Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Respite of Summer abounds..........

Respite of Summer..........ahhhh....doesn't that sound lovely?  A reprieve, a lull, a letting go.....a rest.
Summer actually starts this coming weekend and I am reflecting on what I would like to do for my summer for fun.......for reprieve.......for a rest.  That is a tall order for one who goes "Mach 12 with my hair on fire" most of the time, but luckily, God is working on that with me!!!  LOL

I have found after breaking my ankle this past spring that hurrying isn't the way to enjoy all that God has created.  Nope, hurrying only accomplishes another form of stress and anxiety if I continue to allow it to do so.....So, instead I have decided that a respite of summer is in order!!!  I plan on going bicycling this weekend on the Katy Trail and am going to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the person's company that I am going cares in the world type attitude.

Have you ever experienced a lull?  It means taking a break, pausing.........hmmmm...why in the world has it taken me 56 years to realize I need a lull or a pause in my life???  Not sure, but you know what?  I am going to enjoy it!!! 

Letting go.........hmmmm....what do I need to let go of?  A habit, a worry, a control issue, caretaking of others?  Why not let it go my heart says???  The concept of leting go means to relinquish that which holds you.......would you consider it?  Even if it is only for an afternoon or a day?  Ask someone else to cover a shift of caretaking for you for an hour or a day!  Let go of that worry that robs you of sleep!  Stop habitually doing something that causes you pain or discomfort!  Allow the control factor to go on vacation for a bit! 

Rest - what a concept!  Shall I actually stop all activity and rest?  Relax?  Rejuvenate?  YES!  Why not???  Take a hot bath.........go to a Yoga class.........go to a lovely park that you haven't been to in a while and sit!  Yes, sit!!!  Sip on a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with a friend..........take a look at your dog or cat lounging around your house and stay a while with them!  Read a book that has been calling your name for months - just for fun!  No work, no fuss, no worry - just rest!!!

There is something about the "lazy days of Summer" that calling my name - is it calling your name...........will you give into it and allow yourself to enjoy the summer?   I hope so because the respite of summer abounds..........

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