Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cathartic healing.....

Cathartic.....ever consider this type of healing?

Well, it's a big word for a a thought-provoking conversation and/or process of healing.
If you google it, the definition is:  Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions, causing catharsis.

Have you ever thought you have healed a past hurt and then realized there were (or are) more layers of healing needed???  Well, I just found that out this past weekend!  While spending time with a friend from high school and talking about our lives and the separate paths we took between high school and today, I came across quite a rude awakening!  Areas that I thought were completely healed came to the surface.  And, in some ways, they came back with a vengeance!  Like I said, I thought I had let them go and was pretty proud that I had prayed, spent time writing my feelings out in a journal, gone to counseling, etc. etc. etc. to heal those hurts.  And yet, in discussing some of those old wounds, it became very clear that I had not laid them to rest 100%. 

Now, will those hurts ever be healed 100%?  I honestly do not have that answer.  But, I do know that being able to work through the old feelings of bitterness, anger and/or resentment of the past, gave me a new level of relief as I openly expressed my side of the story!!! in the world had some of the anger settled in my heart?  How could that resentment re-surface? Bitterness?  Surely not!  And, yet, my friend heard it loud and clear!!!  It took me by surprise.....

Healing, wholeness, psychological relief, and strong's quite a mix!!!

Yes, we all have times or experiences when something is so disturbing that we have a hard time sleeping, or we go through a time a depression and grief.  But, have you considered that what you went through was truly a trauma in your life?  Stop for a moment and consider the possibility that you haven't completely healed yet....and then, consider going through a cathartic experience to bring about another layer of healing for your heart, mind and soul.

We are complex as human beings.  And, sometimes, we become a human "doing!"  We continue going through the motions and believe we are addressing the issues, and boom!  We find out, no we have not gotten it all out yet....if you have something traumatic in your past, consider going a little deeper to heal.  Be gentle with yourself and try again.  Feel the feelings and allow them to surface.  Remember, they are just feelings - you don't have to act on those feelings.  Just feel them.  Then, deal with how you feel about it again.  Seek some wise counsel or share with a friend who knows you and cares enough to listen.  Then, allow yourself to heal....again and again..........whether it's five minutes or five years, or perhaps twenty five years - allow your heart to let it go once again.  Simply acknowledge that it happened.  And, that you do NOT have to live it again!  You just need to heal.
Feel, deal,'s a wonderful gift to yourself!!!

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