Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Well, once again I have come to a place where I need to release and let go of something I thought I really wanted in my life and ultimately found out that it is not what I thought it was going to be.
Have you ever encountered that in your life? 
And, if so, what do you do at that point?
Are you like me and fuss and fume that it did not work out?  Or, do you trash yourself and degrade yourself for ever even thinking it would work out?  Or, do you doubt that you have a reasonable mind at all?  Or, do you accept that it did not work out the way you thought it would and simply acknowledge that?  Without blame, without shame, without guilt, or without regret?

Before you go belittling yourself, beating yourself up, or feeling sorry for yourself, let's look at the definition of release:
1) To free from confinement or bondage, obligation, pain, etc.; to let go, to release a prisoner, to release someone from a debt.
2) To free from anything that restrains, fastens, etc.; to release a catapult.
3) To allow to be known, issued, done or exhibited; to release an article for publication.
4) Law: to give up, relinquish or surrender a right or a claim. free, to free, to allow, and to give up!  Relinquish, surrender....release.  Then, go one step more and feel the relief of letting it go..........hook, line and sinker!!!
Yes, that's right unclench your fist, unclasp that hold on it, release, let go, leave it behind, let loose of and unhand it!!!

Just think!  Once you really let it go, there is room for something NEW!!!

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