hmmmm...why in the world has it taken me 56 years to realize I need a lull or a pause in my life???  Not sure, but you know what?  I am going to enjoy it!!! 

Letting go.........hmmmm....what do I need to let go of?  A habit, a worry, a control issue, caretaking of others?  Why not let it go my heart says???  The concept of leting go means to relinquish that which holds you.......would you consider it?  Even if it is only for an afternoon or a day?  Ask someone else to cover a shift of caretaking for you for an hour or a day!  Let go of that worry that robs you of sleep!  Stop habitually doing something that causes you pain or discomfort!  Allow the control factor to go on vacation for a bit! 

Rest - what a concept!  Shall I actually stop all activity and rest?  Relax?  Rejuvenate?  YES!  Why not???  Take a hot bath.........go to a Yoga class.........go to a lovely park that you haven't been to in a while and sit!  Yes, sit!!!  Sip on a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with a friend..........take a look at your dog or cat lounging around your house and stay a while with them!  Read a book that has been calling your name for months - just for fun!  No work, no fuss, no worry - just rest!!!

There is something about the "lazy days of Summer" that calling my name - is it calling your name...........will you give into it and allow yourself to enjoy the summer?   I hope so because the respite of summer abounds..........

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Have you ever thought of something as insignificant?  Small, trivial, meaningless? Could there really be anything on earth that is insignificant, of no importance or inconsequential?  Honestly, I cannot imagine that! 

And yet.........imagine a time when you felt insignificant.  A time when you were very small or too young to do such and such.  Or, a teenager who didn't fit in to the "in" crowd.  Or, a young adult who cannot seem to find his or her way in this crazy life.  Or, a wife and mother who feels that staying at home with her children makes her insignificant to the business world.  Or, a hubby who feels he cannot provide for his family in the way he imagined?  Or, a grandparent or elderly person who feels they are "all used up."  We all have times or periods in our lives where perhaps we didn't or don't feel significant.  Where we felt unimportant.  Less than.  When our lives didn't seem to count for much compared to others.  Does that really make us insignificant?  Absolutley not!!!

Think about that for a minute.  If you were the inventor who created a much needed service - would you feel insignificant then?  Probably not.  What if you worked your way up from the bottom as a young professional, worked 30-35 years and was then let go from your company?  Perhaps you would feel insignificant at that point.  But really think about that for moment.  You just spent 35 working hard for a living, for your family, for your own satisfaction in learning a trade, and made a contribution every single day of your life for 35 years.  How can that be insignificant?  It cannot.  You invented a life that meant something along the way.  Big income or little income.  Lots of retirement or no retirement.  Your life matters!  What you did was important, significant, real!
Or, you spend 20 years rearing your children, keeping a home, loving your family and you compare yourself to a business person who worked at a career whose "babies" were business endeavors and their passion, and yet see yourself as insignificant?  No way!  You invented little people along the way, created a home for those you love - all of which is important, significant, real!!!

And, what about the significance of who you are as a person.  You are uniquely created - one of a kind!  No one has the same finger prints as you have or exactly the same eyes.  Yes, family members may have similar qualities and/or features, but no two are exactly the same.  Anywhere in the world this is true.  Each person of value, important, meaningful, significant.  WOW!  What a concept!

Worthy, valuable, significant.  Each one of us.  Yep!  That's right!  God created each of us uniquely different from the other for a reason.  So that we can find our significance, our gifts, our unique patterns, and share that with our family, our work, our neighbors, our community, and the world. 

There is an old saying that goes something like this:  "You may be only one person in this world, but you may mean the world to one person."  Go! Look in the mirror.  Take a peek at the person you have lived with for the past ____ years:  Yourself!  Then, tell yourself how important you are to God, to your family, to the world.  Find the significance, importance and realization of what you mean to those around you.  And, realize the ultimate inventor invented YOU!!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marveling.... feel surprised, be amazed or wonder...........when was the last time you "marveled" at something?  Or, felt like you came across a phenomenon or miracle that you stood in awe of and wondered - how did that come into being???

I was reading a devotion today which spoke about the person who had gone to a retreat only to be instructed to leave the cabin where the attendees were staying in and to go "marveling!"  What a wonderful concept!!! 

Think about it!  Where would be the perfect place to explore and enjoy God's marvelous creation be to you?  Would it be a mountain retreat, a forest, a nearby lake, a beach, or a local park?  What would you find?  A feather, a beautiful leaf, an odd shaped branch from a tree, a seedpod, a wildflower, a dandelion, or a rock?  What would you choose to be mindful of and reflect upon for a sunny afternoon?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, there are so many wonderful things to "marvel" at in this world, yet our lives are so busy that we miss them!  Honestly, anyone can go "marveling" anytime or anywhere - why not do that today?

There are brilliant red, orange, gold and pink sunsets to catch!  There are birds who sing a tune without our looking up once to see what kind of bird is singing!  There is air that smells so wonderful from the fresh cut grass your neighbor just mowed this weekend!  There are snowfalls and fluffy clouds that billow in the sky above and yet, when was the last time you tried to see what the clouds were forming in the sky???  There are new crocuses and daffodils that are blooming right before your eyes!  The signs of Spring are "in the air" and yet we disregard this beauty in lieu of getting to work on time!

What stories would the objects you find while out "marveling" tell?  Would they be ones your children will remember?  What if you spent an entire day "marveling" with someone you love?  What would you find?  What would you discover?  What would you celebrate and say thank you for and praise our incredible Creator for???  Read Psalm 139:14:  "Marvelous are your works!"  It is oh so true!!!

Go "marveling" and enjoy every minute - forget your worries and your cares!  Set aside your busyness and go on a journey of discovery!  You will "marvel" at what you find!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sisters in Christ....

Sisters in Christ.........women who believe in Jesus Christ and strive to live a life worthy of the calling of God in this crazy world - do you have one or two?  Or, an entire army of these sisters?  They are truly angels in your life!  And, having a band of angels to help you through these turbulent days is a present you can give yourself!

To have a sister in Christ means that I have someone who understands my flaws, my heartaches, my challenges, my obstacles, my sorrows, my disappointments, my triumphs, my successes, and my joys in this life!  A sister in Christ listens to you, lifts you up when you feel down, is a shoulder to cry on, a sage advisor in times of indecision, as well as, holds you in her heart and prays with you! Sometimes they pray for you because your heart cannot...

Do you have a sister in Christ?  If not, I pray that you will ask God for one.  They are an incredible gift from God!!!  They are there for you when you need someone most.  A physical presence and a listening ear.  A helping hand when the load gets too heavy to bear or an "Angel of Joy" when you want to share something wonderful!

These sisters in Christ are not a substitute for turning to Christ in times of need or praise, but rather an extension (in a sense) of His love.  They are needed, valuable and wanted in our lives - they are vessels of love, friendship and accountability.

I happen to have several wonderful sisters in Christ as well as two wonderful biological sisters!  Just today, I was burdened with an very difficult situation in my personal life and what did they do?  They listened, they cried with me and most of all they prayed with me!!!  I could not ask God for a better gift to is wonderful and also humbles me to the core of my being that God would bless me with such wonderful women to turn to in times of need.

And, I have a bonus in my life:  My "real" biological sisters are also my sisters in Christ - WOW!  How lucky can one girl be???  Very, very least I believe so!!!

If you by chance, don't have a sister in Christ at this point in your life - you have NOT done anything wrong...........James 4:2 says:  "You do not have because you do not ask...."
Don't wait - ASK!!!  God is more than willing to provide you with one of these incredible angels........just ask.  Simple, easy and FUN!

And, James 1:17 says:  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights."'s worth it!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Afflicted, but not crushed....

Have you ever felt afflicted? Perplexed? Persecuted? Struck down?  Well if so, you are in good company!  Our precious Lord, Jesus Christ was all of these and more........for us!  Each one of us and the good news gets better:  We are NOT crushed, driven to despair, forsaken, or destroyed when we suffer!  Why not?  Because of Jesus!  Read 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and see what I mean..........

We have the most incredible gift with Christ:  Eternal Life!  Eternal means forever....without beginning or end....lasting.......timeless!!!  WOW!  If only we turn to Him and trust Him with our whole hearts..........Have you ever thought of looking forward to spending Eternity with GOD?  The Creator of the Universe?  That is quite a concept to wrap your head around as we say in today's day and age.  ETERNITY.........whew!  It blows my mind and fills my heart with awe and wonder.......and immense gratitude.

Why this topic?  Why this night?  Well, I felt a little bit of affliction, perplexity, persecution and being struck down tonight as I discussed some "old" issues with my son about his dad.  Today is his dad's birthday and despite the fact that we have been divorced for 13 years, I still get a little melancholy around his birthday.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get back together with my ex-husband at all for any reason, but I was totally committed to the man for 19 years.  And, sometimes, it still hurts...........I really wanted to be married to one man for my entire life - I wanted to beat the odds and have a marriage that other people said: "Wow, they have really got a great marriage!" 
Well, that obviously did not happen.  Divorce happened instead.  And, while God's incredible grace has sustained me throughout this ordeal, I have grown an enormous amount over the past 13 years!  But, I still regret the fact that I am divorced and that my son had to be the brunt of the disaster and learn skills I never dreamed I would have to teach him on how to cope with separated and divorced parents.  There were a lot of tearful days and nights when we first split and for that I have regrets.......

Trying to be the mediator between my son, his grandparents on his dad's side and my ex is quite a feat!  Listen to this story:  Over the years, I have stayed in touch with my son's grandparents because
I did not want Matt to miss out on having  both sets of grandparents because his own parents could not get their act together.  So, in trying to be nice and invite my in-laws to KC from Ohio so that they might see Matt play baseball this summer I extended the invitation.  Then, in an effort to be open, honest and direct with my ex, I sent him a text to let him know I had offered them to stay at our house if they came for a visit.  Well, guess what???  The ex and his girlfriend got all bent out of shape and made a fuss thus creating havoc for my son with his dad.  UGH!  What is that saying: "You can't win for losing????"  Well, in dealing with this matter, it happens to be true!  And, to boot, I was made out to be the bad guy in trying to make my ex look bad!  Go figure..........I am perplexed!!!

Does anyone see how persecution goes???  And, this is the minor leagues compared to what Christ went through!!!  So, in coping with the after affects even 13 years later, it feels like I am being struck down once again.  Defeated by trying to be nice.  Destroyed because I wanted to extend an invitation for the sake of my son.  Can you imagine how God felt when Jesus was betrayed??? humbles me to the core of my being.

Again, the GOOD NEWS is this:  We will spend Eternity with an amazing, wonderful, glorious God who loves us even when we mess up or are perceived to mess up by others!!!
Isn't that amazing???????  It is to me and so, I stand in awe of an Amazing God, Amazing Son and Amazing Holy Spirit who saves me from all of the destruction of this world. 


Monday, April 1, 2013

Never Leave a Wounded Lamb....

I read the most intriguing article this morning in Charles Stanley's In Touch magazine!  It was called:  Never Leave a Wounded Lamb....and of course in the scriptures, Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!  The article was referring to those
people who used to go to church, but have wandered away for many reasons.  Jesus talks about feeding His sheep and lambs many times throughout the Bible.  The story of the lost sheep is one where the owner discovers that one of his sheep is missing.  He goes away, leaves the 99 sheep still in the fold and looks for the one missing.  Compelling isn't it?
Why would a sheep owner leave 99 sheep to find just one?  And, why should a church search out members who have drifted away from the church?  Or, why would a friend contact someone they haven't talked to in years?  Think about it.........who in your life have you lost touch with?  Is it because they or your feelings were hurt?  Is it because something was said in anger?  Was it because pride led the way and no one would say "uncle?"  Every person is important to God.  Every one.  So, why should we make judgements and tell others they are not important? Or, that their lifestyle isn't correct, or their choices wrong?  In the church, every part and every believer of the church body is necessary.  With our bodies, every part is important and needed.  Would we cut off our ear because it is a minor part of our body?  No, it is important though small, and necessary for us to hear. 

What part of your life have you cut off?  What friend do you no longer associate with?  What family member did you leave in the dust?  What church do you no longer go to because something was said to make you leave?

Are there wounds that need to be healed in your heart or another's that you know?  Would it be possible to put down that pride and approach that person?  Or tell someone how hurt you are and why you no longer come to church?  We all need grace sooner or later..........and most likely sooner!  Scripture tells us there is no condemnation in Christ, so why don't we call that brother or sister or friend or relative and ask them to lunch?  Why not reach out to someone who is hurting even though you may be as well?  Every missing lamb matters.
Every one.

Become a shepherd today and go out to search for that lost the one to make the decision to heal an old hurt.  Allow the love and mercy and grace of our incredible God to heal your heart today.......reach out......take a chance.......see if you cannot see the sunshine through that rainforest.....look for the rainbow!  It is just waiting for you to look up!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sojourn........ reside temporarily or stay for a time.......ahhhhhhhh....I did just that in Sedona, AZ last week!  It was absolutely wonderful......peaceful.......calm......harmonious.......exhilarating!!!  The energy there is amazing and the scenery was exquisite!  I would love to not only stay for a time there, but eventually move there!!!  I texted my son while I was there and said:  "Sell everything!  I am NEVER coming home!!!"  (He laughed, but little does he know, I really mean it!)

So, what would it mean for you to sojourn in your heart today???  Where would you go? What would you like to see?  What would you like to explore?  Where would you like to abide for a long while???

Sojourning is quiet an adventure - especially when you go to a place you have never been before or wanted to return to very much.  I drove past these incredible Red Rock Canyons 20 years ago and always wanted to return.  The pictures are stunning if you explore them on the internet and the pictures that I took while hiking the Cathedral Rock Canyon are incredible!!! 

Within the Red Rock Canyons are something they call Vortexes.  The Vortexes in Sedona are these places where a spiral flow of energy rotates, spirals and draws its visitors into an awareness that makes you wonder where does all this energy flows from?  I was not able take one of the tours to experience the Vortexes this trip or explore this energy field, but I drove into the canyon where they were and the energy was spellbinding!!!  A vortex is also described as a place where the Earth is exceptionally alive and healthy! And, yes, I felt healthy and alive each moment I was there!!!  Just to look upon the incomprehensible views that I saw one turn after another was breathtaking.........and made me feel "alive" like I have never before!!!

Have you ever measured the aliveness you feel in your body?  If not, now might be a good time to take your own temperature!  Where does your energy stem from? What makes you feel "alive?"  Go exploring............physciallyor by the internet - there are some incredible places to explore and learn about on our great Earth!  Take some time to feel alive and's worth the adventure!!! 

And, sojourn awhile........stay for a time.......abide.......

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lenten Prayer for you...

I Am Not Sure of Love
(by Kenneth G. Phifer, from A Book of Uncommon Prayer)

O Lord, I live in a world of angry men and women. I am often angry myself at threats to my values, at brutal disregard for the institutions I hold dear.
Where do I belong in such a world?
Where does the Lord Jesus belong?
Is love weak, too weak to be creative?
Is compassion sheer sentiment?
Is this a time to be hard and tough?
My emotions tell me so some of the time.
Then at other times I see Him moving amid the shadows of history.
I see Him angry, too, at evidences of injustice and mistreatment of His fellow men.
I hear Him lash out at self-righteousness and complacency.
I watch Him at last, when the anger is done and the sharp words said, stake His life on love and self-sacrifice.
I behold Him die and hear Him say,
"Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing."
And, somehow God, deep inside me I know love is not weak; it is I who am weak.
Love is indomitable and irresistible.
Hate is weakness.
Vengeance is futile, and violence is self-defeating.
Help me, for it is hard to stand by what I do know deep inside.
It is so much easier to curse than to bless.
It is easier to pronounce maledictions than to pronounce benedictions.
It is easier to shout others down than to sit down with others.
It is easier to be loud than to listen.
O God of all people, who does not separate us into good and bad but into loving and unloving.
I need your help lest I tear things up.
You have offered to help me, I know, and I hold back.
Can you push me a little harder?
I want to be more loving and I am afraid.

Hear my prayer.
Make my commitments to love more than good intentions.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Reverie........have you ever thought about what that means???  A daydream, an abstract musing or fantasy, to ponder, to think, meditate or reflect upon something or someone,
to be in a state of dreaminess....ahhh..........why not?

Claude Debussy has an exquisite piece of piano music called "Reverie" that is so sweet, so beautiful, so soothing that it lulls the pianist into a state of daydreaming while playing the piece.  It bring peacefulness, rest, hopeful longings or memories of days gone by.  It is graceful and delicate and brings about sense of lingers in your heart and mind all day if you allow it to do so.

What causes you to ponder something in your life?  What preoccupies your mind?  Your heart?  Your soul?  What brings tranquility to you?  Thoughts have an incredible power in our lives - they allow us to laugh or cry, be angry or compassionate, to hold our feelings inside or to be vulnerable, and to react or respond.....Why not allow reverie to enter your thoughts and mind for a minute, a day, a lifetime?  Meditating may allow you to release on old locked up feeling or experience from the past.  Reflection upon an idea that comes to your mind may allow you to create something beautiful, meaningful and important that this world needs. 

Allow yourself time to ponder, to think, to reflect and to feel that reverie........that awe or sense of wonder that comes from time to time.  Allow yourself to imagine something new for yourself! 

Our thoughts are powerful......they can be used for incredibly good causes or to clear the air.  Be mindful of how your thoughts progress from one thought to another.  Observe yourself for a day or an hour.  See how your mind flutters from one idea to the next.  Pick one idea and spend time in will feel a sense of calm that you may not have had in a long while........or perhaps never allowed yourself to have before in your life!

Go in peace........go in love.......go in reverie!

Friday, February 22, 2013


SNOW - beautiful snow..............have you ever seen it fall so fast as we did in KC yesterday???  Wow!  12-15 inches in the span of about 4 or 5 was beautiful!
Solid precipitation, white, and translucent ice crystals abound!!!  And, I am so grateful to be home watching it instead of driving in it, too...........

Barbra Streisand has a beautiful "Christmas Lullaby" song which not only has a beautiful melody, but has lyrics which are exquisite as well....they have stayed with me ever since I heard the song several years ago............."This is a Christmas lullaby, for someone lovely as snow falling...."  And, I have thought ever since I heard the words the first time that I would like to be that kind of person....snow falling is lovely, beautiful, quiet, charming, delightful, have those kind of qualities would be lovely!

If you haven't ever had the chance to sit and watch the snow fall, try it........spend 15 minutes quietly, watching and allow it to change your mindful how it falls on your yard, covering the ground with its white crystals........see it sparkle in the it glisten on your your dog romp in it....bundle up and go out and throw a snowball at your son or your neighbor shoveling their driveway!!!  Make a snowman or create an igloo - my sister, Debbie used to make the most amazing igloos when we were kids in Akron, Ohio!!!  I don't remember how she did it, but we sure had fun in them!!!  They were amazing......and so is she!!!  (Thanks, Debbie.....)

If you are snowbound and stuck inside due to too much snow - enjoy it!  You cannot change it for a day or two, so let yourself have some FUN!  Go on..........go outside and enjoy it!  Taste it, shovel it, play in it, and make a snow angel....remember all the fun you had as a kid???  Bring a bowl outside with you and fill it up with snow, then go inside and add food coloring to it!  Make your own snowcones - why not??? 
Sit in a snowdrift - it is a bank of snow that is just waiting for someone to pounce on it!!! (Be careful broken bones allowed here!)

Finally, have you ever seen a snowdrop flower???  It is an early blooming plant with nodding white flowers.........nodding........hmmm.....why don't you nod yes, and think about the beauty of such a flower!  I am going to try to find some to plant this spring - how about you???

Snow - glorious snow!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Be a Sweetheart...

A dear friend of mine, named Herb gave me this little newspaper clipping years ago on St. Valentine's Day and I have kept it circulating every year in his honor.  He clipped it out of the Dear Abby section of the KC Star and here it is for you....

Dear Readers:  Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day, so be a  sweetheart and call someone you love and say, "I love you."  (Make two or three calls.  Who says you can't love more than one person --in different ways, of course?)
Go through your closets and give all those clothes you've been saving until you lose 10 pounds to your favorite charity (Women's Employment Network, KC, MO?).  Call someone who's lonely and say, "I'm thinking of you."  Or better yet, say, "I'll be over tomorrow to take you to lunch....or run some errands....or give you a ride."
Visit a sick friend.  Say a prayer.  Donate some blood.  Adopt a pet. Will your eyes, your kidneys and all your usable organs to someone who can use them after you're gone.  Forgive an enemy.  Hug your teen-ager.  Write a fan letter. Listen to a bore.  Pay your doctor.  Tell your parents you think they're wonderful.  Spay your dog.  Neuter your cat.  Quit smoking.  Drive carefully.  If you're walking, watch where you're going.
And, don't wait until next year to be a sweetheart again.  Love, Abby, Herb and Pam

And, here is another good one for you:
H*U*G*S (Author Unknown)
It's wondrous what a hug can do.  A hug can cheer you when you're blue.  A hug can say, "I love you so," or "Gee! I hate to see you go."
A hug is, "Welcome back again!" And, "Great to see you!" or "Where've you been?"
A hug can soothe a small child's pain and bring a rainbow after the rain.
The hug!  There's just no doubt about it.  We scarcely could survive without it.  A hug delights and warms and charms.  It must be why God gave us arms....
Hugs are for fathers and mothers, Sweet sisters, swell for brothers, and changes are some favorite aunts love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them.  Puppies love them.  Heads of state are not above them.  A hug can break the language barrier and make the dullest day seem merrier.
No need to fret about the store of 'em.  The more you give, the more there are of 'em.
So stretch those arms without delay and give someone a hug today!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.....

Remember Judy Garland singing "Over the Rainbow" in the Wizard of Oz?  Well, here is an absolutely stunning video with this song as instrumental music in the background........please sit back, relax and ENJOY!!!

Here are the words to the song, too!

(Music by  Harold Arlen and Lyrics by E.Y. Harburg)
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high,
There's a land that we heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a start and wake up where the clouds are far behind me,
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly,
Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why can't I???

(Remember, dreams really DO come true!! And, remember that God sends us rainbows to remind us that He has an everlasting covenant with all livings creatures of every kind on for the rainbows in the clouds!!)

This short video won Grand Prize - Best of Show at International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula Montana. The majority was shot on location in Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and The National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Jubilant:  Expressing joy or being exultingly joyful - have you ever felt that way????  The state of being jubilant - WOW!  I think that would be a fun way to live...........however, most people would think I was out of my mind, right?  Well, I am willing to risk it!  
(Most people I know probably already think that I am crazy, right?  Right! (Ha! Ha!)  Oh well.....)

I was reading a devotion this morning by a young lady whose daughter she named Jubilee and it started me thinking..........hmmm....what if we did celebrate EACH day we are alive?  Jubilee is for a special anniversary such as a 50th wedding anniversary or an occasion of joyful celebration.  What have you celebrated recently???  

The infamous day of "Love" is coming - Valentine's Day!  A day filled with chocolate, pink flowers, red hearts and roses galore!!!
Even if you don't have your very own valentine YOU could be someone else's!
Think about that 90 year old neighbor whose husband has been gone 30 years....or a friend's parent who lives in an assisted living place and they live 50 miles away - could you go visit them and take them a Valentine?

There are a million ways of showing jubilation!!!  Try it, experiment, be creative, step out of that traditional box you hold in your mind and bring some delight to someone else's world who may need a bit of cheering up!

One of my favorite scriptures reminds us to rejoice each day:
"Rejoice in the Lord always!  Again, I say Rejoice!"  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near!"  (Philippians 4:4-5)

Go and be jubilant today!!!  
(Besides, I need some other crazy people running around out there in this world with me!!!)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just Think.....

Here is a message from the co-founder of DaySpring products, Roy Lessin that touched my heart, so I wanted to pass it along to each of you for 2013:

Just Think,
You're here not by chance, but by God's choosing.
His hand formed you and made you the person you are.
He compares you to no one else -- you are one of a kind.
You lack nothing that His grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation.......Just think...........

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.