Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A New Year 2015!!!
(Part 2)

Yesterday, we brought up the subject of goals for 2015.  We asked you what you wanted to do with your life for this New Year and what would you like to have happen in your life this year?  There are so many ways to look at the beginning of a new year!!!  I hope you take some time to ask yourself some of those questions and let your mind and heart answer.  We are so blessed to have so many choices in this life and asking ourselves a few of these kinds of questions at the beginning of a new year has some merit!  Also, answering some of them may put into place a new thought process that allows you to move forward in an area you may have been previously stuck or in a rut! 
Go ahead, try it – you may like the results!!! 
Today, I am asking you a different type of question:   Have you considered asking God to show you what direction He has in mind for you?  What does He have planned for you?  Where does He want you to go?  Or, accomplish? Or, be a part of? 
As I ask this question, I realize how difficult it is to discern what the God of the Universe has in mind for your life, but are you willing to open yourself up to learning what He would like to do in you and through you?  He has given you gifts, talents and abilities to use for His Glory!!!  He has a plan to reach other people in your life who may need what you have to offer or give.  Most of the time, we do not realize the reason we have been given a talent or skill is that that gift is to be used for the benefit of other people.  Yep!  That’s right!  It may have been given to you, but may be primarily to be used for other people!
I am in the middle of a Beth Moore Bible Study called:  To Live is Christ.  This week we are studying the Spiritual Gifts God has placed in every believer.  That’s right.  Every person who accepts Christ as their Savior has been given a gift (or perhaps more than one gift) to lift up the body of Christ.  To help others.  To assist in bringing love, joy, peace, patience and goodness to others - to show God’s love to the world!!!
So, are you willing to learn what those gifts are?  Would you be willing to put your talents out there to help someone else?  Perhaps you are being called to go on a mission trip at your church.  Perhaps you are being called to give of your time at a Homeless or Women’s shelter.  Perhaps you are being called to donate clothes or bedding for those who have none.  Perhaps you are being called to volunteer to help a neighbor move.  Perhaps you are being called to teach the little ones at your church. Perhaps you are called to teach other people less fortunate to read.  The possibilities are endless!!! 
And, better yet, ask yourself:  What do you want to do for Him today???  How can you share the love and joy, the forgiveness and mercy, the faith and hope of Christ to another person today?  Where can you go to spread a splash of joy or an encouraging word to someone who needs to hear it?  What can you do to offer grace?

I have a dear friend whose mother taught her to surrender her day to the Lord every morning and ask for her assignment.  Her assignment to share Christ’s love.
Have you surrendered your life for the benefit of others?  Have you asked where you can be used?  Have you considered the purpose for your life as being something more than what your mind can conceive?  Have you considered that God has a plan for your life which is far greater than you realized as the reason you are on this planet???
If not, you might want to sit down and contemplate the bigger picture of God’s infinite love.  He wants to spread it to everyone.  Not just a few.  Not just you.  Everyone!!!

Another favorite devotional book I read is called God Calling. Its authors are anonymous.  Two listeners.  Waiting to hear from God each day.  January 2nd’s devotion suggests these questions to contemplate today:
“How many burdens can you lighten today?  This year?  How many hearts can you cheer?  How many souls can you help?”  Wow…..these are enormous questions to ask ourselves!!!

This is a new year.  And, it can be a new adventure to find out how we fit into God’s plans.  And, how we can be used for His Glory!  I pray you will each contemplate that possibility and purpose for your life.  Happy New Year!!!  It will be a GLORIOUS year!!!

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